visual studio – How to change the dir of an existing git project

Yes, you can change the directory structure of your existing Git project without losing commit history.

  1. Create the subfolder:
    First, create the new subfolder in your project directory.

mkdir new_subfolder

2. **Move the project files into the subfolder**:
Move all the files and directories (except the `.git` directory) into the new subfolder.

git mv * new_subfolder/
git mv .* new_subfolder/

Note: The git mv .* new_subfolder/ command might throw warnings for . and .. entries. You can ignore these warnings.

  1. Commit the changes:
    After moving the files, commit the changes to your Git repository.

    git add .
    git commit -m "Moved project files into new_subfolder"
  2. Update your GitHub repository:
    Push the changes to your GitHub repository.

    git push origin main

    Replace main with the name of your branch if you’re using a different branch.

Here’s a summary of the commands:

mkdir new_subfolder
git mv * new_subfolder/
git mv .* new_subfolder/
git add .
git commit -m "Moved project files into new_subfolder"
git push origin main

Important considerations:

  • Ensure that you do not move the .git directory itself, as it contains your repository’s version history.
  • If you have files or directories starting with a dot (e.g., .env), make sure to move them as well.

After these steps, your project files will be inside the new subfolder, and the commit history will be preserved.

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