visual studio – How to include .Net framework version in .Net 3.5 dll?

I’m using Azure build pipelines to build my .Net 3.5 project and the .Net version is not included in the resulting .dll file. I’m using JetBrains dotPeek decompiler to inspect my dll file, and I believe an image shows my situation best. The below image shows a locally and remotely compiled dll file.

When my project is compiled remotely, the meta information about using .Net 3.5 is not included in the dll.

When I compile my project locally, the meta information about using .Net 3.5 is included in the dll (highlighted in yellow). When I use an azure build pipeline, the meta information about using .Net 3.5 is not included.

How do I ensure that the meta information about using .Net Framework 3.5 is included? I believe that the mscorlib reference version seen in the screenshot is a clue. I might be able to simply configure the build pipeline to use an older version of Windows, but I would rather use the latest version if possible.

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