visual studio – VSCode Python Debugger Cannot Execute Third-Party Unit Test Package

I am trying to use the VSCode debugger to run DeepEval for executing LLM-based unit tests. However, I keep encountering an error related to executing the deepeval package. Here is the error message I receive:

$  /usr/bin/env C:\\Users\\myuser\\anaconda3\\envs\\myenv\\python.exe c:\\Users\\myuser\\.vscode\\extensions\\ms-python.debugpy-2024.6.0-win32-x64\\bundled\\libs\\debugpy\\adapter/../..\\debugpy\\launcher 54604 -- C:\\Users\\myuser\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Coding\\Project/langchain_env/ test run C:\\Users\\myuser\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Coding\\Project/tests/ 

C:\Users\myuser\anaconda3\envs\myenv\lib\site-packages\deepeval\ UserWarning: You are using deepeval version 0.21.43, however version 0.21.45 is available. You should consider upgrading via the "pip install --upgrade deepeval" command.
C:\Users\myuser\anaconda3\envs\myenv\python.exe: No module named deepeval.__main__; 'deepeval' is a package and cannot be directly executed

Here is my launch.json configuration:

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "name": "Deepeval",
            "type": "python",
            "request": "launch",
            "program": "${workspaceFolder}/langchain_env/",
            "args": [
            "debugStdLib": true,
            "justMyCode": true

Steps I Have Taken:

  1. Ensured that DeepEval is installed in the virtual environment (myenv).
  2. Verified that the Python interpreter is correctly set to the virtual environment in VSCode.
  3. Created a wrapper script ( to handle the DeepEval command. Script:

import sys
import subprocess

def main():
    command = [sys.executable, "-m", "deepeval"] + sys.argv[1:]
    result =, capture_output=True, text=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":


How can I configure VSCode to properly execute the DeepEval package within the debugger? Is there something wrong with my launch.json configuration, or is there a better way to set this up?

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