Digvijay G. | Arise Work From Home % %

Currently servicing a gaming client program.

The Arise® Platform is amazing because of the flexibility it provides. The opportunities on the platform allow me the free time to study as well as earn revenue. Servicing also keeps me connected to the gaming community which I’m very fond of.

One night when I was servicing, someone reached out because they were facing a serious issue with the game they were playing. They were unable to progress on the game that they loved, so they were very frustrated and disappointed. After I finished troubleshooting and providing solutions, the customer responded with a very generous note of thanks and a positive survey. They shared that Service Partners like me make such a difference in the gaming community. As a gamer from a young age myself, I’ve faced similar challenges – going to customer support and having your issues resolved seamlessly gives you such joy. I was excited and proud to offer the same experience to someone else.

I would recommend the Arise® Platform to others for its flexibility, the opportunities it provides, the games we get to work with, and the great support resources. I would recommend the Arise® Platform to anyone looking for the best gig work in the world.

Quick Q&A with Digvijay: 

  1. How did you first hear about the Arise® Platform? It was basically a coincidence – I had just finished my last semester in school, and a senior who was in my department told me about the Arise® Platform. When I learned that there were customer support opportunities in the gaming industry, it felt like a dream come true because I have been interested in gaming since I was young. I got that referral and that’s how I began my journey on the Arise® Platform.
  1. How has your use of the Arise® Platform improved your life? The Arise® Platform has made amazing improvements in my life. It’s helped me with my communication skills – during certification, and I have been able to work through challenging situations in support, emails, etc. – it has made me better at communications and talking to people. In the online community that I’m in, I meet people and notice that I’m better at communicating.

Jennifer C. | Arise Work From Home % %

How did you hear about the Arise® Platform? 

I’ve worked in many different fields. I was a nurse for 18 years, and I worked at a factory but was injured at one of my previous jobs. So, I was searching for something I could do from home and started working for a Service Partner at first, but then later started my own business. 

How has the Arise® Platform improved your life? 

I would recommend Arise to anybody.  

It saved my life personally because, in so many ways, I am not able to go out and work, but by using the Arise® Platform, I get to set my own hours, and when I was in the medical transportation class, the instructor was actually impressed with how much knowledge I had because of my nursing background. 

Now I am in the home improvement client certification class, and I feel I am going to be great at servicing this program too. 

Even with my personal troubles, I am still doing the best I can to service. 

I just love everything about the Arise® Platform—I have met some wonderful people virtually [laughs]. 

What does it mean for you to be your own boss and run your own company? 

I am able to create my own schedule and pick programs I want to service. 

It means that I have control of how much money I can earn and how many hours I can service. 

It has boosted my confidence and has given me something to look forward to… 

And I feel I can build my own business on the platform. 

I do thank my previous Service Partner because of one thing: they introduced me to Arise® Platform, and I am now writing my own future!  

Why would you recommend the Arise® Platform to others? 

As far as Arise, it’s wonderful—they have great clients on the platform! 

You can make your own schedule. You can meet wonderful people. And you don’t have to choose one opportunity—You can choose several opportunities. 

You can actually provide customer service for big companies and get that experience while also having the time being with your children from the comfort of your own home. 

Arise respects the people who use the Arise® Platform and what they desire to achieve in life. 

Some people don’t know how to go about working from home, and some people cannot go out to work—like me. 

I don’t know what I would be doing without the Arise® Platform. 

The positive note out of everything that has happened to me is that I have found the Arise® Platform. 

Leah F. | Arise Work From Home % %

For me, there are two words that describe my experience in using the Arise® Platform: stability and reliability. Servicing on the platform has provided my business with a stable, reliable revenue source. There’s no guesswork and those things are what I appreciate the most.

It’s very difficult to find a reliable work-from-home opportunity. The Arise® Platform is a great choice because of the supportive community and professional growth opportunities. Joining the Arise® Platform was one of the best decisions I ever made for my company. It made it possible for me to run my business so that I could be a stay-at-home mom. My kids are grown now, but I had the opportunity to drive them to school and be there when they got home. There was never a need for sitters or daycare.

I feel like working from home can feel isolating for some people, but it doesn’t have to be with the Arise® Platform. I don’t feel alone in a virtual world – it’s a very supportive community of like-minded business owners, and I feel a huge sense of camaraderie. There are a lot of opportunities for Service Partners to succeed in their businesses.  I really like the other business owners I have met along the way and have formed great connections.

A quick Q&A with Leah:

Q: How did you first hear about the Arise® Platform?

I stumbled upon the Arise® Platform while actively searching for a work-from-home entrepreneurial opportunity.  I found it through an internet search, and I didn’t know anyone who was using it at the time.

Q: Why did you choose the home improvement client program and what do you like most about it?

A supportive community is very important. I love servicing the home improvement program because their culture is uplifting and amazing. The support, the culture, and the attitude have really helped enhance my business – I love everything about this program.

Cee Cee C. | Arise Work From Home % %

My story began when I decided to move from my home state of New Jersey to Georgia, where I didn’t know anyone, after going through a divorce. I just took a leap of faith that this was the right decision for me to start over after 20 years of marriage. I’m not going to lie; it wasn’t the easiest decision and there were some rough patches. 

I am an information nut, I’m always on the computer researching information, so I learned about Arise in one of my many searches. Also, during a conversation with a friend, I told him about my desire to work from home and what I was planning to do, and he told me I should try the Arise® Platform and referred me to a Service Partner. That was the added confirmation I needed to sign up and get started.  

 I’ve always been one to commit to doing what I said I was going to do and that discipline while using the platform has afforded me the freedom to decide what I want to do when I want to do it—simply by putting my mind to it!  

The platform allows me to have my ‘Calgon take me away days’ as I like to call them. Days to refresh yourself. You don’t need to ask anyone for the time away. Before I started servicing on the Arise® Platform, I had never been out of the country. Now I’ve been to 5-Star Resorts in Jamaica, on a few cruises, and that’s just the beginning. 
Not only have I been able to enjoy traveling, but I have also expanded my business ventures – in addition to the service I provide on the platform. I am a certified mental health coach, a certified holistic health & wellness coach, a travel advisor, and a published author. 

The Arise® Platform is allowing me to live the best of my life for the rest of my life! 

Quick Q&A with Cee Cee: 

  1. Why would you recommend the Arise® Platform to others? The support you receive while using the platform is amazing. The process of getting started is not complicated, however, you do need to be disciplined. There are also several clients to choose from, something for everyone’s interests.  
  1. What do you like best about the program(s) you service? I provide support services for the financial services program and the home improvement program. I love them both – they offer the flexibility and variety I’m looking for to keep me engaged while servicing.  
  1. In one word, how would you describe the Arise® Platform? Freedom! 

Micala P. | Arise Work From Home % %

My journey in finding the Arise® Platform started in 2016 when I was researching work-from-home opportunities. Because of my health, I thought it would be a good option for me but I’m a skeptic, so I was very leery when looking into the different work-from-home opportunities and finding one that would work for me. It took me 2 years before the events in my life made the choice for me, and working from home was the only viable option. In 2018 I started using the Arise® Platform and I chose the major theme park as my first client program – the happiest place for me!  

Servicing on the platform worked well for me as, due to my health I was on disability, and back and forth to doctors’ appointments. But I was able to work my schedule around my needs to take care of myself. Then, once I was feeling better, my dad got ill, and I had to be home more to take care of him until he passed away. The platform was there for me when I needed it. I knew I had responsibilities; I knew people were counting on me, and this kept me from falling into a deep depression. It gave me purpose, especially when shortly thereafter I experienced several other losses of friends and family members. Knowing someone needed me and I was responsible for my commitments to the platform kept me going daily. 

Now, I’ve moved my mom in with me so we can have quality time together. When I’m not servicing, we do projects around the house, take the dogs for walks, and just enjoy each other’s company. I am also able to spend more time with my daughter and the rest of the family. 

In the time I’ve been using the Arise® Platform, I have serviced a few different programs, including the major sporting goods store and a major tax software company. Even though I have an accounting/financial analyst background, I’ve found the home improvement and major theme park programs to be the right fit for me. But I still want to grow, the platform has inspired me to want to continue to grow–professionally, and personally. I enjoy helping the agents who work for my business and want to expand it and I’m going back to school to get my doctorate too! 

Quick Q&A with Micala: 

  1. What do you like best about the program(s) you service? I provide service for the home improvement program, which I love because I’m able to do a variety of different things. The customers are calling because they truly need help. Servicing this program, you need to stay on top of your resources, and I recommend attending the huddles too! I also service the major theme park – and I just love these calls! Their systems are easy, the customers are happy, and it is just a consistently happy atmosphere. The support provided is top-notch! 
  1. Why would you recommend the Arise® Platform to others? For the flexibility and freedom! It pushes you to be organized and self-sufficient. I always recommend that you review your resources, like CrowdHub, and make your schedule and stick to it! 
  1. In one word, how would you describe the Arise® Platform? Flexibility!