Effective Cosmetic Packaging Design Tips for New Cosmetic Products Companies & Firms

Saying that the beauty industry is seeing tough competition among brands is an understatement. It’s a cutthroat and dog-eat-dog world, and if you aren’t too careful, your beauty brand could all too easily drown in the vast sea of competitors. This is why you need to capture the interest of your target audience right from the get-go. How do you do this, though? It’s where cosmetic packaging design comes in.

The design of your company or firm’s cosmetic packaging can make or break your chance to succeed. As the general public becomes more and more visually oriented, packaging design serves as the initial point of contact between your brand and your target market and leaves a lasting impression. Custom product packaging design services can assist you in creating the right packaging design to make your beauty products more attractive to shoppers’ eyes. This short guide will explore some of the most effective cosmetic packaging design tips for new cosmetic products.

Cosmetic packaging layers

Today’s shoppers seek cosmetic products that deliver outstanding benefits, and cosmetic packaging design services are essential in meeting these expectations. Furthermore, it’s crucial to have packaging that makes your products easily recognizable to consumers and improves their overall experience with your brand. One of the easiest ways to overcome such challenges is to use several layers for your cosmetic packaging. Every layer should serve a particular function, significantly impacting the final value and overall product quality.

Outer packaging

The tertiary or outer packaging is the first thing people see every time they buy online or offline. Companies and firms typically use it for shipping orders from retail stores or warehouses. This initial layer also offers protection to the product during its transport.

Inner packaging

The secondary or inner packaging encloses the product. A good example is a box housing a lipstick tube. The inner packaging lies between the product it houses and the outer packaging. Good options include labels, stickers, wrapping paper, and presentation boxes.

RELATED: Cosmetic Packaging Design & Package Design Services Costs and Pricing

Key elements of effective cosmetic packaging design


Several key elements make up an effective cosmetic packaging design that affects consumer perception, and these are the following:


With custom cosmetic packaging design services, you can reinforce your brand’s identity by prominently displaying your messaging and logo on your cosmetic packaging design. Ensure you use uniform branding on all your products to promote brand loyalty.

Carefully picked colors can evoke a wide range of emotions with a significant impact on the overall appeal of your product. Always choose colors aligned with your target audience and brand identity for a strong visual connection. One of the current modern trends is neutral colors and minimalism that exude a chic appeal.

Top-quality visuals convey the product’s benefits and improve its visual appeal. Using imagery allows your brand to link with your target audience emotionally. Innovative packaging designs and solutions can also incorporate QR codes to engage customers and offer more interactive experiences.

With the world becoming more aware and conscious of environmental concerns, companies and firms are expected to use eco-friendly materials and follow green practices. Using sustainable materials will allow your brand to connect with your environmentally-conscious audience.

Legible and clear fonts can improve product communication. Your brand can strengthen your identity and recognition if you maintain consistency in your typography for all your products.

RELATED: Benefits of Product Label and Packaging Designs for Companies and Amazon Sellers

Helpful tips for effective cosmetic packaging design

Whether you’re a cosmetic company planning to sell new makeup products or a 3D design firm in charge of a beauty brand’s packaging, several tried and tested strategies ensure your packaging design will stand out.


Here are some tips to help you get started on the right foot. Remember, however, that your product should still be your main focus, and your packaging design must complement it instead of competing for attention.

  • Focus on honesty and authenticity.

It’s all too easy to get caught up in making the perfect cosmetic packaging design you can think of. Most brands don’t realize the importance of honesty and authenticity.

Health Canada regulates cosmetic products in the country and implements strict rules regarding the specific types of claims that could be made on such products. Thus, make sure you determine the purpose of your product and what it promises or is intended to do. The last thing you want to happen is to mislead your customers, which will only make them unhappy and dissatisfied with their purchase.

As far as cosmetic packaging design is concerned, the secret is to keep everything simple. But just because your goal is to keep your design simple doesn’t mean that it should come off as looking unprofessional, unfinished, or lacking in character.

The main objective of effective cosmetic packaging design is to attract and inform simultaneously. It’s critical for the packaging design professional to strike the perfect balance between the two. Stay away from cluttering too many details into your design. This way, your packaging won’t overwhelm your audience. An uncluttered design can give you more room to pay attention to your packaging’s overall aesthetic.

RELATED: Functional and Creative Packaging Designs for New and Existing Products for Companies

  • Keep up with the latest market trends.

Dedicate some time to research popular products, packaging innovations, and consumer trends in the cosmetics industry. Keep an eye out on what other brands and companies are doing and everything else happening in the market. What do consumers expect from products? What do they buy at the moment? What products do celebrities and beauty influencers rave about? You can use this knowledge of the industry to your advantage to add more flair to your design.

  • Commit to the identity of your brand.

Cosmetic packaging design is a critical marketing tool, so you must stick with your brand’s identity. It means you should use colors, fonts, and other design elements that consumers associate with your brand. Take note that your product will be printed with your brand name.


Your unique brand identity is an important trait that sets your company or firm apart from the rest. This is also an integral aspect of your cosmetic packaging design. You can also use it to differentiate your brand from the competition. How does your cosmetics compare to others? Always make it a point to protect these elements of your brand and avoid straying too far from them. If you deviate from your brand identity, it will only confuse your consumers, and worse, they might even associate your brand with a different company.

  • Be familiar with your target market.

Many consumers will always have a first impression of your product according to your cosmetic packaging design. During the design process, the 3D artist must remember that your consumers want to feel an instant connection to your brand. What is your target market? What are their interests? Consider the population in general and the people who will likely buy your product. Is your product intended for an older or younger market? Do you have upscale products, or do they cater to a bigger audience? By answering these questions, you can decide who you’re designing the packaging for.

  • Consider functionality and practicality.

Your cosmetic design packaging should be easy to close, open, and use to enhance consumers’ overall experience.

  • Make it visually appealing.

Create a captivating cosmetic design packaging that reflects the essence of your product and your brand’s identity to enthrall more consumers.

  • Maintain regulatory and legal compliance.

Adhering to all regulations and rules like Health Canada guidelines and labeling requirements is not only about ticking the boxes. It is also about showing your consumers that you are committed to keeping them safe by maintaining the quality of your products. This level of commitment can boost your brand reputation and make consumers trust your brand more.


Even if the concept of cosmetic packaging design may seem simple and easy, this niche can make or break your product and your company or firm. This is why the past few years have seen more innovative trends for cosmetic packaging designs that have dominated the industry. Containers, labels, and packaging are all essential tools for safely distributing cosmetic products. These can also work wonders in increasing the visibility of your product, making it more appealing to your target audience, and simplifying its sales.

Outstanding packaging will make your product look its best while ensuring that consumers will notice its features. To compete on the shelf, you should inspect your cosmetic packaging design strategy and all its elements. Pay special attention to how other brands succeed and the essential design principles they leverage to achieve that success.

RELATED: New Packaging Design Costs, 3D Modeling Rates & Services Pricing for Companies

How Cad Crowd can help

Cad Crowd has an extensive pool of design professionals who can help you develop the most effective and innovative designs for the packaging of your cosmetic products. Contact us immediately, and let us help you in your design process!

DFM For New Product Design Excellence: A Guide for Company Success

Any product designer with a great and new idea wants to realize it as soon as possible in any way. Unfortunately, an idea will only be great if a manufacturer can use materials and machines to turn it into reality. This is where DFM companies or Design for Manufacturing enters the picture. For some designers, the manufacturing stage is only a speck in the entire process. It’s often one of their most minor concerns. However, this kind of approach can be hazardous regarding product design.

Manufacturing and design will always be together, whatever happens. This is why this neglectful approach will eventually result in an inferior end and low-quality product. This article guides the company’s success in designing new products for manufacturing excellence. 

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What is DFM?

DFM, or design for manufacturing, refers to designing products, components, or parts for easy manufacturing to produce a better product at a reduced cost. The product’s design is simplified, optimized, and refined to do this. DFMA (design for manufacturing and assembly services), is often interchangeably used with DFM. 

There are five principles assessed during a DFM. These include:

  1. Compliance/Testing
  2. Design
  3. Environment
  4. Material
  5. Process

DFM design services for your company should ideally take place early on during the design process, way before the start of tooling. Aside from this, properly executed DFM must involve all stakeholders, from engineers to designers, material suppliers, mold builders, and contract manufacturers. The purpose of cross-functional DFM is to challenge the product design. The new product design is scrutinized at every level, including holistic, component, system, and sub-system levels, to ensure the optimization of the design without unnecessary cost. 

RELATED: Why prototype DFM services are useful for product design at companies and firms

Changes will get more expensive and tricky as the product design moves through the product’s lifecycle. With early DFM, you can execute changes in design faster at the most affordable location. Pulling stakeholders together early on during the new product development design process is easier. However, even when you already have an established product design, one necessary element of a systematic DFM is challenging the original product design. 

Product design errors are often repeated by copying an earlier design. Make sure you question every aspect and element of your new product design. 

  1. Check the original drawings. 
  2. Disassemble the product. 
  3. Study the near-neighbor and competitive products together with the lead users. 
  4. Sit down with the contract manufacturer, who might have already solved the issue with another client. 
  5. Is there someone else who solved the issue in another way?
  6. Can you make it better in any way?

RELATED: 8 Tips companies use to simplify design manufacturing or design for manufacturing

There is a lot of effort, time, and thought to go into prototype DFM services, making it a meticulous process you can’t take for granted. That’s why you need the help of experienced design for manufacturability experts.


Five key principles of DFM

Testing or compliance

Every product should adhere to quality and safety standards. These are sometimes industry standards; some are third-party standards, and the rest are internal standards specific to a company. The manufacturer you choose must have testing facilities certified by the ISO. This is also when you should learn who will perform the ETL, UL, and other similar third-party testing and where the testing will take place. 

Design for manufacturing

Product design companies play a critical part in DFM. The actual drawing of a product design or part must conform to sound principles for manufacturing for your chosen manufacturing process. Ensure that you discuss the product design with the product development expert, who will confirm that your product design will adhere to the excellent manufacturing principles for the chosen process. 

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Your product or component should be engineered to withstand the specific environmental conditions and challenges it will encounter. Even the best forms worldwide will only be helpful if the part can function correctly under normal operating conditions. A design engineering professional can help your company develop a product for the environment in which it will be used. 


You must also choose the suitable material for your new product or part. Several criteria should go into this decision. The following are some of the material properties you should consider throughout the DFM or DFMA process:

  • Color – What is the specific color of the part?
  • Electrical properties – Should the material be a dielectric or insulator instead of a conductor?
  • Flammability – How burn or flame-resistant should the material be?
  • Mechanical properties – What is the preferred strength level of the material?
  • Optical properties – Should the material be transparent or reflective?
  • Thermal properties – How heat resistant should the material be?

Consider talking about the material with the contract manufacturer because they might have access to the existing materials in their portfolio, which will let you score a lower price. 

RELATED: 10 Key factors for managing manufacturing costs for your company’s new products


You should choose the appropriate manufacturing process for the product or part. The last thing you want is to use a highly-capitalized process, for instance, mold and die design services involving the development of dies and tools to produce a low-volume part that could have been otherwise made using a method with a lower capital, such as thermoforming. 

To determine the suitable manufacturing process for you, the DFM should consider how many parts will be made, the specific material that will be used, the required tolerances, the intricacy of the surfaces, and whether there is a need for secondary processes. 

What factors affect DFM?

DFM’s ultimate goal is to lower manufacturing costs without making any compromises in terms of performance. Aside from the main DFM principles stated above, the following are equally important factors that may significantly impact the design and manufacturing of assembly. 

RELATED: New product development and design: should your company work with a product design team?

Come up with modular assemblies

Using modular assemblies or non-customized modules in your product design will allow you to tweak the product without the risk of losing its functionality in general. An excellent example of this is automotive design firms creating a primary automobile that will let you integrate extras by including a modular upgrade. 

Identify surface finishes that are considered acceptable 

Try to strive for function instead of flashy for the surface finish, except if it is intended for a trade show grade. 

RELATED: New concept design costs, engineering prices & product development services rates

Design for an efficient joining 

Is it possible to clip or interlock the parts together? Discover different ways to join the parts without using adhesives, fasteners, or screws. Below are a few helpful tips if you need to use fasteners:

  • Try to minimize the variation, size, and number of fasteners.
  • Avoid screws that are too short or too long, flatheads, round heads, tapped holes, and separate washers. 
  • Use chamfered and self-tapping screws to ensure better placement. 
  • Stick with standard fasters as much as possible. 

Minimize the number of parts

Lowering the part count in a new product design is the fastest and easiest way to lower the cost since you are also reducing the quantity of the required material, the labor involved, production, the amount of engineering, and the shipping costs.

RELATED: Tips for engineering your company’s new product concept to be manufacturer friendly

Reduce reorientation of parts during machining and assembly

Designing the components to minimize the need for manual intervention during assembly and production is crucial. In this regard, leveraging DFMA (design for manufacturability and assembly) designers can prove highly beneficial.

Standardise materials and parts 

Customization and personalization are time-consuming and expensive. Quality standardized parts can reduce production time because these parts are often available. It also gives you more assurance of their consistency. The material should be based on the new product’s intended use and planned function. You have to consider how it should feel, whether soft or hard. It’s also important to check if it needs to endure pressure. Finally, you must also determine if your product or part needs to conduct electricity or heat. 

Streamline the number of manufacturing processes or operations 

When making your product involves a more complex process, it will also introduce more variables for errors. Always remember that every process will always have its own set of capabilities and limitations. Only include operations critical to the new product’s design and its function. 

RELATED: A product designer’s guide to design for manufacturability

How Cad Crowd can help 

DFM can work wonders to guarantee operational efficiency and inspire collaboration among international suppliers across vendors and departments. With industries across different sectors expanding and creating more intricate product designs, companies can use DFM services or DFMA services to achieve their goals for launching. Companies require effective methods to lower costs, eliminate delays, increase quality, and simplify processes. 

DFM can expedite product development timelines by identifying and rectifying design flaws, thereby preempting costly design revisions and issues. Cad Crowd can help you find product design experts who assist with the DFM process. As a trusted platform for professionals, you will never have to look hard to meet the perfect partner for your product manufacturing and ensure your company’s success! Contact us for a free quote.

Inventors’ Guide to Using Physical Prototype Design Services for Product Innovation

Product innovation is far from being easy and straightforward. However, it can work wonders in getting your name out there in the business world and open the doors to endless opportunities. The first and most important step to turn your envisioned idea into an actual product is to share it with the rest of the world. For instance, can you believe that only a handful of people were willing to buy into the concept of electricity when it was first theorized?

During the late 1800s, even Thomas Edison was criticized by most of the leading scientists of his time. The same scientists claimed that electricity was nothing but a concept from a fairy tale and that harnessing it on a wide scale is far from possible. Of course, everyone now knows these claims were rubbish as people enjoy a well-lit world.

RELATED: Different kinds of prototypes and how to use them for your design project

Imagine if Edison hadn’t come up with the idea, pursued his dream, and persevered to turn it into reality. And imagine how easier things would have been if Edison had a physical prototype of his idea back then. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or you’ve been in the business for years, here’s a quick inventors’ guide to using physical prototype design services for product innovation.

What is a physical prototype?

A physical prototype is the first or test version of a product. You’ve likely already seen a prototype in the past. The material used or how the prototype is made depends on the specific things you would like to test. For example, if you plan to test the dimensions, you only need to test the physical space to ensure that every part isn’t too small or too big. This kind of prototype will not be functional and will just be hollow instead. 

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Different types of physical prototypes

Most prototypes are broken down into two major categories. Prototypes are used to test aesthetics or test functionality. 

Aesthetic prototype

An aesthetic prototype is precisely as its name suggests. This type of prototype tests the looks or aesthetics of the product. This includes the visual design, dimensions, and ergonomics. These prototypes come in handy for photos or presentations because they are meant to look “pretty.”

Functionality prototype

A functionality prototype tests mechanisms, material strength, reliability, and durability. These often look rougher and just like how you envision a prototype. It’s because these are only used to test functionality, which means that appearance is out of the question. 

RELATED: Elevating your company using CAD product design services during product development


Popular methods of physical prototyping 

The following are the most popular processes and methods of creating prototypes:

3D printing

The past 20 years have seen significant breakthroughs and advancements in technology, including hiring professional 3D printing design firms. One of the most amazing inventions that the world has seen is the development of 3D printers. These machines can print full models or parts of a model with various materials. The most commonly used materials are PLA plastics, nylons, silicones, and others. It’s possible to print a prototype in just one go or print it into several parts and assemble it afterward, depending on its size. 

CNC machining

CNC (computer numerical control) machine is a maneuverable motorized tool that usually sits on a motorized platform with a computer controlling it. CNC machine is the umbrella term used to refer to different machines. These operate on various materials, such as metals or wood. CNC programming services have clear advantages over the standard NC operation, particularly when it comes to matters of parts precision.

RELATED: CNC programming c& CNC machining service rates for companies

Why do you need a physical prototype?

It doesn’t matter if you belong to a global conglomerate or you’re a start-up owner; it’s always a good idea to include a physical prototype design in your business plan for the following reasons:

Physical prototypes can spark ideas for other inventions

For example, you’re trying to make a prototype for a new remote control car, and during the testing process, you discover that a mobile app is required to control the car. Suddenly, you’re onboarding coders into your team. But what matters more here is that you’ve pinpointed another new product that needs and deserves to exist. 

Physical prototypes facilitate market research 

Every time you place a physical prototype in the hands of your potential consumer or present a visual prototype to them, their reactions can serve as your basis for gleaning more data about your target audience. 

RELATED: Key differences between prototyping and prototype engineering for companies & firms

Physical prototypes enhance your final design 

Take note that the purpose of your physical prototype is to serve as a passing stage in the production process. To get to the next level of success, it’s important to identify errors in the prototypes and work hard to fix these flaws. A new product design and product development firm can help.

Physical prototypes allow you to understand user experience 

By having a physical product available, you can better understand the design of the prototype in such a way that would otherwise be impossible if it’s only a written theoretical idea in your inventor’s journal.

3d product design & development company

How to use physical prototype design services to create physical prototypes

Whether you’re a veteran inventor or a complete newbie in the product manufacturing industry, here’s how you can take advantage of physical prototype design services to help you with your new product innovation:

RELATED: 6 Ways you can use 3D printing services to create a new prototype design

1. Craft your ideas first

One of the trickiest parts of product design is coming up with a product idea in the first place. As an inventor, your first question should be about your product’s ideal design, appearance, and how it feels. Working alongside a new invention design firm can proof to be invaluable.The answer to this question will depend on factors such as the market’s top design trends, the needs of your target customers, cost, usability, your current market position, and the scenario of your competitors. First, you can do thorough research, brainstorm with your team, and understand that your new product should solve your customers’ problems. 

2. Come up with a rough representation of your invention idea

After you’re done with extensive research and finalizing an idea, creating its simple representation is the next step. Since it won’t do any good to have the representation of your product in mind, you need to manifest it either virtually using a computer program or traditionally with a pen and paper. Today, software programs such as CAD let you come up with virtual 3D replicas of products.

RELATED: Advantages of using rapid prototyping services for your business

Aside from giving you a clear idea of the dimensions and size of your product, it will also let you observe the performance of your product in a virtual simulation. Using an early mockup also enables you to improve your product’s reputation. This is an excellent way of showing your seriousness about the design of your product and your willingness to go out of your way. After making a rough mockup of your new product idea, the most important and exciting part follows. 

3. Develop a physical prototype

This is the stage where physical prototype design services enter the picture. It’s the stage when you will finally start to develop your prototype. Take note that your physical representation must be 3D rendered correctly by an experienced 3D product rendering professional. This should be made in a way that will best represent the final product. Physical prototype design services often use two approaches to create physical product prototypes: CNC prototyping and 3D printing. 

RELATED: Why is industrial design important for new product and prototype development?

4. Polish the prototype to perfection

The last stage is the most time-consuming and painful of them all. It’s because this is the stage when your product needs to undergo a series of redesigns and tweaking to meet your expectations. Ensure you invest in rapid prototyping design services to assist you every step of the way. Below are some of the most common reasons why you might need to redesign your product:

  • The market’s product trends are changing. 
  • There are ergonomic problems with the product. 
  • You want to expand your product’s functionality.
  • Early prototypes showed functional and structural problems. 

Other essential things to remember as you work on the refinement process of your physical prototype:

  • Always be ready for changes. Understand and remember that your product needs to go through several changes so that you can effectively launch it in the market. 
  • Ensure you stay updated with the latest product design trends to maximize your profitability and appeal to your target audience better. 
  • Don’t stop updating and upgrading—the industry of product manufacturing changes day by day, which means that your product should, too. Continue to experiment with new ways and methods to enhance your product. 
  • Please note that your product will always have room for improvement, no matter how perfect you think it is. 

RELATED: Top tips to create impactful prototype designs for company products

One more tip to remember is to ensure that your product is patented within a year before you disclose your product to ensure that your idea won’t be duplicated or plagiarized. Working with a patent lawyer is also recommended to protect your ideas better. 

How Cad Crowd can help

Physical prototype design services are essential in the different stages of your product development process. Cad Crowd can help you achieve great success with your physical prototypes by helping you find the best services that will bring your new ideas to life. Contact us for a free quote.

How Digital Prototyping Influences Company Product Development and Design

If you’re a product developer, you might already know how challenging the new product development process can get, especially once you get to the point when you need to build a prototype.

Product prototypes are among the most time-consuming and expensive stages of the product development process. You need to develop a unique and new item, build it from scratch, and check to see if you missed anything so you can change it before it’s too late. However, most of these problems are now eradicated with the help of technology. This article discusses how digital prototyping influences company product development and design.

Digital prototyping defined

Digital prototyping refers to the concept of creating real-world product models. Product models allow product developers to acquire early feedback from potential product users without releasing the product to market. Here, the prototypes are produced digitally with all the necessary transitions and animations that resemble the actual product. This differs from a throwaway or paper prototype, as product details are the main focus of digital prototypes.

During digital prototyping, the product’s functioning model is made before its actual development. It is made possible with the help of different tools for digital prototyping available in the market. Being in a digital format, these digital prototypes allow developers to quickly iterate and make a few adjustments without too much hassle, according to the feedback from the users.

The following primary phases are part of the digital prototyping process:

  1. Analysis of the problem and exploration of the product and its core idea.
  2. Brainstorming on the prototype’s development in digital format.
  3. Development of a real-world model of the prototype that allows testing using a reliable tool.
  4. Presentation of the prototype model to potential users to obtain valuable insights.
  5. Adjust the prototype based on the acquired feedback and start the process again.

RELATED: How Much Does it Cost to Make A Prototype for My New Product Invention?

Principles of digital prototyping


Aside from helping you create prototypes that are as realistic as possible, digital prototyping has the following broad principles:

Build enough to learn but nothing else beyond that

Digital prototypes are not fully functioning designs. Instead, these digital prototype designs function as a test to answer critical questions regarding your hypothesis. Will people buy your product online? You can’t wait to test and develop your products at this point. Digital product prototype images will help answer the question and show how to fill the orders to ensure that clients won’t be disappointed.

You can discard prototypes

The main point is that digital prototypes are meant to be produced only as part of the product to present the appearance and features of the product and not necessarily the product itself. This is when you will test the idea. It means you’ll be wasting time if you spend more extended hours than necessary on prototype development. Aside from that, working longer on something will only increase your attachment to it. Depending on customer feedback, it’s never recommended to be too attached to a prototype because of the possibility of pivoting 180 degrees.

Anything can be developed into a prototype

There’s often significant time pressure when making digital prototypes. However, you can prototype almost anything under the sun.

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Why is digital prototyping important in product development and design?


Digital prototyping services can help you save money and time and assist with complex conversions to create better products. Developing digital prototypes offers many benefits, and the following are the most important ones:


You can create modern digital prototypes with excellent tolerances that are much tighter than physical prototypes. It lets developers create an accurate model of how the product’s production version might function without the need to go through the trouble of building it.

Visual aid for meticulous feedback

If you’ve ever tried articulating a visual concept, you know how difficult it can be. Sometimes, you may use paper and pen to illustrate your product concept. Digital prototypes work to help create visual representations to allow feedback.


There’s a reason why digital prototyping plays a critical role in companies’ product development and design processes. The expertise and software required to work it are tricky, if possible, to implement on a smaller scale. However, this is starting to change gradually with the improved accessibility of digital prototyping technology, even for more minor scales.

Validate business goals

It’s common for businesses not to understand their goals aside from lowering costs and making money. Digital prototyping will force a company to see solutions in full action and consider whether these will solve their concerns.


Better collaboration

In today’s manufacturing industry, an entire product design team typically works together on just one prototype. This is why it’s invaluable to be able to work on similar data at the same time. This luxury is possible with the help of a good package for digital prototyping.

Collaboration is fundamental for the success of any project. When the product development team works with a client, they meet regularly to run through things they’re working on. Introducing digital prototyping at this stage allows clients to work with the team to troubleshoot issues that require their technical expertise and industry knowledge.


Pen and paper prototype designs still come in handy in various respects. However, there’s no way that you can manipulate them. Digital prototypes can be tweaked endlessly, and multiple versions can be kept in storage that can be worked on using different devices.


Since it’s possible to conduct digital prototyping faster, it ensures a more thorough prototyping stage as part of the production process. It results in products superior to those that undergo the creaking cumbersomeness of traditional projects.

Lower budget

The first and most important concern of most product developers and freelance product designers is the cost involved in prototyping. Digital prototyping minimizes the need to build something. As a result, it lowers the materials and labor necessary for the process.

RELATED: Guide to Prototyping Methods Used in Product Development Services for Companies and Firms


One of the most critical purposes of digital prototyping is to confirm that the product will work as it is meant to. It also ensures that any initial errors will be addressed before the actual production stage. Since creating digital prototypes is faster, more tests can be conducted before abandoning the production stage.

Large applications may also take several months to reach the point where users can offer feedback. Digital prototyping can cut down this process so that users are given the chance to test the product. Digital prototypes are also faster to build and change and come in handy for validating new ideas for the product developer.

Shared understanding

One of the almost unavoidable concerns during product development is assuming everyone is on the same page regarding the idea. While some may recognize the limitations of concepts and techniques, others may not. Some developers may also misinterpret certain features specific to the industry since they lack information regarding how things work. Digital prototyping allows all parties to reach a shared understanding since the details are fully visualized.

Singular point of reference for developers and designers

Information is acquired from various places, including project managers, client meetings, emails, use stories, and more when a project starts. Consolidating everything into a digital prototype allows developers and designers a source of truth that they can refer to so they can start with product development.

Speed up the development process

Regarding product development, building products will be faster if the details have been hashed out in full and the number of reworks is minimized. Spending time on digital prototyping can help catch some of the issues that may otherwise show up during the actual development, which may result in longer delays to the product’s release.


Digital prototyping also helps shorten the production stage as much as possible. It shortens the product development cycle, allowing better agility for the manufacturer when launching the product in the market.


Confirm user needs

The most severe concern about new products is when they don’t fully cater to the target users’ needs. It often happens when the product developer assumes they have a fantastic idea that people will buy without bothering to check if they will buy it. Digital prototyping offers a rudimentary means for product developers to match with users and confirm if the product will simplify their lives.

Explore challenging concepts

Several concepts are difficult to understand and may be more challenging to design. Since digital prototyping isn’t focused on the details alone, it allows for exploring concerns without being too focused on trivial details.

RELATED: 5 Ways How Rapid Product Development & Prototyping Benefits Your Company

How Cad Crowd can help

Cad Crowd will help you find skilled digital prototyping professionals for easier product development and design. Our product prototyping experts will provide top-notch services that will help you simplify and streamline your product design and development process. With Cad Crowd, you can bring your new products to life efficiently and effectively and take your product development to the next level. Get a free quote now!

The Cost of Hiring a Mechanical Engineering Contractor vs. Full-Time Salaried Employee

In some situations, hiring an independent mechanical engineering contractor is better than hiring a full-time salaried employee with the same qualifications. However, employers must understand the difference between full-time and contract workers to determine the best hiring decision. Since most of the distinctions affect the employer financially, refer to the “employee status” classification established by the Internal Revenue Service.

In general, hired contractors are also your employees as they provide services for you but are not formally part of your company. Contractors pay their taxes on the money received for services provided. Alternatively, full-time salaried employees are part of the company’s in-house team. As their employer, you are responsible for overseeing their performance and work conduct and legally handling the withholding and reporting of their taxes. The following classification description can serve as a valuable reference to prevent overpayment, errors in distinguishing between these categories, and the potential incurring of substantial legal penalties.

Independent contractors

For the sake of simplicity, think of an independent contractor as another company. The employer pays for the services provided, whether on a one-time project or an ongoing basis, but the contractor remains independent of your business. A contractor must not abide by your company’s day-to-day operations and will perform the commissioned duties without strict supervision.

Depending on the terms of the agreement, the contractor may never need to show up at the office. The person can do the job from a separate location. For instance, when hiring a freelance finite element analysis & FEA engineering services consultant, the entire task is conducted through computer simulation, and the resulting data is swiftly transmitted as a digital file, eliminating the need for a physical office presence. The work can start immediately once the employer and the contractor agree on the project parameters (including job description and fee). Unless otherwise noted in the agreement, contractors are aware of the following responsibilities:

  • File and pay taxes (local, state, and federal) on the payment received from the employer
  • Supply the tools and equipment necessary for the completion of the project on their own
  • Have their insurance needs covered
  • Invoice the employer
  • Expect only to receive payment as stated in the agreement

When an employer and a mechanical engineer sign the contract, it is safe to assume that both parties understand and accept all terms mentioned in the document. In addition to the project brief and payment schedule, the contract may include clauses about deliverables, project milestones, deadlines, and revisions, to name a few.

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Full-time employee

The IRS will classify a worker (who provides services for your business) as a full-time employee if you are legally allowed to dictate when, where, and how the person should perform their duties. In other words, the employer must continually direct, supervise, and oversee how the work is done. Another big difference between a full-time employee and an independent mechanical engineering contractor is taxation. The employer is required by law to report the taxes on the employee.

There are three criteria based on which the IRS classifies a worker as a full-time employee:

  • Financial control: the employer is responsible for payroll taxation (including Social Security and Medicare) and determines paid leave as well as vacation
  • Relationship: the employee is involved in ongoing business relationships with clients or customers and co-workers
  • Behavioral management: to a certain degree, the employer may decide the work schedules and methods performed by the employees

Full-time employees most likely work at the location listed as the company’s address. The company makes available the tools and supplies necessary for the employees to perform the duties assigned. Employees are entitled to wages, workers’ compensation insurance, and overtime. The company is also responsible for fringe benefits like retirement plans and health insurance.


Cost of contract workers

Suppose you must hire a freelance mechanical engineering service with the same qualifications as a full-time employee to do the same services. In that case, the hourly rate is likely higher for the former. However, whether or not the contractor costs less in the long run depends entirely on the business needs.

The typical payment process for a contractor differs from the conventional payroll model. A contractor may accept a lump sum, a percentage of the project’s cost, or an hourly rate payment schedule. Regardless of the methods used, the procedure is quite simple. An employer and the hired contractor agree on the project parameters explicitly mentioned in the signed contract, including the scope of work and salary. The payment is made once all the job requirements are met. Mechanical engineering may ask for an upfront deposit or a portion of the total wage as a retainer. Generally, both parties fulfill their roles in the agreement; the contractors get the job done, and the employer provides the compensation. Although you don’t have to handle the taxation requirement for the contractor, you are still required to supply Form 1099 for the payments made.

Cost of full-time employees

An employer controls a full-time employee’s payment schedule and work performance, as well as the administrative details of the taxation. Salary employees are paid a set amount regularly per period, such as monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly. They receive overtime pay for any day they work longer than the scheduled hours. If the duties for the day are completed quicker than expected, they receive the full salary nonetheless. Hourly employees use a timesheet to log the hours worked. The wage equals the hours spent working. Either way, the paychecks are given weekly or monthly.

The employer withholds a portion of the employee’s salary for taxation and benefits purposes. The employees have agreed to authorize the payment of taxes with each paycheck. They can only worry about taxes at least once the time comes for filing tax returns, usually in April each year.

Extra Cost

There are at least three types of indirect costs associated with hiring a full-time employee:

  • Fringe benefits: payments for retirement plans, healthcare, paid leave, and worker’s compensation
  • Administrative: expenses attributed to accounting fees, legal fees, and administrative workers’ salaries
  • Overhead: the business operational cost that cannot be attributable to a specific project, like office supplies, computer maintenance, hosting services, utility bills, and office rent.

According to Clarity 2022: Government Contracting Industry Study compiled by Deltek, the median percentage values for the indirect costs are 30% for fringe, 22% for general and administrative, and 25% for overhead. Cumulatively, the values equal to (1 + 0.3) x (1 + 0.22) x (1 + 0.25) = 1.98 cost multiplier.

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Cost comparison


Even if a mechanical engineering contractor and a full-time employee have the same rate of $60 per hour, the total expense incurred for the latter is more significant. Here is a simple breakdown of the calculation:

Employee Status Hourly rate Work Hours per Week Week Annual Work Hours Annual Salary Cost Multiplier Total Cost
Contractors $60 40 52 2080 $124,800 1 $124,800
Full-time $60 40 52 2080 $124,800 1.98 $247,104

Using the median rate for the indirect cost (multipliers), a full-time employee costs almost twice as much as an independent contractor or nearly double the base salary. Unless the project runs for an entire year, the cost of hiring a contract worker can be much lower. However, every business has many long-term projects in which workers require close supervision. Only some mechanical engineering contractors can replace the equivalent full-time employee. As a company grows more prominent, it is not feasible to keep hiring mechanical engineering contractors for new product design services, prototype design engineering services, oversee a manufacturing process, or investigate equipment failures on behalf of the employer.


Mechanical engineering is a high-paying profession. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) states that the average annual salary of a full-time mechanical engineer in the United States is $95,300 or an hourly rate of $45.82. The wage varies widely among different industries. For example, a mechanical engineer working in metalworking machinery manufacturing earns around $40 per hour. Still, an equally qualified professional hired by a crude oil company is paid an hourly rate of between $60 and $75. Sitting in the middle includes the architectural and engineering services industry, which offers an average hourly wage of $48.46, and R&D services, with an average pay of $54.78 per hour.

On the freelancers’ side, a mechanical engineering contractor may cost between $50 – $80 per hour in the United States and Canada. A professional with an experience level of more than ten years in the industry may charge between $100-200 per hour, depending on the scope of work. If the professional is based outside North America, you will likely get a lower rate (but not necessarily a better deal). For instance, the typical hourly rate for a freelance mechanical engineer in India goes from $30 to $50.

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Mechanical Engineering Hourly Rates

Location/Experience Level Industry or Category Average Hourly Rate
United States Overall Average $45.82
United States Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing $40
United States Crude Oil Industry $60 – $75
United States Architectural and Engineering Services $48.46
United States R&D Services $54.78
United States & Canada Freelance (Entry Level) $50 – $80
United States & Canada Freelance (Over 10 Years’ Experience) $100 – $200
India Freelance Mechanical Engineer $30 – $50

This table provides approximate information on hourly rates in the field of mechanical engineering. These figures can vary based on individual qualifications and specific job requirements.

How Cad Crowd can assist

Cad Crowd offers services tailored to both short-term projects requiring specialized skills and long-term strategic initiatives. Utilize the expertise and adaptability of our independent contractors to effortlessly and efficiently manage complex projects.

Connect with us to find out how independent contractors can bring value to your business. Get expert guidance and make the best hiring decisions for your company’s unique needs. Get a quote now.