windows – Received “uncaught type error cannot read properties of undefined (reading pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions)” with PDFJS

I downloaded from github PDFJS 4.3.146 and installed according to github instructions USING NPM and NPX. I also installed node.js. I then loaded the generated pdf.js into a VisualStudio 2022 project on Windows 10, dropped down to the learning examples, and ran “Hello World” to validate the install and setup.

The first error I got was PDFJSlib was undefined so I added a statement to resolve: let { pdfjsLib } = globalThis;

Now when I run the page, I get an “Uncaught type error cannot read properties of undefined (reading pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions)”.

The “Hello, world” title appears on the web page, followed by the Javascript code

I suspect I’m not getting the right setup of pdfjsLib correct but don’t know how to fix this.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <title>'Hello, world!' example</title>

    <h1>'Hello, world!' example</h1>
    <canvas id="the-canvas" style="border: 1px solid black; direction: ltr;"> 

    <script src="" type="module"> 

    <script id="script" type="module">
    // If absolute URL from the remote server is provided, configure the CORS
    // header on that server.
    const url="./helloworld.pdf";
    let { pdfjsLib } = globalThis;
    // The workerSrc property shall be specified.

    // Asynchronous download PDF
    const loadingTask = pdfjsLib.getDocument(url);
    const pdf = await loadingTask.promise;
    // Fetch the first page
    const page = await pdf.getPage(1);
    const scale = 1.5;
    const viewport = page.getViewport({ scale });
    // Support HiDPI-screens.
    const outputScale = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;

    // Prepare canvas using PDF page dimensions
    const canvas = document.getElementById("the-canvas");
    const context = canvas.getContext("2d");

    canvas.width = Math.floor(viewport.width * outputScale);
    canvas.height = Math.floor(viewport.height * outputScale); = Math.floor(viewport.width) + "px"; = Math.floor(viewport.height) + "px";

    const transform = outputScale !== 1
      ? [outputScale, 0, 0, outputScale, 0, 0]
      : null;

    // Render PDF page into canvas context
  const renderContext = {
    canvasContext: context,

<h2>JavaScript code:</h2>
<pre id="code"></pre>
  document.getElementById('code').textContent =

All suggestions on how to resolve this are welcome
Thanks in Advance

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