Visual Studio thread execution stops on a non-breakpoint

I have a MAUI application, which has two different runtimes (? idk what to call this where I can choose either the Windows or Android version, nor what to call it when I choose one vs the other),

different runtimes

and depending on which one I pick and whether I choose to run the app in my tablet, the code will stop in a thread like so

thread hitting a non-breakpoint and stopping

and I have no idea why it always stops here in debug mode. I do not have a breakpoint here.

I can click "continue" to move past it with no problem. In other parts of my code where it stops like this, I have to "continue" multiple times as multiple different threads will stop at the same spot.

I looked up similar issues to this, and there is a SO post from 10 years ago, but it’s not entirely the same thing since it didn’t appear to have anything to do with threading. Most of my research found posts where VS is supposed to hit a breakpoint but doesn’t. This is the reverse problem: threads are breaking execution where there is no breakpoint. Why does this happen and how do I get it to stop?

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