Apple alerts users in 92 nations to mercenary spyware attacks

Apple sent threat notifications to iPhone users in 92 countries on Wednesday, warning them that may have been targeted by mercenary spyware attacks.

The company sent the alerts to individuals in 92 nations at 12pm Pacific Time Wednesday. It did not disclose the attackers’ identities or the countries where users received notifications.

“Apple detected that you are being targeted by a mercenary spyware attack that is trying to remotely compromise the iPhone associated with your Apple ID -xxx-,” it wrote in the warning to affected customers.

“This attack is likely targeting you specifically because of who you are or what you do. Although it’s never possible to achieve absolute certainty when detecting such attacks, Apple has high confidence in this warning — please take it seriously,” Apple added in the text, a copy of which TechCrunch reviewed.

The iPhone-maker sends these kind of notifications multiple times a year and has notified users to such threats in over 150 countries since 2021, per an updated Apple support page.

It also sent an identical warning to a number of journalists and politicians in India in October last year. Later, nonprofit advocacy group Amnesty International reported that it had found Israeli spyware maker NSO Group’s invasive spyware Pegasus on the iPhones of prominent journalists in India. (Users in India are among those who have received Apple’s latest threat notifications, according to people familiar with the matter.)

The spyware alerts arrive at a time when many nations are preparing for elections. In recent months, many tech firms have cautioned about rising state-sponsored efforts to sway certain electoral outcomes. Apple’s alerts, however, did not remark on their timing.

“We are unable to provide more information about what caused us to send you this notification, as that may help mercenary spyware attackers adapt their behavior to evade detection in the future,” the company told impacted customers.

It previously described the attackers as “state-sponsored” but has replaced all such references with “mercenary spyware attacks.”

The warning to customers adds: “Mercenary spyware attacks, such as those using Pegasus from the NSO Group, are exceptionally rare and vastly more sophisticated than regular cybercriminal activity or consumer malware.”

Apple said it relies solely on “internal threat-intelligence information and investigations to detect such attacks.” “Although our investigations can never achieve absolute certainty, Apple threat notifications are high-confidence alerts that a user has been individually targeted by a mercenary spyware attack and should be taken very seriously,” it added.

Visual Studio Geeks | Exploring GitHub Advanced Security for Azure DevOps

It has been a few months since GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) has been made generally available for Azure DevOps. During this time, I’ve engaged with numerous customers eager to implement GHAS within their Azure subscriptions. In this post, I wanted to show you a quick way to set up GHAS within Azure DevOps and explore the features available.

Enabling Advanced Security in Azure DevOps

This is easy, however, you need to be a member of the Project Collection Administrator group. You can verify that from Organization Settings -> Permissions and then the Members tab. You should see your name.

Once you have verified you are a Project Collection Administrator, you are ready to enable GHAS.

You can enable GHAS either individually per repo or across the organisation for all the repositories.

If you want to enable it for all the repositories in your organization, you will need to go to organization settings and then the Repositories section and enable it there.

For this post, I am enabling it only for a single repository. Once you click the Advanced Security flag (1), you will be prompted to show the number of committers you will be billed against (more on billing below). This repository has only me committing to it, so it has correctly identified 1 active committer (2).

Once you click Begin billing GHAS should be enabled.

If your ADO instance does not have a linked and active subscription, you might get the below error.

You will need to select an active Azure subscription under the Billing tab under organization settings in ADO.

Once you select a valid subscription, you will be able to enable GHAS for the repositories.

Exploring GHAS features

Block secrets on push

Once you enable GHAS, by default Block secrets on push feature is enabled too. With this setting enabled, ADO will automatically check any incoming pushes for embedded secrets and reject them automatically. Not only works on CLI, but it works on the web interface too.

For a simple test, below I am trying to commit a file with the GitHub API key, and it was rejected.

Note that at the time of writing this GHAS supports secrets push protection only for certain service providers. Although secrets from the majority of service providers are supported, I was surprised to see GitLab personal access token is not supported yet.

Although not recommended, there is a way to push a secret that has been blocked. To push, you need to have skip-secret-scanning:true in your commit message.

This will allow the secret to be committed, however, it will be caught in the Secret scanning alert (more on that below).

The great thing about GHAS is that clicking on the alert will give you remediation steps too.

Dependency Scanning and Code Scanning

Dependency and Code scanning are additional features of GHAS. Dependency scanning will scan any vulnerabilities in your repo from your open-source dependencies. Code scanning will scan your source code (from supported languages) for vulnerabilities.

Both these tasks are enabled through pipeline tasks. On any GHAS-enabled repo, you will be able to run the pipeline with these tasks and get the status of the repo.

You can create a pipeline and add the tasks for dependency and code scanning.

However, this post has already gotten super long than I intended it to be, I will probably do another post and explore both of those functionalities in detail.


GHAS for Azure DevOps is a paid product and is available only for Azure DevOps Services. For Azure DevOps Service linked to an Azure Subscription, this will automatically be visible in your billing for subscription. At the time of writing this, it costs 49$ per active committer per month.

That is it for this post. Thank you for reading. 🎉