Why Freelance 3D Real Estate Rendering Services are Becoming More Popular for Companies

Real estate professionals are constantly searching for the best strategies to help them close deals faster. If you’ve already exhausted all the standard and traditional marketing methods to no avail, now might be the perfect time to tap into a new world: 3D real estate rendering services.

It’s no secret how highly competitive the real estate industry can get. With the long list of properties available on the market, real estate companies should think of and develop creative means to ensure their listings stand out. This is where freelance 3D real estate rendering services enter the picture. These services specialize in 3D rendering that can help create realistic and lifelike visual representations of properties and homes. The visually captivating 3D renders can come in handy to effectively market listings better compared to regular images or photos.

How 3D real estate rendering works

There are three primary stages in developing 3D-rendered visuals for real estate purposes.


Developing an accurate 3D model of a property is the initial step during 3D rendering. Freelance 3D architectural rendering experts use photographs, measurements, and floor plans to come up with 3D models that closely resemble their real-life counterparts. Every feature of the architectural structure is also recreated to the minor details, including the exterior finishes, windows, and doors.


The second step involves giving realistic colors and surface textures to the 3D model. All materials, such as stone, metal, and wood, are textured to look authentic. Digital maps are then used to apply the textures that will make the 3D models more lifelike and detailed.


Last, a computer will render the textured 3D model into a photorealistic image. The advanced rendering software can simulate light physics to produce realistic angles, reflections, shadows, and lighting. The final result is an eye-catching visual that resembles an actual photograph.

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Now that you have a good idea about the process involved in 3D real estate rendering, it’s time to learn some of the top reasons why more and more freelance 3D architectural visualization firms are becoming in demand among companies to market their listings.

They boost the exposure of market listings


Engaging with 3D content can help boost the exposure and visibility of a market listing. Visually enticing 3D real estate renders have higher chances of getting more engagement, shares, and clicks on different real estate platforms. Freelance 3D real estate services can help make your listings more unforgettable. Furthermore, with the help of 3D visualization services, homebuyers are more likely to remember the properties presented. It can result in more showings, offers, and sales.

They allow more cost-effective marketing campaigns

Today’s freelance 3D real estate services are no longer as expensive as they used to be. Real estate companies can access enticing, powerful, and effective 3D visual content for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising. It offers exceptional value as far as marketing investment is concerned.

They facilitate virtual tours of properties

Freelance 3D real estate services can also allow prospective buyers to go on virtual tours of properties without needing them to visit each one personally. These service providers can produce virtual staging for architecture services and 3D walkthroughs that put the entire home in the spotlight. Homebuyers can also go on a more immersive experience that can breathe life into listings. In addition, 3D real estate rendering can allow homebuyers to enjoy a convenient remote viewing of potential properties. For real estate companies, it offers an efficient marketing asset for promoting listings to more buyers.

RELATED: Virtual Staging Costs, Service Fees & Architectural Pricing for Real Estate Companies

They help guarantee future-proof marketing

3D real estate content is expected to be the way of the future regarding real estate marketing. With staged photos and virtual tours gaining traction by the day, real estate companies can use 3D to future-proof their marketing efforts.

They highlight the main features of properties

Freelance 3D real estate services give real estate companies a chance to emphasize and showcase features and architectural elements of the property. More detailed 3D real estate models can highlight everything, from the posh finishes to the custom tilework. This level of attention to detail is something that regular photos can never capture, no matter how hard they try. Strategic 3D real estate rendering can draw the attention and interest of the buyers to the most standout features of a property. This can convey details such as floor plans, room dimensions, lighting schemes, etc. These can unite to form an emotional connection with prospective buyers.

They produce interactive experiences in 3D

3D real estate rendering allows realtors to develop and offer more interactive 3D experiences for potential buyers. The interactive floor plans, 360 virtual reality house tours, 3D walkthroughs, and more can all offer a more immersive preview than their static counterparts. Again, potential buyers can form stronger connections when these elements are all present.

They make listing representations more memorable

Property listings that feature 3D-rendered images are more likely to linger in the minds of potential buyers. It can increase the return on investment by allowing more shows, engagement, and sales.

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They can showcase both interior and exterior spaces

Freelance 3D real estate offerings provide a smooth display of interior and exterior aspects. Exterior photorealistic rendering experts highlight the property’s curb appeal and surrounding environments. Meanwhile, 3D interior rendering professionals focus on the dwelling’s spaces, furniture, arrangement, and design features. 3D real estate rendering can stitch together all of these spaces into a unified and single visualization. It gives buyers a complete view of the property that static photos can never replicate.


They can stage property listings virtually

Whether you like it or not, home staging is time-consuming and expensive. Freelance 3D visualization designers offer a virtual staging solution to help real estate companies save money and time. Any property could be staged even without physical décor or furniture. Real estate agents use virtual staging to create realistic décor and furnishings to fill empty spaces and areas. It showcases the fullest potential of a property and helps buyers get a good visualization of the entire space.

Tips to find the best freelance 3D real estate services

Real estate companies and realtors must find the best freelance 3D real estate services they can partner with to harness 3D rendering and its power to the fullest. Below are some helpful tips to point you toward the exemplary freelance service that can simplify the 3D real estate rendering process for you.

  • Check and verify their experience in real estate projects.

Before anything else, it’s essential to look for a freelance provider of 3D real estate services that has extensive rendering experience for real estate in particular. This will assure you they have a good grasp of the visualization needs to market properties and homes.

  • Browse their portfolio for 3D real estate rendering.

Check the samples of past real estate projects in the service provider’s portfolio. It will give you a good idea and glimpse of their visual capabilities and overall quality.

  • Confirm if there are 3D walkthroughs offered.

As much as possible, you must look for freelance 3D real estate services offering interactive 3D walkthroughs and the usual still renders. These walkthroughs make room for better visibility and more engagement.

  • Look for a quick turnaround time.

Every time you market active listings, sticking to the timelines is critical. Choose freelance 3D real estate services that can immediately provide top-of-the-line renders without jeopardizing the quality.

  • Read reviews and testimonials.

Positive reviews and testimonials from previous clients are always a good indication of the service standards and reliability of the freelance 3D real estate service provider. Try to look for one with a long list of satisfied and happy clients.


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The bottom line

Companies that understand the popularity of 3D real estate services and leverage their potential for their listings can expect to gain a significant age over their competition. With the ability to attractively showcase properties, 3D real estate renders are undoubtedly an indispensable marketing asset. These renders can connect better with the buyers by offering completely immersive previews. With modern technology’s continuous development and advancement, it’s no surprise that it has become the favorite and in-demand option for progressive real estate companies.

How Cad Crowd can help

Cad Crowd is the platform you can trust to connect you with the top freelance 3D real estate services that can help showcase your listings and guarantee more closed deals as soon as possible. Contact us today and allow us to help you with your following projects.

Optimal Angles for Real Estate Rendering Services: Enhancing Your Listings

Not all real estate rendering content is produced professionally, especially when 3D renders are concerned. A 3D rendering designer can achieve optimal angles for your images to enhance your real estate listings.

Unlike traditional photo shoots, 3D rendering projects require constant communication between the 3D real estate rendering designer and the client to achieve optimal results. You should be able to communicate your requirements to the 3D real estate rendering service for optimal satisfaction.

Important elements of effective real estate rendering

Camera angles are essential in real estate rendering, serving as the lifeblood that breathes life into 3D graphics. These angles offer different perspectives that provide more dimension and depth to architectural designs to produce an immersive and convincing exterior view. Using various angles is a unique method that requires meticulous execution to showcase architectural designs in the best light possible.

For example, an aerial or bird-view angle can show a broader structure context. This provides a more encompassing layout that goes well with the finer details of the design. Alternatively, a ground-level angle provides a viewer’s perspective that captures the experience of the person standing right before the structure. The interaction with ambient lighting can enrich the perspectives further, casting highlights and shadows that make the visuals look more realistic.

However, combining a high degree of artistry and technical know-how is essential to achieve these effects. This emphasizes the importance of working with the best 3D real estate rendering studio with professional CGI artists who can produce photorealistic renderings. A reliable 3D real estate rendering company understands subtle nuances of texture, perspective, and light to ensure that every rendering will convey the architect’s vision with aesthetic elegance and notable precision.


The introduction of CGI in real estate visualization has changed exterior presentations in more ways than one. Different angles of architectural designs are now brought to life with the help of CGI to create more realistic and immersive renderings. This unique combination of 3D rendering services and 3D architectural visualization services allows a more encompassing exploration of different designs to convey even the most complex details with outstanding precision.

CGI technology works great at presenting architectural elements, lighting, and textures to leave a long-lasting impression on the viewers. CGI offers engaging and dynamic visualizations by covering various exterior rendering requirements. It doesn’t matter if it is an aerial or eye-level view; CGI can easily incorporate all the angles to improve an architectural presentation further. With CGI being significantly versatile, designers can create more interactive and vivid experiences that evoke emotions and capture the true essence of different architectural concepts.

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What’s involved in the 3D real estate rendering process?

Before you ask about a 3D real estate rendering project, you first need to know precisely what you want to go into it and the specific part or role you will play during the process.

The following are the critical steps in developing 3D real estate rendering:

  1. Start with initial plans to determine the right camera angles.
  2. Come up with the 3D grey geometry.
  3. Apply environmental lighting and texture.
  4. Incorporate the interior design and the finishing details.

Clients must know the steps required to develop 3D real estate renderings to outline the final real estate rendering project.

Best camera angles for real estate rendering projects


Now that you’ve got a good idea of what’s involved in the 3D real estate rendering process, the following are the most optimal camera angles you can consider for your next project:

Bird’s-eye or aerial view of architecture

Architectural buildings can be seen from an aerial, also known as a bird’s eye view, from above and below. These images can be taken by a helicopter or a drone or by 3D aerial design services. Aerial imagery is the finest method of showcasing a lofty structure in its full glory. Aside from this, the spectator can also get an idea of how the structure would fit in the entire neighborhood and its immediate surroundings. This angle highlights the exterior, regardless of whether the architect plans to make it stick out or blend in.

However, it is an expensive and time-consuming process to prepare a background for these 3D aerial perspectives. Opting for a photo montage rendering is the best choice. It can offer a photorealistic render of an up-and-coming building or several buildings that smoothly merge with a drone’s real-world photo of the surrounding environment. It results in a wonderfully realistic representation of the building while saving money and time.

A bird’s eye view provides the perfect angle for presenting a concept of neighbor districts, a huge building, or several buildings such as a resort or residential compound.

Vignette or close-up

A close-up view or vignette is another angle you can use to depict external architecture depiction. There are two main benefits of using close-up perspectives. For one, they start by offering more details regarding the design, materials, and other selling points that far-off views won’t be able to show.

Second, this particular angle allows viewers to connect more emotionally with the project. By focusing on the features of the architecture, observers can envision themselves almost touching the external surface and experiencing the area more personally. While close-up images might not perform individually, these are fantastic additions to renderings captured from a distance.

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Eye-level or hero view

This next angle of exterior representation shows the structure as it would look to the eye of pedestrians. This perspective gives spectators the best means of understanding how they will perceive the structure when they enter or pass it. As a result, it is often a wise idea to add people, vehicles, and more auxiliary elements in this architectural depiction. The natural angle gives more atmosphere and life to the scene.
But there is a chance that a colossal building wouldn’t entirely fit in an eye-level depiction, so several renders are required to showcase the entire project. This angle is recommended for shopping areas, luxury real estate developments, and residential projects.

Site plan or master plan view

Architectural site plan design services offer an ideal depiction of the arrangement of landscaping, streets, parking, buildings, and other visual aspects of development projects. A master plan view generally showcases a set of housing units on an urban scale. It is essential to show the potential appearance of the real estate design in its actual environment, whether its purpose is to make the building blend in or stand out from its surroundings. A master plan view would be an ideal tool for city developments and urban architects.


Elevated or semi-aerial view

The elevated view is another angle real estate rendering services use to enhance property listings. This is a straightforward way to create a more thorough presentation of the project to show the building from a certain distance. This perspective allows you to show more of the area. Through this, the viewer can see how well the exterior will work with the nearby structures and the location as a whole. You may find this angle helpful if you want to show around the landscaping and development properties.

Worm’s eye view

In real estate rendering, a worm’s eye view is an angle from a lower vantage point and looks upwards. It is an angle that comes in handy if you want to emphasize the grandeur and height of a building. This can also induce an emotional impact as it portrays the structure as an impressive and towering entity that stands tall against the vast sky.


These are the five frequently used angles for real estate rendering services that can cover your real estate project’s requirements. All of these tasks can benefit from CGI, whether you wish to enlighten your audience regarding the surroundings and design of your building, amaze them with its grandeur, or create highlights that evoke emotions.

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Find the best angle for the tone and style of your brand

It’s essential to research options and keep an open line of communication with your chosen 3D real estate rendering service provider to decide on the best angles that suit your real estate renderings. Always remember that each development is distinct and requires careful preparation and thinking before you finalize the perspectives.

Cad Crowd is a platform where you can select reliable services you can count on to deliver top-of-the-line real estate renders that use the most optimal angles.