Scientists find evidence of liquid water deep underneath the Martian surface

Water exists on Mars, according to a team of geophysicists, and not just as ice on its poles or as vapor in its atmosphere. The scientists have found evidence of liquid water deep in its outer crust, based on their analysis of data provided by NASA’s Mars Insight Lander. Specifically, they analyzed four years’ worth of ground motions recorded by the lander’s seismometer. By looking at seismic velocities, or how fast seismic waves travel on the planet, they were able to determine the materials that the waves moved through. What they found was that Mars’ mid-crust has fractured igneous rocks saturated with liquid water.

One of the scientists involved in the study, Prof Michael Manga from the University of California, Berkeley, told the BBC that they implemented the same techniques used “to prospect for water on Earth, or to look for oil and gas.” He said his group’s findings can answer the question of where all the water on Mars had gone, because features on the planet’s surface showed that it had lakes and rivers around three billion years ago. While there’s a theory that most of that water was lost to space, scientists have challenged that idea in recent years. One study by Caltech and NASA JPL published in 2021 found data that most of that water is still trapped in the planet’s crust.

The scientists involved in this newer study, published in PNAS, were only able to analyze seismic velocity data taken from underneath the lander. However, they believe that similar underground water reservoirs exist all over the planet, and they estimate that there’s enough liquid water under the surface to form a layer across Mars that’s half a mile deep. Manga told the the BBC that “much of our water is underground and there’s no reason for that not to be the case on Mars too.”

While the team’s findings could be taken as good news for space agencies and private companies looking to visit and even form human colonies on the planet, it won’t be easy reaching Mars’ water reservoirs. They’re located around 7 to 12.5 miles below the surface, which won’t be easy to reach even on our planet. “Drilling a hole 10km (6 miles) deep on Mars — even for [Elon] Musk — would be difficult,” Manga said, adding that “without liquid water, you don’t have life.”

NASA’s Curiosity rover accidentally uncovered pure sulfur crystals on Mars

NASA scientists say pure sulfur has been found on Mars for the first time after the Curiosity rover inadvertently uncovered a cluster of yellow crystals when it drove over a rock. And it looks like the area is filled with it. It’s an unexpected discovery — while minerals containing sulfur have been observed on the Red Planet, elemental sulfur on its own has never been seen there before. “It forms in only a narrow range of conditions that scientists haven’t associated with the history of this location,” according to .

Curiosity cracked open the rock on May 30 while driving in a region known as the Gediz Vallis channel, where similar rocks were seen all around. The channel is thought to have been carved by water and debris flows long ago. “Finding a field of stones made of pure sulfur is like finding an oasis in the desert,” said Ashwin Vasavada, Curiosity’s project scientist. “It shouldn’t be there, so now we have to explain it. Discovering strange and unexpected things is what makes planetary exploration so exciting.”

A rock run over and cracked by the Curiosity rover revealing yellow sulfur crystalsA rock run over and cracked by the Curiosity rover revealing yellow sulfur crystals


After spotting the yellow crystals, the team later used a camera on Curiosity’s robotic arm to take a closer look. The rover then took a sample from a different rock nearby, as the pieces of the rock it had smashed were too brittle for drilling. Curiosity is equipped with instruments that allow it to analyze the composition of rocks and soil, and NASA says its Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer (APXS) confirmed it had found elemental sulfur.