visual studio – How can I enable breakpoints in both .exe and .dll C++ projects in a single solution?

I have a solution in visual studio with one .exe(exe1) project and 2 dlls (dll1,dll2).
.exe depending on these 2 dlls.

when I build dll2 and immediately build exe1, it says dll2.lib is not found. But if I wait for a 5 seconds and build exe its building successfully. I dont understand why

What I want is to debug both dll and exe when I am running the solution with exe as my starting project. But since I am building exe at the end , only exe break points are enabled (A different version of symbol is loaded for dll1. dll2 has no such issue); Now if I build dll1 and directly run the code I can only put break points in dll’s code ; exe break points are hollow and not hit.

How can I achieve debugging both exe and dll. dll2 has breakpoints that are hit. whcih settings I should check in dll1?

Output directory of all these are same folder.

I have read this How to debug an exe with multiple dlls using breakpoints But I am not able to manually add symbols to the file too. It says matching symbol file not found when I am selecting the pdb file

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