Purpose of Shop Drawings, Construction Drawings, and As-Built Drawings for Companies

Today’s post covers the purpose of as-built drawings, shop drawings, and construction drawings for companies. Shop, construction, and as-built drawings are indispensable tools in the construction and design industries. These drawings are even considered the lifeline of the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. These are also used throughout the project life cycle, from conceptual design to construction. 

The design and construction of buildings is a complicated task that requires numerous documentation sets at different stages and phases of their life cycle. This is why all these drawings are deemed critical to the successful completion and maintenance of the building. That is why hiring professional architectural detailing companies can proof to be immensely helpful. Read on to learn the purpose of shop drawings, construction drawings, and as-built drawings for companies and how every set of drawings plays a critical role in the AEC industry. 

RELATED: What are as-built drawings services, and how do construction companies use them?

What are shop drawings? 

Also referred to as prefabrication drawings, shop drawings are precise and comprehensive sketches of the plans and designs for installing and manufacturing the components of a building or equipment. This is why it’s essential to ensure the skillful fabrication and assembly of all the components based on the codes and requirements of the industry. 

Unlike construction drawings or 3D construction rendering services, shop drawings can offer more precise and extensive details. After drafting the design specifications and drawings, they also depict the next steps in the prefabrication process. Shop drawings can also be regarded as the elaboration of construction drawings. These drawings comprise various prepared components, ranging from trusses, concrete panes, and stainless steel beams to electricity layouts, ducts, cabinetry, lifts, and equipment. 

RELATED: 4 Tips to improve cabinet shop drawings for manufacturing efficiency at companies

The following are the most common specifications in shop drawings:

  • Any critical dimensions of the work site that must be verified and checked before the installation and manufacturing of the component
  • Any deviations or modifications from the original building and design documents
  • Component manufacturing data, which include physical sizes, specific instructions, production protocols, and material specifications 
  • Detailed and comprehensive drawings of the prefabricated component from different angles drafted by experienced architectural drafting experts
  • Detailed references illustrating how the prefabrication design covers the requirements and specifications of the original construction and design documents 
  • Information required for installation and assembly of a component, such as a connection diagram, step-by-step instructions, and a list of all supporting materials that will be bought and planned for a successful installation 
  • The date of the original drawing and the dates of the revisions that follow
  • The number and title of the project 

Shop drawings are perceived as the backbone of the entire manufacturing process. They are part of all the submission processes of restoration and construction projects. In general, shop drawing services are necessary for prefabricated components and comprise manufacturing details, production standards, and dimensions. Shop drawings are also crucial for the AEC to achieve error-free, economical, and quick work in the quickly changing landscape of the construction industry. 

RELATED: Affordable shop drawings & drafting services by freelancers & contractors on Cad Crowd

Shop drawings – benefits and importance 

The original design plan from an architectural drafting designer depicts the materials required for the construction process. Through shop drawings, no resources or time will be wasted in explaining the entire building process to the team members and everyone involved in the project. 

Shop drawings are self-explanatory, helping contractors understand the installation process, timelines, materials, dimensions, and other essential details. This is why it is crucial to arrange the original plan before the start of the construction process. 


What are construction drawings? 

Also called working drawings, construction drawings are the architectural construction documents or CD sets prepared for envisioning the building’s architectural elements or the building itself before the start of the construction process. These drawings contain specifications for the architectural parts and are presented and written graphically to help with the decision-making process during the design phase. 

RELATED: CAD construction drawings: modernizing your company’s 2D & 3D drafting process 

Construction drawings from architectural drawing firms are often dubbed as the life of all building projects. All building projects undergo various phases and stages before the start of on-site construction. The design phase involves all architectural drawings and building requirements. 

The following sheets are often included in the construction documentation or CD set:

  • Building and wall sections
  • Demolition floor plan(s) and elevation(s)
  • Window and door schedules
  • Lighting and electrical plans
  • Exterior elevations
  • Floor plan(s)
  • Foundation plan(s)
  • Framing plan(s)
  • Mep details
  • Section and plan details
  • Roof plan(s)
  • Site survey or plan
  • Structural details
  • Title sheet specs

RELATED: What are Redline drawing costs & CAD drafting rates for construction companies?

If the project also includes interiors, construction drawings may also have the following:

  • Cabinetry details
  • Enlarged floor plans (floor tile and plumbing layouts)
  • Interior elevations (wall tile layouts and bath accessory placement)
  • Material, appliance, and fixture specification
  • Selection schedule (plumbing sections, cataloging tile, and countertop)

Construction drawings must be made by Autocad drafting and design services while considering the requirements for building codes, standards, materials, and procedures that must be followed precisely for building a structure. The documents help guarantee the accuracy of the details for all construction activities on the site and play a critical role in acquiring government permits and approvals.

Construction drawings were traditionally produced by hand and drawn to the scale. However, with the evolution and development of construction digitization and technology, these construction documents or CD sets can now be made with the help of digital CAD platforms. Freelance construction drawings and CAD design services can be employed to develop construction drawings for architectural projects.

RELATED: Architectural plans, CAD drawing costs & architect service pricing

Construction drawing benefits and importance

Construction drawings’ primary function and purpose are to serve as a graphical depiction of what will be built. These drawings must offer adequate information and details to ensure timely design implementation. Construction drawings must be coordinated and concise to prevent confusion and ambiguity. A professional 2D drawings and floor plan company with the relevant credentials and expertise can help. Misunderstandings and delays can be avoided through the careful organization of construction drawings. 


What are as-built drawings?

With shop and design drawings undergoing several changes and modifications, it is expected to have a few things that could be more consistent between the drawings and the finished buildings. This is where as-built drawings enter the picture. These drawings are called as-built plans, red-line drawings, and record drawings. 

RELATED: Why as-built drawings services are important for architects and designers

As-built drawings are the revised series a contractor submits when a construction or project has been completed. These drawings from freelance as-built drawing services depict the exact position, geometry, and dimensions of the project’s different components made under the contract. They also reflect every adjustment made in the working drawings and requirements throughout construction. 

The following are included in as-built drawings:

  • Annexation of all appendices and shop drawings 
  • Any changes made after recording the final inspection 
  • Includes changes in materials, size, installation, manufacture, location, etc.
  • Documented changes in scale or preferably in the size similar to the original drawings
  • There were unforeseen hindrances, and solutions were implemented on the date of the changes
  • Use clear descriptions and designations instead of vague expressions such as ‘similar’ to

As-built drawings – benefits and importance 

As-built drawings depict the building or structure not as a conceived idea but as it stands. It is common for buildings not to stick to the plans, with the final structure having a slight or significant difference from the original idea. Sub-contractors or as-built drawing designers develop as-built drawings from the red-lined drafts, which are crucial to the construction project.

RELATED: What are as-built drawings costs & drafting rates at architecture companies?

The following are the reasons why a project needs as-built drawings:

Facilitate future renovations and repairs 

Since making as-built drawings considers only the final installed components and erected structures, these are handy for future maintenance work. They act as shop drawings and construction documents if renovating an old structure is necessary. They also guarantee that, if required, retrofits are carried out in the most efficient way possible. 

Simplified operations and maintenance 

As-built drawings also help to efficiently operate and maintain structures since they show the building’s documented history. These include plumbing, electrical, and mechanical as-builts as quick references for faster repairs. It can become expensive and time-consuming to determine installed components and locate and repair them without the help of custom as-built drawings drafted by architectural detailing experts

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Safety insights

With the use of as-built drawing plans, it also becomes easier to achieve safety management and process hazard analysis. Since these plans depict the location of equipment shut-off valves, it will be easier to install safety equipment, develop plans for emergency evacuation, and prepare contingency plans around the perimeter of the building. 

Hire experts in shop drawings, construction drawings, and as-built drawings at Cad Crowd

Shop drawings, construction drawings, and freelance as-built drawings services are essential throughout a facility’s different stages, from the actual construction to the maintenance and even renovation. These drawings are all developed and made at various stages of the project’s lifecycle, allowing the production of cost-efficient, timely, error-free, and risk-free work. 

If your company needs assistance with shop drawings, construction drawings, and as-built drawings, you can start searching for the experts at Cad Crowd. Cad Crowd is a platform where you can find professionals specializing in these drawings that help facilitate the entire construction process. 

3D Floor Plan Services: A Beginner’s Guide to Using a 3D Floor Plan Effectively

Today’s post covers helpful information regarding 3D floor plan services and how to use a 3D floor plan effectively. Have you ever searched for a property to buy or rent? If so, you’ve probably noticed that many online property listings don’t just provide property descriptions and photos; they often include floor plan images. The floor plan typically portrays the size of the different rooms on the property. It may also include measurements of the length and width of each room. Through these depictions, even those who don’t belong or may not be familiar with the images can tell what kind of room it is and how the space can be used to the fullest. 

But despite how handy floor plan images can be, they are not enough on their own. In those instances, 3D floor plan rendering services come in handy. 3D floor plan renderings are provided by 3D floor plan experts who can create detailed visualizations of floor plans that you can’t obtain from traditional floor plans. However, if this is your first time hearing about 3D floor plans, it is only natural that you have some continues. Continue reading this short beginner’s guide to using a 3D floor plan effectively:

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What are 3D floor plan renderings?

3D floor plan rendering is images that depict the structure (doors, windows, and walls) and the layout (furniture, fixtures, and fittings) of a home, office, building, or property in 3D. A 3D floor plan is often in color and displayed from a birds-eye view. While there are no stringent rules regarding the required angles of an image, top-down and isometric floor plans are the two styles most commonly used right now. 

What makes 3D floor plans different from 2D floor plans?

2D floor plans are notably simpler than 3D floor plan renderings, often drawn in white and black, featuring additional details such as areas or dimensions. You may wonder when to use 2D floor plans or opt for 3D floor plans. Speak to a professional 2D drawings and floor plans design company about the appropriate solution. Your choice depends on the specific information you want to communicate and your objectives. A 2D floor plan might be better if your main priorities are facts, detail, and precision. For instance, a 2D drawing and floor plan design may be beneficial when applying for a building permit or providing dimensions to the building contractor.

Thanks to their simplicity, the 2D floor plan drawing process is faster, making them work great as a starting point or first draft for a project. Unfortunately, 2D floor plans can do little to convey a space’s look and feel, so you might need help visualizing the environment and getting a good sense of the atmosphere. 

RELATED: Architectural symbols for 2D drawings and floor plans – how companies interpret them

A 3D floor plan rendering designer can add vibrancy to a property. They provide a quick, comprehensive view of the property’s layout, design, furniture, and colors. They are easy to understand at a glance, making them a valuable tool for selling off-plan properties or visualizing the potential of an empty house.

Who uses 3D floor plan designs? 

Any individual or professional who wishes to convey and present more detailed information regarding a property and its layout can use and take advantage of 3D floor plan design services. These professionals include:

  • Architects
  • Bathroom fitters and designers 
  • Carpet and floor installers
  • Construction contractors
  • Event organizers
  • Fire safety and building security professionals
  • Furniture salespeople
  • Interior designers
  • Kitchen designers
  • Landscapers and garden planners
  • Property photographers
  • Property sales websites
  • Real estate agents
  • Home renovators and builders
  • Window and door installers

RELATED: Why companies are choosing 3D floor plan rendering to design and visualize projects 


3D floor plan design elements 

Before you learn why and how to create 3D floor plan designs, you need to know the essential elements of 3D floor plan design. Some of these are the following:

  • Doors
  • Partitions or walls
  • Windows

3D floor plan designs should also include anything in the mood board, such as:

  • Accessories
  • Appliances
  • Carpeting or rugs 
  • Hardware or fixtures
  • Flooring
  • Furniture
  • Lighting

After you have identified the details of the essential floor plan elements above, you can now move forward with the importance of creating 3D floor plan designs. 

RELATED: How do 3D interior design rendering services use space planning for floor plans? 

Why create 3D floor plan design?

As the saying suggests, a picture can convey a wealth of information, and the same applies to 3D floor plan designs and 3D floor plan renderings. With a 3D floor plan design, you can visualize designs and ideas more effectively and quickly than with verbal instructions, written descriptions, or even 2D floor plans.

Below are some of the best reasons why you should create 3D floor plans and take advantage of professional 3D floor plan design services:

Prevent costly mistakes 

That elegant king-sized bed may have seemed magnificent in the showroom, but if it dominates your bedroom to the extent that you must squeeze against the wall to access it, its stylish allure can quickly diminish. With a 3D floor plan design, you will know the exact amount of available space you have and the possible impact of large furniture pieces on the overall aesthetics of a room. 

RELATED: Designing small house floor plans: rules for contractors & companies to follow

Communicate ideas easily 

If you have the most fantastic idea for renovating your kitchen, and your partner needs help grasping the concept, you can help them visualize the design through the help of 3D floor plans and 3D architectural visualization firms. While there might be no guarantee that your partner will agree with what you have in mind, you can be sure that you will be on the same page at least. 

Compare various designs

After you have developed a design template, it is time to unleash your imagination and creativity. Whether you wish to update the color of the wall, mix the layout of the furniture pieces, or check the appearance of an extra large sofa on the corner, a 3D floor plan design will help you quickly assess your options. 

Showcase the property in its best light 

People’s attention spans have become shorter than ever, especially in this modern world of marketing and sales. With the help of 3D AR/VR architectural services (another type of floor plan), you can be sure your message will be delivered efficiently and quickly without making anyone feel bored and sleepy. This makes 3D floor plans ideal for property listing websites and real estate agents, especially those who sell off-plan houses.

RELATED: How AEC companies can leverage VR and AR simulations in architectural design


Unleash creativity 

The simple act of using 3D floor plan design services can significantly help during the design process. If you are running out of ideas or need help finding inspiration, a 3D floor plan design will have those ideas flowing quickly. 

How to create effective 3D floor plan designs

Here are the basic steps that 3D floor plan design services follow when preparing 3D floor plans for their clients:

1. Choose a medium for a 3D floor plan design

3D floor plan rendering services begin by selecting software tailored to the client’s needs and project requirements before drawing and measuring the floor plan.

2. 2D drawings and floor plans

Most floor plans start as 2D drawings. Manual drawings can be done by hand depending on the software or 2D drawings and floor plan design services used. These will then be uploaded, or the 2D drawings and floor plans can be made in the software program. The 2D floor plan drawings designer or 3D floor plan designer will also take care of the necessary physical measurements beforehand to ensure the exact dimensions of the space.

They will also add other critical room elements like doors, windows, and walls at this stage for the drawing to accurately reflect the space as much as possible. After all these, the 2D drawings will be ready to be converted into 3D using special software. 

RELATED: How architectural companies design 3D floor plans for residential home design 

3. Include furnishings

Once the 3D floor plan rendering is made, furnishings can be added to bring the design to life. The 3D floor plan can be decorated and furnished similarly in real life. It is also the time to include flooring or lighting, wall paint, and furniture. 

4. Cross-reference the mood board

As the 3D floor plan designer adds final touches and furnishings to the 3D floor plan rendering, they consult the mood board to align with your vision for the space. If elements in the mood board can’t be fully represented in the 3D space, the designer can refer to it when presenting the design to clients to convey its complete potential. For the finest 3D floor plans, choose the best 3D floor plan design services for your projects!

How Cad Crowd can help

Ready to elevate your project design and visualization with 3D floor plan rendering? Cad Crowd offers top-notch 3D rendering services that bring your architectural visions to life. Our experienced team of freelance designers and modelers will help you create stunning, realistic 3D floor plans that captivate clients and streamline your design process.

Contact us today for a free quote and discover how 3D floor plan rendering can transform your projects into visual masterpieces.

Architectural Construction Drawings and How Companies Apply Them in Their Projects

Today’s post covers architectural construction drawings and how companies apply them in their projects. The term “construction” evokes vivid images, from hard-hat-clad workers to the hustle and bustle of material transfer between various points. But as far as construction is concerned, you might think of construction drawings or plans. For novice eyes, these drawings and plans might look completely alien, incomprehensible, and impossible to understand. However, if you ask any freelance construction drawings and CAD drafting and design professionals, they will tell you that a construction drawing is always the first step in any construction process. 

Freelance architectural construction drawings are among the most fundamental things you need before you begin the construction of your structure. These construction drawings are used in architectural and construction activities and projects for various applications and reasons. This post will give you a walkthrough of the different types of architectural construction drawings and how companies use them. 

RELATED: CAD construction drawings: modernizing your company’s 2D & 3D drafting process 

What are architectural construction drawings?

Architectural construction drawings are graphical representations of what will be built and how it will be laid out, together with details of dimensions, framework, and components. A specific construction drawing created by a construction drawing professional highlights the details for each aspect and stage of construction projects. Construction drawings that include each subtype help various workforce groups tasked to do or oversee the tasks involved in a construction project. 

The making of architectural construction drawings 

Architectural construction drawings are rarely hand-drawn. They are now mostly sketched and rendered with the help of computer-aided draftings like CAD or computer-aided design software and 3D construction rendering software. BIM, or building information modeling software, has revolutionized the accessibility of creating detailed visualizations and renders for VCMs (virtual construction models). Additionally, integrating architectural BIM modeling services further enhances the precision and efficiency of the construction planning process. Let’s now look at the most common architectural construction drawings often used in today’s construction industry. 

RELATED:  The advantages of CAD (computer-aided design) & 3D design software

Architectural drawings

Architectural drawings are the drawing works used in construction drawings. Their primary purpose is to depict the layout, depth, and dimensions of the actual building before the start of its construction. With the aid of architectural drawing firms, these architectural drawings act as blueprint construction and are drawn to scale to make it easier for engineers to envision the project. 

Architectural drawings and architectural drafts also have different types often used in construction projects, and these are the following: 

Elevation Drawings 

Elevation drawings are architectural drawings that provide an aesthetic overview of the different building components, such as doorframes, windows, and columns. It also allows a better understanding of the internal markings, relative surface, and relative height of the various components to one another. 

RELATED: What are Redline drawing costs & CAD drafting rates for construction companies?

2D drawings and floor plans

Floor plans are the in-depth renderings of room layouts for every floor. 2D drawings and floor plan services describe the orientation of components and rooms to each other. While floor plans might or might not be used in non-commercial or commercial building projects, it is still necessarily made as an integral part of the entire drawing work. 

Foundation plan 

Often mistaken for basement or ground floor plans, foundation plans are the drawing works that render any of the floors of a building under construction. Foundation plans help envision the height, configuration, shape, size, and dimensions of rooms, landings, or stairs with each other. 

Sectional drawings 

Sectional drawings depict the entire framework or a part of it in a sliced form. These drawings help us understand the specific measurements of the different components of the building with each other, the hollowness, height, and depth of these components, as well as the materials used to construct them. 

RELATED: Architectural symbols for 2D drawings and floor plans – how companies interpret them


Block plan

A block plan is a drawing that presents the site’s layout or the surrounding nearby buildings, all drawn to scale and laid out on a map. Block plans offer a firsthand idea of the boundaries, roads, and other similar details, all of which are essential to understanding the location of your construction site. An experienced architectural detailing professional can help. These architectural construction drawings can help people involved with your construction project or plan request understand better where or what you are proposing and assist you with this. A block plan about the suggested scales and ordinance survey maps is also developed. 

Electrical drafting or drawings

Many commercial or residential construction drawings also call for a functional outline of the specific number of power outlets, fan fixtures, and light fixtures. Electrical drafting & design experts can develop electrical drawings that indicate the wiring pattern and the details regarding the electrical load each can carry. Some of the most common details that you can find in electrical drawings include:

  • Cable tray layout
  • Earthing layout
  • Hazardous area classifications
  • Light fixture layout
  • Generator and other equipment
  • Lighting protection system

RELATED: Architectural plans, CAD drawing costs & architect service pricing

Environmental plans

One of the most critical aspects of construction projects that companies should never overlook is ensuring that environmental management and guidelines are strictly followed. The goal is to reduce the construction project’s potential environmental damage and possible adverse effects. Environmental plans include several measures, such as:

  • Chemical disposal mechanisms
  • Management of sedimentation and erosion 
  • Measures to handle emergencies and accidents like fire
  • Outlining measures for environmental guideline compliance 

Finishing drawings

After setting up the entire architectural and structural framework, the finishing drawings include the finer and more comprehensive building plans. These are necessary for the functional and aesthetic value of a building. Construction drawings often include details of the following:

  • False ceilings
  • Floor patterns
  • Designs and motifs
  • Paint textures and colors 
  • Plaster
  • Tile patterns
  • Woodwork

RELATED: Why you should outsource to CAD drawing and drafting services

Fire sprinkler drawings

Safety design has become more critical than ever in modern-day construction systems. Fire sprinkler drawing services are included in a building’s blueprint drawings that designate points or spots for fire escapes, fire hoses, sandbags, water outlets, and other equipment for fire safety, as mandated by the regulatory body that oversees the project. 

HVAC design services and drawings

HVAC design services and drawings, also called mechanical construction drawings, offer a design framework and details for ventilation and heating systems in the building. Air conditioning vents, central cooling or heating, ventilators, and others are all indicated based on the need and the site of the building plans. The builders use the HVAC design drawings in the process accordingly. 

RELATED: How much blueprints cost for CAD floor plans, and 2D drawings rates at drafting firms?


Plumbing drawings

Similar to electrical layouts, plumbing is yet another part of any commercial or residential architectural construction drawing that specifies the points where plumbing parts and components will be set up. Spots and spaces are allotted here accordingly for additional sanitary ware and pipe fixtures that will be added after the completion of the structural component. Plumbing drawings often include:

  • Outlet points such as tanks, taps, and sinks
  • Pipes, including water pipes, internal pipes, and drainage pipes
  • Location and position of outlets and pipes 
  • Pipe materials 

Production drawings

Production drawings are architectural construction drawings that present functional data to the onsite engineers and workers. These drawings describe the assembly of different parts, the materials, the dimensions, the necessary tools, and other details required throughout the process. Production drawing designers may also include an infographic or additional information on how to meet the set requirements. 

RELATED: 2D vs 3D CAD: what you need to know

Structural design services drawings

Structural design firms create structural drawings that are used as civil engineering drawings. These drawings come in handy to better understand a building framework and its physical nitty-gritty. These drawings guide a structural design that the onsite engineers and workers can refer to. 

Structural design drawings have several common types, including: 

Beam layouts

Beam layouts include all beam-like structures, like those supporting the windows and roof, and beams meant for strengthening. These are designed for every floor, covering the material, height, length, and others. 

Column layouts 

Column layouts are structural drawings that indicate how columns are laid out. This will make it easier for the contractors to plan the building layout and begin the process by identifying the position of the columns and the distance between them across the floor. 

Excavation drawings

A civil engineering design firm can draft civil engineering drawings that describe the positions and dimensions for the excavation process before the actual building work. Excavation drawings cover details such as shafts, tunneling, grid plans, removal of soil, and others necessary to begin the groundwork.

RELATED: Hiring an architect for new construction & renovation? Ask these questions first

General note 

The general note is the overview of all the procedures, abbreviations, codes, and others required to provide a comprehensive guide for working on the construction site. It includes details for the rest of the structural drawings, construction types and lengths of every component, and concrete mix, to mention a few. 

Roof slab layouts

These structural drawings describe the exact dimensions of every slab required for slants or roofs. Roof slab layouts can be designed using AutoCAD software, which calls for data and precision. Previously, these architectural construction drawings were made manually. However, with the rise of new technologies, CAD software programs have made things more accessible. 

How Cad Crowd can assist

Explore architectural construction drawings with Cad Crowd to understand their types and importance for businesses. Our blog post explains various types of architectural construction drawings and their practical applications, helping you use them effectively in your projects. 

Contact Cad Crowd for expert guidance to simplify your architectural construction drawings and design journey. Request a free quote now!