The father of Final Fantasy teamed back up with Square Enix after 21 years to break his latest RPG out of Apple Arcade jail

Jailbreak! During Tuesday’s Nintendo Direct presentation, a trailer for Japanese RPG Fantasian: Neo Dimension revealed that the 2021 Apple Arcade exclusive is finally coming to PC. Its creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, best known for helming the Final Fantasy series from 1987 until his departure from Squaresoft in 2003, had some surprise help in freeing Fantasian from its mobile exclusivity: Final Fantasy 14 producer Yoshi-P.

If you follow Sakaguchi on Twitter, you’ll immediately realize this is a match made in heaven. Sakaguchi loves Final Fantasy 14, playing the MMO to the near exclusion of all other games. He “basically lived in Final Fantasy 14” back in 2022, playing it 12 hours a day, but has never collaborated on it, saying then he wouldn’t be able to enjoy playing it as much. While Sakaguchi seems to be on good terms with his former Square Enix colleagues these days, he hasn’t worked on anything with the studio in more than 20 years. Until Fantasian.

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