Parametric vs. Direct Modeling Services: Applications in Design and Engineering

CAD creation has two primary approaches: direct modeling and parametric modeling. These are useful for various aspects and stages of the CAD design process, making creating your 3D CAD model more straightforward. This piece delves into parametric and direct modeling services and their applications in design and engineering. 

What is parametric modeling? 

The parametric modeling method refers to the structured engineering process, often called history-based modeling. This method retains a log of all model features; every new feature added to the model is cataloged in the list. This is known as a feature tree, which makes editing more easily accessible. Every feature is developed by manually inputting dimensions to ensure careful control of every angle and measurement.

Parameters also control the elements, and the design engineering expert who makes the CAD model defines these parameters. It allows the parametric modeling expert to retain design intent while developing and tweaking the model since every modification will abide by the set parameters instructing the model’s behavior. 

RELATED: How the aerospace industry is using CAD design services: drafting, modeling, and prototyping

What are the advantages of parametric modeling? 

Changes are automated 

Each change is reflected immediately in the visual model whenever a feature’s dimensions are modified. Simultaneous editing of identical features is also possible in parametric modeling. 

Design intent 

With the help of the parameters, the CAD model doesn’t have to stray from the original intent of the design. These algorithms tell the features how to react to the changes made in the rest of the model.  

Feature tree

The feature tree is the list that records every feature. You can always access it, and it maintains a linear creation log complete with steps. 


Dimensions control every feature to allow precise modifications and movements. 

RELATED: The best 3D modeling CAD software for designers

What are the disadvantages of parametric modeling? 

Careful planning is required

Every time the parametric model changes, the program will update the model by addressing every feature based on the feature tree’s linear order. The parts are then connected while building upon one another in the list. Any lapse or carelessness on the parametric modeling professional’s part will result in some changes made earlier in the feature tree to break the model while trying to address the features much further down the tree. This is also why changing the design in later stages is challenging. 

Concept design 

While brainstorming the available design options, making iterations to the model through parametric modeling can be tedious and stifle the creative process.


Size of the file

More features added means the longer the feature tree’s list goes. The computer may require additional power and time to resolve the model. 

Sharing of parametric models 

It’s not easy to share the parametric model in suite-specific CAD because of the numerous CAD programs available on the market. Converting the file to generic CAD makes it easier to share it among computers. However, doing this will wipe off the feature tree from the file, making it harder to make additional editing. 

RELATED: The evolution of 3D CAD design and drafting

What are the best applications of parametric modeling?

Parametric modeling is highly recommended for tasks where it’s necessary to create or meet exact dimensions for the continuity of production. It is typically in the engineering phase after identifying the part’s concept design for production. It also comes in handy if there is a need for a comprehensive log of features, including 3D modeling services for machine parts that need frequent updates or a part of a family of products that should share several similarities. 

What is direct modeling?

Freedom and flexibility are the main characteristics of the direct modeling method. These traits are all because direct modeling is a process free from history. It means that it doesn’t maintain any log of edits or features in the same way that parametric modeling does. Direct modeling doesn’t define parameters, so features aren’t tied together.

Instead, it’s possible to directly pull, push, or otherwise manipulate any particular geometrical piece of the model into the designer’s preferred spot. You can liken this model to how sculptors work with modeling clay. The intent of the CAD design is defined throughout the model’s progress. 

RELATED: 3D modeling: an overview of history & industry applications

What are the advantages of direct modeling?

Freedom and flexibility 

Due to the lack of connection of features among each other, it’s possible to make changes with no need to worry that the model will break. It also allows making radical changes at any stage of the process. 


The process can speed up since it’s possible to make direct edits instead of inputting the individual dimensions. It allows the 3D design firm to rapidly and easily explore different design variations. 


Since this modeling process doesn’t keep a feature tree, it allows direct working with the generic CAD models in the form of IGES or STEP files. 

What are the disadvantages of direct modeling?

Design intent 

Since parameters are not used for defining the design intent and making the model react due to the changes, there is always the risk of straying from the design intent. 

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Even though dimensions might be shown every time the geometry is manipulated in a direct model, these dimensions don’t have a history. It makes editing and tracking them more challenging if you need exact measurements rather than concepts. 

Identical features 

It’s possible to modify identical features like holes with parametric modeling simultaneously. However, direct modeling doesn’t draw relationships between the items. It means that if there are exact features similar to this, individually editing them is necessary. 


What are the best applications of direct modeling?

Direct modeling is an approach best recommended for tasks where there is a need for speed and flexibility, such as with rapid prototyping and concept design. It also helps if creating a part that is a one-off design will have a short life cycle or if it is expected to undergo numerous design iterations. Speed is also more beneficial than parameter control in most of these instances and, in turn, will save resources spent on the model’s production. 

RELATED: 3D modeling & CAD design recap

Parametric vs. direct modeling: which is better?

The specific modeling that will suit you best depends on the current phase and the intended purpose of your model. However, a good combination of both is recommended since each will help you in the different stages of the modeling process. 

The two 3D modeling service types can lead to a similar CAD result, making the exchange between direct and parametric modeling programs. However, the feature tree from parametric modeling will get lost in the data exchange. It’s important to remember that direct modeling and parametric modeling often exist in different programs. Although several modeling programs have started incorporating tools from the two approaches, both are still in their early stages and must provide all the perks of either method. 

RELATED: Do you know the three major types of 3D models?

Factors to consider to determine the proper modeling method for you

If you’re a 3D design professional wondering about the modeling method that suits you, there are several vital factors you need to consider. 

  • Specific needs for collaboration

Do you have a team where every 3D modeler expert uses their preferred software, but you still need to collaborate through tweaking the models’ aspects? In cases like this, your go-to paradigm should be direct modeling. The paradigm encourages interoperability because it doesn’t involve using history trees to capture the design intent. It means importing and modifying the model developed using software X to software Y while maintaining the crucial details possible.  

  • Sophistication and complexity of design

Parametric modeling is the preferred approach when developing complex models. Alternatively, direct modeling is recommended for one-off simple designs. But note that the former needs significant effort and planning to develop a parametric model. 

RELATED: How to evaluate the quality of a 3D model for parts & products

  • Easy workflow and usage 

If you’re looking for a design paradigm that doesn’t require lots of planning and is a tad simplistic and straightforward, the direct modeling paradigm is the better option. But if you want to dedicate more effort to understanding the model before starting the 3D modeling process, you’re better off with parametric modeling. It allows you to capture the design intent and define relationships between the dimensions and the rest of the parameters. 

It’s recommended to choose direct modeling if you’re a beginner or hire 3D modeling design services for assistance. Direct modeling is easy to learn and use, is flexible, and requires little planning or effort to achieve the preferred solid model. Direct modeling is ideal for workflows that don’t require 3D modelers to dedicate lots of resources, such as money and time. 

How Cad Crowd can help 

Cad Crowd is a platform where you can find parametric and direct modeling services experts for your 3D modeling needs. Freelance parametric modeling experts can help your company transform your design and engineering projects into sophisticated CAD models. Contact us for a free quote.

Metaverse Architectural Design Services: Cost, Rates, and Fees for Companies and Firms

When someone mentions “metaverse,” the first thing to cross your mind is probably Facebook, which has now changed its name into Meta and expanded its business model from social media to virtual reality. An important distinction has to be made between Meta (the company) and Metaverse (the ecosystem) because they are different things. Meta is a platform where users and advertisers can utilize Metaverse to interact with each other. However, the Metaverse refers to the AR/VR ecosystem itself and is not a property of Meta. Think of the Metaverse as the Internet; everybody can use it, yet nobody owns it.

The Metaverse is a digital ecosystem with all the features necessary to allow individuals, businesses, organizations, and society to interact and communicate. One of the most common examples is how a user can build a virtual office or storefront to conduct day-to-day business operations within the Metaverse. It is a virtual world in every sense of the word, almost like the matrix.

While Metaverse has been around for about two decades, it remains in an early stage of development. Getting into the Metaverse is not that difficult; get yourself a VR headset, and you’re ready to go. But similar to the physical world, developments mean creating infrastructure inside the virtual atmosphere; otherwise, it is an empty space, and that’s where architectural designs come in.

Metaverse Architectural Design services

An architectural firm typically comprises an architect to design a building, engineers to calculate structural feasibility, builders to physically handle the construction, and administrative employees to handle paperwork. A metaverse architectural firm replaces the engineers and builders with 3D modeling design services and developers. The design services from both firms are pretty much the same, such as building construction, renovations, exterior designs, 3D interior design services, urban planning and design services, real estate developments, and design consultations. A big difference is that the metaverse type produces virtual buildings instead of physical ones.

The jobs of metaverse architects revolve around designing and constructing virtual structures and landscapes in a virtual environment. Unlike mere digital models, the infrastructures must be integrated into the metaverse ecosystem so users can navigate and interact with them. Designing such an infrastructure is like creating an immersive VR-based architectural walkthrough at a much larger scale. Therefore, a metaverse architect must know building design, engineering, computer science, and game creation.

Best examples

Metaverse is a transformational platform that may redefine the nature of collaboration between people and machines. Combining immersive visualization technology and cloud computing enables anybody to run and manage businesses outside the constraint of physical spaces without losing efficiency. Metaverse is also an effective simulation tool to test ideas, manufacturing processes, and products to gauge their technical viability before real-world implementation.

The best example (thus far) of architectural design services is the creation of a digital twin, where companies build a fully functional digital copy of their manufacturing facilities for production simulation. BMW is among the first to have a metaverse-based factory built in collaboration with Nvidia. The virtual factory comes equipped with everything its real-world counterpart has and is primarily utilized to measure its manufacturing robots’ abilities to perform complex tasks.


Process simulation is nothing new in product designs, such as computational fluid dynamics and wind tunnels. However, Metaverse architecture design services take it to another level thanks to real-time digital modeling and immersive experiences. It turns out that digital twin is not limited to the manufacturing and design industry. Singapore has begun a massive undertaking to build a digital twin of its urban landscape and topographical data. Shanghai and Las Vegas have embarked on the same venture, too. All those metaverse twins are used as digital simulation tools to test large-scale urban planning projects.

A digital twin is reverse engineering done for the virtual world. Metaverse architects build a virtual version of a building, structure, or even an entire city based on actual data from the physical objects. As far as project planning is concerned, the simulation eventually becomes a virtual prototyping process. It allows people to conduct experiments, recognize anomalies, and prevent safety issues.

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Virtual architectures

Of course, creating a digital twin of a city or a factory is a massive project likely undertaken only by a select few. Most metaverse users will be interested in creating a much simpler virtual structure like houses, offices, stores, amusement parks, sheds, barns, garages, bridges, roadside attractions, or anything they usually encounter during daily activities in the real world.

When simulation is not in the equation, the metaverse architects can create just about any structure in a relatively short period. One of the main reasons is the lack of engineering problems. Since the primary concern is visuals, the architect spends less time (if at all) checking structural integrity, calculating and purchasing construction materials, obtaining permits, weatherproofing, wiring, and plumbing. Visualization is all that matters, whereas functionality and comfort come far behind.

Exterior design makes up for the bulk of the work. When someone wants to build a virtual house with a specific style, the architect spends most of the time designing the aesthetic aspect of it. Whether or not the construction meets the structural integrity requirement is not a pressing issue. It does not matter if the solar panel on the roof is connected to the electric installation. The most important thing is appearance. Real engineering input adds no practical value to the project because structural knowledge is irrelevant. The structure and materials are neither subject to deterioration nor exposed to the elements. Gravity is not a factor, let alone regulations.

The same thing applies to interior design. Metaverse architects will not lose sleep over an inefficient HVAC system, natural lighting, noise pollution, or heavy-maintenance fixtures. Everything can be set to perfect condition, fully functional, and comfortable every day. In the Metaverse, nothing is impossible.


Metaverse Architectural Design services cost

Thanks to the absence of restrictive regulations and laws of physics for a typical project, architectural design services from either freelancers or firms are more affordable in the Metaverse than in the real world.


There is no definitive range of pay for freelance metaverse architects. Experiences, portfolios, and skill levels are crucial factors in determining the amount of money the architect may request. A well-known metaverse architect, working as a freelancer, can ask for around $1,000 to $4,000 for the most straightforward build.

Alexander Vlerick, a well-known metaverse architect based in France, priced his services at $1,000 for a basic 100-square-meter virtual build when he began in 2020. Bear in mind that he boasts an impressive portfolio in game design. New freelancers with a less spectacular track record will not likely charge as much. Now, Vlerick can charge at least $5,000 for the same range of architectural services of a similar scope. It should take him no more than two days to complete the project.

Prices go up based on the number of details and estimated completion time. About 90% of the project time is spent on 3D modeling and coding to add design elements like door-opening sounds and button clicks. You may find it hard to believe that not all customers want to add virtual furniture to their metaverse build, which can reduce the cost somewhat.

Experience/ Portfolio/ Skill Level Pricing Range (for a basic build) Services Included Additional Factors
New Freelancer $500 – $1,500 Basic architectural design, limited features, and simple 3D modeling. Limited experience, smaller portfolio, and entry-level skills.
Intermediate Freelancer $1,500 – $3,000 More intricate design, additional features, and moderate 3D modeling. Some experience and a moderate portfolio.
Experienced Freelancer $3,000 – $5,000 Advanced architectural design, detailed features, and complex 3D modeling. Established skills and a portfolio demonstrating expertise.
Well-Known Freelancer $5,000 and above Customized and high-end design, extensive features, and sophisticated 3D modeling. Renowned reputation, extensive portfolio, and high skills.

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Fulltime Metaverse Architects or Firms


The data to show the average salary for full-time metaverse architects is scarce at best. Some sources say it is around $55,000 annually, while others suggest a higher number of up to $80,000 annually. It all depends on work experience and the company that hires them. If you are starting your career, your salary is likely lower than the suggested amount.

If, for some reason, you want to hire a metaverse architectural firm to work on your project, be prepared to spend anywhere from $10,000 to $300,000, depending on scale, features, and details. Construction project workflow in the Metaverse is similar to that of the real world. There will be initial discussions between the client and the firm before the latter offers a quote based on the former’s project requirements. The firm will produce building sketches and rough iterations for the client to review. Once everything is set, construction begins, but in this case, all the work is done by developers and 3D modelers.

Metaverse architectural project only has very few hurdles. In addition to the budget, you might be limited to the size of virtual land you have. You can buy parcels of land (with cryptocurrency) from Sandbox and Decentraland, currently the biggest metaverse platforms. Prices have gone up and won over the years; conservatively, it is between $1,000 and $5,000 for the most minor plot of land. If you don’t own a virtual land, a metaverse architectural firm can help you purchase it for an additional fee.

Type Average Salary/Project Cost Details and Considerations
Full-Time Metaverse Architect $55,000 – $80,000 per year (approximate) Salary varies based on work experience and the hiring company. Entry-level salaries may be lower.
Metaverse Architectural Firm $10,000 – $300,000 (project cost) Project cost depends on the scale, features, and details. Initial discussions precede a firm’s quote based on project requirements. Construction involves collaboration with developers and 3D modelers.

At this point, the concept of the metaverse architectural industry still appears to be a bit out of reach for the general population, primarily due to the limited promise of ROI. As with every new business and platform, big companies and well-funded organizations take the first step into the venture, and then it should be a gradual development before the public takes a more serious interest.

How Cad Crowd can help

Unlock the boundless potential of Metaverse architectural design with Cad Crowd. We connect leading companies and firms with skilled professionals who can harness their expertise to craft immersive digital spaces within the Metaverse. These visionary architects merge technology and creativity to bring captivating virtual environments to life, from futuristic cityscapes to awe-inspiring virtual landscapes.

Take your Metaverse architectural projects to new heights and redefine the future of digital spaces by requesting a free quote and contacting us today. Join the movement and ensure your architectural designs leave an indelible mark in the ever-evolving Metaverse landscape.

The Future of the AEC Industry: Exploring BIM Modeling Trends for Companies

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is now an indispensable tool for more and more building projects in today’s quickly evolving architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. However, what does the future hold for this field? What trends should you watch out for?

BIM modeling services are changing the AEC industry in ways you may not know. From enhanced efficiency to improved collaboration, there’s no denying how beneficial BIM is. This article explores the emerging BIM modeling trends for companies.

BIM modeling adoption

What’s the effect of BIM modeling adoption on manufacturers? BIM is critical as more and more companies, governmental entities, and private clients recognize its value. Architects, engineers, and interior designers have started to adapt their practices to integrate BIM technology into their work.

The professionals turn to BIM objects that manufacturers, EPDs, and LCAs provide for accurately assessing their designs and environmental impact. BIM adoption is vital for manufacturers to stay competitive and adhere to the increasing demand for BIM objects in construction projects.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Integrating AI with all its promising benefits is starting to change the construction industry. Manufacturers are among the main stakeholders that this trend will affect sooner or later. With the help of AI algorithms, it will be easier for manufacturers to analyze all project data, acquire insights into their products’ performance, and reach data-driven decisions for their improvement.


When used in the construction industry, AI can help monitor performance and detect problems before they occur. This also improves quality control and can come in handy for analyzing vast quantities of data and determining patterns that will further optimize the design and construction process.

For example, artificial intelligence can be used to examine data that can help predict possible delays in the schedules of construction projects. Tools powered by AI, like chatbots, can also be a great help for customers as well as other stakeholders. These tools can answer questions that can improve the overall satisfaction of customers and reduce the workload on the part of the customer support teams. If you still find these lacking, AI is also great at analyzing data on building components and materials to pinpoint areas with room for sustainability, efficiency, and cost improvement.


Automation is also an emerging trend expected to transform the BIM world. Construction automation uses applications, robots, and digital processes to achieve and complete tasks with the least human input. Automation has numerous perks, including being more cost-effective and reducing safety hazards.

Automating the BIM model production process allows manufacturers to collaborate more effectively with engineers, architects, and other stakeholders involved in the construction process. The use of automation in BIM helps the manufacturing process as well. Automation technologies like sensors, AI, and robotics enable manufacturers to improve the quality of their products and streamline the production process. These can lead to better adaptability and flexibility in changing the requirements for production. It allows manufacturers to better cater to the demands of the construction professionals who use BIM.

RELATED: Industry Rates for BIM Services & Building Information Modeling Costs

BIM mandates

It’s a big no-no for manufacturers to fail to adhere to BIM mandates now more than ever. BIM mandates are a requirement instead of a mere option in the construction industry because of their numerous benefits, including increased efficiency and better project outcomes. Technological advancements aren’t the only ones that drive the trend; even politicians strive to improve a country’s competitiveness, productivity, and environmental and social welfare.

Manufacturers can enjoy a strategic edge by adhering to BIM mandates and coming up with BIM content to enhance their product offers and better meet the needs of their customers. Manufacturers must keep up with the newest BIM requirements to stay competitive.

Cloud-based technology

Numerous benefits are associated with cloud-based BIM, such as real-time updates, accessibility, and improved collaboration. Information management is a vital benefit where BIM objects play a significant role. Thanks to this technology, building project stakeholders can update and access BIM models worldwide to collaborate on projects.

AEC2 (1)

Manufacturers can make the most of this trend by ensuring their products are accessible on cloud-based BIM platforms. As a result, it will be easier for stakeholders to have their products integrated into BIM models. Real-time updates are also available on cloud-based BIM to help teams keep up with progress and project changes. 

On the other hand, using onsite premises may require stakeholders to work with obsolete information or wait for updates, leading to errors and delays. With cloud-based BIM, stakeholders can access the most updated information about the project and engage in real-time collaboration. This trend will likely continue as cloud-based technology infiltrates other industries. As an increasing number of stakeholders welcome the idea of using cloud-based BIM, it’s expected that accessibility and collaboration will further improve, thus transforming the construction industry as a whole.


Prefabrication is an up-and-coming trend that might already be familiar among manufacturers. Prefabrication and BIM are similar to two peas in a single pod. The prefabrication process involves the offsite creation of building components and assembling them on the site.

During prefabrication, BIM has a critical role to play as it lets manufacturers develop digital models of the components that allow easy integration into the building model. Manufacturers can enjoy numerous benefits from using BIM during prefabrication. These include accuracy, increased efficiency, and better collaboration with the rest of the stakeholders.

All of these allow quicker and more efficient onsite assembly of the components. Combining BIM with prefabrication will enable manufacturers to seamlessly develop components fitting into the building model.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Greener, faster, and better building processes are what BIM is all about. Stakeholders can take advantage of sensors and IoT to gain insight into the operation of their building projects. The construction industry can use IoT to control and monitor building systems and automate repair and maintenance tasks for improved safety at work.

Integrating IoT data with BIM software can give construction professionals more detailed and accurate information on the building systems’ performance, including lighting, product design, and other equipment. Manufacturing services can also use IoT to understand the needs of end-users and construction professionals to develop improved products that cater to their customers’ competitive needs.

Digital twins


As digital twins continue rising in popularity, the construction industry is also set to enter a new dimension of simulation and design. Digital twins can be likened to replicas of physical assets like machinery or buildings, which help stakeholders view and assess the performance of their structures in various scenarios. Digital twins can provide real-time data that optimize performance, improve decision-making, and anticipate maintenance needs before they happen.

Digital twins can accurately predict and simulate the behavior and operation of a product according to conditions in the real world. It allows manufacturers to come up with educated decisions regarding support and maintenance needs that optimize the performance of a product. This reduces rework and waste, hastens the design process, and enhances the product’s overall quality. The identification of possible bottlenecks before they happen is among its significant benefits.

RELATED: Building Information Modeling (BIM) Freelance Contractors on Cad Crowd

Virtual Augmented Reality

The rise of augmented reality technologies significantly impacts BIM processes. These are starting to be further integrated into the construction industry to provide various means of interacting and visualizing BIM data. The technologies allow picturing and simulating construction projects so stakeholders can understand them before construction.

Virtual augmented reality is a technology that will enable easier and faster inspection of large-scale 3D models to offer stakeholders a clear and comprehensive image of the development and design process. The technology is also expected to improve the BIM modeling process in the future by providing a comprehensive look at the different stages of the design process.

It’s an impressive way of presenting designs and products to customers to give them a chance to understand better what they will get before deciding to buy. Virtual augmented reality also allows visualization of product designs and improved collaboration among project teams. This cuts down errors and enhances the overall quality of the project through the identification and resolution of problems before the start of construction.

How Cad Crowd can help

Possibilities are almost infinite as far as the future of BIM modeling for AEC companies is concerned. Cad Crowd operates as a platform where you can find BIM modeling & design services and architectural BIM modeling experts who can help your company keep up with the changes taking place in the industry.

How to Avoid 3D Furniture Modeling Blunders with 3D Furniture Modeling Services

3D furniture modeling has become an indispensable tool for furniture companies that wish to stand out amid the cut-throat competition in the industry. But while 3D modeling technology is already revolutionary and advanced in its own right, specific errors may arise if you need more trade-specific expertise.

Continue reading to learn how to avoid 3D furniture modeling blunders with 3D furniture modeling services:

Choose the proper perspective and camera angles

The rules of the perspective serve as the basis for any room setup, whether in 3D or physical. The settings’ standard horizon line must be at eye level or right under it. Inexperienced 3D modeling designers need to figure out where to put cameras properly, which can result in 3D objects being rendered too low or too high relative to the viewer’s level. The result is that viewers cannot understand the proportions of the furniture and room because of the confusing angle.

An incorrect perspective will distort items, resulting in misconceptions about the product’s size. For instance, if you capture a photo from high above or below a piece of furniture, the cabinets will look like skyscrapers, while your couch will appear short and squat.

The good news is that 3D furniture modeling services have 3D modeling experts with years of experience who can decipher ideal angles for 3D rendering items. They also have lifelike and well-organized 3D lifestyles. With the help of their mastery of the art, CG artists can even take advantage of risky angles and use them as artistic tools to produce a more dramatic effect.

Provide optimal scaling of 3D objects

Whenever CG specialists render 3D objects, they should ensure the entire scene looks as realistic as possible. This is why every item should have the right proportions to express realism. Expert CG artists are extra careful when checking the scaling to prevent disproportion at all costs. Their renderings never represent colossal furniture items in cramped tiny rooms. Their room setups are always coherent and well-balanced. In addition, CG experts are well-versed in 3D modeling, which helps them avoid distorting the geometry every time they build a scene. Their 3D furniture models never look stretched out and disproportional.

Use 3D objects correctly


Given the context, 3D room setups and 3D furniture models should perfectly match. However, in real life, CG amateurs often pick strange locations for their products, such as putting a dining table in the study. The interior style and design for a room setup are also a big deal. This is why CG professionals should ensure that the room and 3D objects go well together.

3D modeling experts always choose a 3D scene that will match the item and never vice versa. To achieve just that, CG artists often take interior design courses. They are also well-versed in the different styles, from the trendiest to the most traditional ones. Aside from this, far-sighted 3D furniture modeling services also have 3D libraries where they keep all of their ready-to-use 3D scenes. From there, their clients pick the specific room setup they want.

RELATED: 3D Furniture Modeling Services, Costs, Rates, and Pricing for Companies

Provide high-quality textures for 3D furniture models

Bad textures are one of the most visible indications of unprofessional 3D furniture models. Distorted patterns, seams on textures, and blurry surfaces mean that the texture map needs the proper settings and is made of a poor-quality 2D sample.

3D furniture modeling services know how to apply textures to ensure smooth and seamless surfaces correctly. Professionals can even make textures for products from scratch if you need custom or rare materials for your 3D furniture models.

Don’t go overboard with post-production

Newbie CG artists usually produce low-quality renderings only to use intensive post-production to cover up errors. For instance, many use Photoshop to incorporate unnatural shadows, overdo images with color corrections, and add flashy glares without logic.

On the other hand, 3D furniture modeling services always give their best effort to produce the highest quality 3D furniture models. CG professionals know that meticulously rendering 3D objects will help minimize post-production work. They must adjust color contrast and balance and add minor finishing touches to achieve 100% photorealistic results.

Create roomsets that aren’t dark or too bright


Unrealistic lighting is undoubtedly one of the biggest 3D furniture modeling blunders. CG beginners typically need to fix the brightness or put the incorrect number of light sources. This results in either overexposed or excessively dark models.

Unlike neophytes, CG experts can create evening and daylighting schemes to produce a natural look. These 3D modeling professionals know how to adjust the 3D sun’s tonality and the lighting sources required for a night-time scene. Since they can render 3D furniture models with the correct lighting, they can produce 3D images that appear as realistic as the actual photos of the products.

Produce natural intersections

Before CG professionals can render 3D objects, they need accurate 3D modeling since the arrangement of 3D models is the secret to a more realistic image. However, beginners usually must be more focused and ignore item placement in the scene. Thus, tiny but significant details end up slipping their attention.

For instance, in their 3D furniture rendering services, the 3D furniture models may intersect in a way that doesn’t look real. Some furniture pieces may even seem like they are drowning or floating over the floor. The good news is that 3D modeling experts will avoid making this mistake, as these cases can easily damage the studio’s reputation. Trustworthy CG companies only hire professionals as part of their team.

How 3D furniture modeling services speed up the 3D furniture modeling process

The time required to create a perfect and virtually sound 3D furniture model often takes hours. But with the help of specialized and advanced tools, the entire process is faster than traditional photography methods.

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Professional 3D furniture modeling services take specific steps to achieve the best results for your projects.

  • 3D modeling design concept development

3D furniture modeling services will start with a clear perspective of the furniture to ensure that your 3D furniture model captures the response and interest of your target customers. They will then use the best 3D furniture modeling software and conduct thorough analysis and research on different marketing segments. It will help them optimize the furniture model based on your target audience and competition.

  • Understanding of technical details

Having a clear understanding of your product’s technical details will lengthen the completion time of your 3D furniture modeling project. The 3D furniture modeler needs a clear vision of the technical details related to your product, including its layout, material, dimensions, and others. This helps them execute geometrically accurate parameters in the software for furniture model development. It’s more straightforward to develop CAD models with no complexities added. This saves them from making significant corrections later in the furniture development process.

The development stage will begin once the 3D furniture models are ready. This is the stage when your furniture product’s 3D prototype is made. Prototype models function as experimental models that you can use to trace imperfections and errors before the product is submitted for the client’s approval. With the help of CAD modeling software, CG artists can validate the process immediately and make it two times faster than usual. The experimental model can be used later for visual prototyping or 3D printing services.

Visual prototyping is done using VR technology that helps reduce the overall manufacturing cost. On the other hand, rapid prototyping services will produce a larger quantity in the least amount of time possible.

  • Use references for lighting and decoration

Using references for decoration and lighting objects is also an equally helpful method, which is also a popular option among CGI experts. This is because the creation and conceptualization of furniture product details need time.


There is also no assurance that the results will be exciting. When the results end up otherwise, it will harm your project’s progress. This will lead to unsatisfied customers and extended deadlines. But you can enjoy faster turnaround time when the results are more relevant to modular furniture, like readymade models for décor, lighting, and scenes.

How Cad Crowd can help

If you want to avoid all the 3D furniture modeling blunders, Cad Crowd is the best place to look for the most reliable 3D furniture modeling services. Cad Crowd has expert 3D furniture modeling designers and 3D visualization services, ensuring stunning and realistic representations of your furniture designs.

What are the Benefits of Vray Technology for 3D Architectural Rendering Companies?

3D architectural rendering companies that hope to succeed and grow should note that clients think differently than they do. Instead, you need to amaze and blow them away right from the get-go. Architects should combine various tools to showcase their skills to ensure clients are blown away by their work. Architects, artists, and designers can effectively communicate and express their ideas if they work collaboratively.

The universal plugin Vray allows different types of 3D modeling software to produce excellent results from designs. Your 3D architectural rendering company will have a fun time working with Vray technology thanks to its wide range of benefits, which include the following:

Vray enables access to extensive resources and libraries

Vray’s vast material library makes it stand out from its competition. You should never consider a material that doesn’t render flawlessly with life-like precision and add it to your design. The Vray plugin revolutionizes interior design and 3D architectural rendering by taking them to a new level. With Vray, you can effortlessly manipulate finish combinations in real time, eliminating the need to spend endless hours explaining the look and feel of every finish on every surface. Instead, you can simply showcase your design vision through stunning 3D renderings, making it a game-changer for both 3D interior design services and 3D architectural rendering services.

Visually presenting information allows you to make faster decision-making, depart sooner, and let you do all the things you love and appreciate about architecture. Only a few 3D rendering products can keep up with the popularity of Vray. It’s packed with tons of courses, lessons, and tutorials to help you make the most out of its potential. Practice is required to make the most of a product, especially with steep learning. But you will become better at it faster if you practice under focus and guidance with the help of the available resources at your disposal.

RELATED: 3D Interior Design Costs, Modeling Pricing, and Rendering Rates for Buildings

Be a part of a vast user community


The community of Vray 3D rendering software users is massive, with instructors, content creators, social media, forums, and more. You can ask for expert technical opinions on your newest renders and receive friendly feedback. There are also learning resources available for free that help beginners find their footing and guide well-versed artists who plan to implement new features. Designers and architects can search for 3D assets, tutorials, and docs to improve their 3D architectural rendering workflows.

Boundless options in Vray

Vray also has limitless options to adjust camera settings, depth of field, light source, material textures, bump maps, and more. It ultimately all boils down to flexibility if numerous options are available. It’s easy to get tempted to control all aspects of a design drawing, and Vray lets you do just that. All plugin products are also tailored to specifications to assure you that it’s yours and yours alone.

Material rendering

You last want your realistic 3D architectural visualization to look unrealistic. It will make your project look amateurish if your company is caught between finished and conceptual work. Ensure you nail realism if you want your work to be genuine, and this is where Vray comes in handy. Vray’s consistency and precision play a pivotal role in achieving the highest level of realism in your 3D architectural visualization services.

RELATED: What are Architectural 3D Visualization Costs, Service Fees & Rates for Companies?

No limits

Big projects always entail large overheads. Even the most straightforward scenes involving international airports, towering hotels, and smart cities can already contain thousands of lights and objects. It’s easy to feel nervous with the mere thought of all the data involved in such projects.

The good news is that Chaos, the company behind Vray, has developed a rendering engine that can handle these massive scenes quickly and smoothly. Tools like Proxy Objects can also handle the most exhaustive models without any issues with memory consumption. Meanwhile, the VR scene format lets you share scenes, 3D architectural models, or entire 3D architectural rendering projects across various host platforms without conversion troubles.


Exceptional photorealistic quality

Vray has already bagged Emy and Academy Awards, and many animations and sequences in TV shows and movies have been crafted using the physically accurate materials and lighting of this proven and tested render engine for production. 92 out of the top 100 architectural companies in the world use Vray daily to visualize their most significant and essential designs. Of course, you can also tap into its unique power and develop stunning visuals.

Vray has you covered if your company wants to create a more hyper-realistic 3D architectural rendering. It allows you to build fly-throughs and stills that resemble natural photography. Vray also offers VR camera support. By exporting 6×1 Cube or 360 spherical images, Vray empowers you to deliver an immersive and intuitive experience of your designs to clients, making it ideal for both traditional and cutting-edge AR/VR architectural services.

RELATED: Architectural VR/AR 3D Rendering Costs, Rates & 3D Modeling Pricing for Design Firms

More realistic visualization

The cleanest textures, the whitest whites, and the darkest blacks accurately represent real-life situations. You can use Vray to create spaces that will make your clients feel they live in them. Every design you make should be of top quality, whether presenting it to potential clients or submitting it to stakeholders.

Despite its subjective nature, quality is an easy-to-quantify and recognize measure.

You can catch the eye of more people and establish your reputation if your work stands out from the crowd. This is what 3D architectural rendering companies are all about.

Seamless integration with SketchUp, 3DS Max, and Rhino


Integrating with Google SketchUp is an indispensable feature for any 3D architectural rendering company. Sketchup can present ideas right away with the help of a simple set of tools. However, this modeling tool is technically not the most sophisticated.

But by using Vray, you can breathe life into your sketchy ideas at the fastest time possible. Client meetings that used to be held to address issues with conceptual programs can now be improved with real-life visualization, thanks to Vray.

Light and shadow

Shadow and light, and the way they are rendered in architectural visualizations, are just two of the most essential tools available at your disposal to understand realism unconsciously. Lighting that isn’t convincing can be off or distracting on a drawing. Vray is known to handle realistic shadow and light more realistically and accurately than other comparable renders.

Real-time validation of ideas

Vray provides two real-time solutions. First is Vray Vision, which is available in Rhino, Revit, and SketchUp. This raster engine lets you improve your design’s view in another window. Vray Vision allows you to export scenes to enable your clients to navigate them and evaluate and review design proposals.
Another real-time ray-traced solution is Chaos Vintage with Live Link, which lets you navigate the scene and check your design with Vray’s realistic quality. You can also work interactively with IPR or Interactive Production Rendering to check the result while you design and speed up the lookdev process of lighting and materials. It allows you to reach decisions faster, thus enhancing your productivity significantly.

RELATED: Top 20 3D Design Software Programs Used by 3D Services Firms & Freelance 3D Modelers

Easy learning and usage

The past several years have witnessed the redesigning of Vray to start easily and quickly. It only takes several steps to create gorgeous 3D architectural rendering imagery, which is undoubtedly every Vray designer’s dream. Creativity is the most critical aspect of any design. You can enjoy more opportunities and options if you can use friendly tools that you can seamlessly incorporate into your creative exploration.


Thanks to the scene intelligence technology and default settings of Vray that work with different scenes, you can spend more time on creative solutions and less on technical aspects. Vray can also seamlessly work with top 3D platforms like SketchUp, Rhino, Cinema 4D, Revit, 3DS Max, and more. However, even though it’s easy to learn, you can expect that there is still a learning curve due to the extensive material library and more settings and options as you find your way through the entire process. The real value of Vray lies in its work. The good news is that architects need to learn the system, change it based on their preferences, and make the most out of its efficiency.

Fast 3D rendering made possible

Fast is often associated with machines, settings, and 3D rendering model size. However, Vray consistently outperforms its competitors. Vray offers architects a range of benefits, including faster 3D rendering services, architectural drafting services, and 3D architectural animation services. Using a 3D visualization tool that lets you quickly determine if something will work before you fully engage in longer, higher-quality rendering presentations works to your advantage.

This will allow you to see the lighting, materials, and colors to decide the frame and composition much faster. Vray also offers a faster rendering engine that no other rendering software can provide. Consider using Vray if you’re looking for something quick that will maintain quality, even on a tight schedule.

RELATED: 3D flythrough & 3D Architectural Animations, Costs, Rates, and Pricing for Companies

How Cad Crowd can help

Cad Crowd is a platform where your 3D architectural rendering company can search for professionals who are well-versed in using Vray for architectural design services.

How Parametric Design in CAD is Transforming Architectural Modeling Design Practices

In case you haven’t noticed, more and more architectural designers use parametric design in CAD to transform their architectural projects. Parametric design has become more important and prevalent in building design and construction. It’s even considered one of the most significant advancements the architectural industry has seen that can change how architecture works.

Read on to learn how parametric design in CAD is transforming architectural modeling design practices:

What is parametric design?

Parametric design refers to the design process that uses geometric and programming operations and data inputs to establish design outputs. To better understand parametric design, there are a few things you need to know. These include parameters and data, programming concepts and syntax such as functions, loops, conditionals, and data structures, as well as the tools and software you can use to get started.

The best and easiest way to understand the parametric design programming concept is to envision what you will do when baking a cake. You have the inputs, which are the ingredients you must process every step of the way. Once you’ve met certain conditions, whether you’ve reached a particular temperature or a certain amount of time has passed, you will get a cake, your output.

How parametric design transforms practices of 3D architectural modeling design

Here are some of the top reasons why parametric design is seeing increased relevance in the field of 3D architectural modeling design services:

Keep up with the data-centric world

The modern world has become more data-centric, giving architectural designers access to different types of data available. The latest systems and technologies allow measuring everything quantifiable, such as 3D web maps or photogrammetry, sensors, big data, passenger ridership data, and climatic datasets.

With the sheer scale of data sets popping up together with new technology enablers like computing, generative design, and machine learning, it’s safe to anticipate making better design designs derived from relatable data. The data will become new constraints, allowing the setting of specific parameters and criteria to govern the designs.

With more parameters to issues with the design, it becomes possible to set more practical constraints to output different surprising solutions. These constraints include plot ratio, site plan setbacks, building layout, height constraints, computational fluid dynamics, daylighting, and façade design.


Various solutions for more informed design decisions

With the help of the parametric design process, architects can make more informed design decisions using a series of defined conditions, lowering the cost and time required to analyze or ideate ideas for the design.

The solution can be ranked and analyzed with the help of parametric design. It also allows easy tweaking of every solution for further analysis. This forms a convergence to a better solution down the line and exposure to massive precedent datasets. It creates a transparent methodology of design toward an agreed selection of solutions.

Enhanced functionality and aesthetics

The parametric design provides robust tools that can help solve and address structural, material, wise, and visual architectural concerns. This also instills an entirely functional process with the architectural designer’s aesthetic vision.

Architects often have distinct aesthetic aims, with their designs solving contextual and functional problems. Parametric design blends function and aesthetics so the two can’t be separated during the design process. With technological advancements, you can see and feel their impact in almost all aspects of the building and construction industry. The design process largely depends on digital methods, and changes in project management also evolve. This kind of revolution affects the aesthetics of buildings, giving more freedom of form from the automated manufacturing methods.

Also equally significant is how it enhances the overall functionality and quality of the design. With the different solutions for managing and optimizing complex concerns, it’s easy to assume that there will also be improvements in building contextualization and use.

RELATED: Learn About Architectural Design Fee Schedules, Rates, and Pricing for Architect Firms’ Costs

The third industrial revolution is brought to architecture

As parametric design enters the world of architecture, practice, and theory, start to change. The third industrial revolution is an era of mass customization, computation, and robotics. Architects must learn to adapt to existing changes, digital processes, new programming languages, and more in a profession that involves developing physical end products. Parametric design is the direct result of the field of architecture going through the changes that the third industrial revolution brought about.

Computation as the critical design tool

Architectural designs are prone to changes as they keep up with trends. Parametric design, however, can be regarded as a set of methods and tools that can help develop high-quality buildings suitable for modern society. When discussing these tools, you must be familiar with the differences in what makes these possible.

Two terms, in particular, require distinction: computation and computerization. Computerization is about turning designs into digital formats, such as drawing a building’s 3D model. Meanwhile, computation is a mathematical and algorithmic process that a computer uses. This is precisely what parametric design is all about.

Adaptation of architecture to build smart cities

With the help of parametric and computation, architectural design teams can shift their attention from specific neighborhoods or structures to entire cities. As parametric design technology improves, building cities as individual systems is possible.


More straightforward data management

Parametric architecture has virtually no limits regarding what it can do. Traditional tasks that used to be completed in months can be finished in a snap of a finger these days. An excellent example of parametric design is used for designing an office building. The first step is typically identifying client requests. Designers will then have to ensure that the requests will fit natural laws or laws affecting the durability of a building.

But with the help of the AI or artificial intelligence system, designers only need to inset initial parameters, with the computer doing the rest of the work. Parametrics acts as the programming language for architects. As they add data and input specific parameters, a set of unseen new forms pop up. Developing various outputs with new and old data will only take seconds.

The same rule applies to developing enhanced new tools based on the designer’s needs. For instance, it now just takes a few minutes to test how many daylight hours there are at any given time when designing a building for a city that often gets cloudy weather.

Accommodating complexity management

Parametrics and computation work hand in hand to help architectural designers better handle complex problems. These processes are all integrated into the work of the architect. Parametric architects deal with parameters from the user interface, site context, programs, material technologies, manufacturing, and environmental factors. They continue to push the boundaries of how modern technology can help them, and as a result, architecture also improves.

RELATED: Architectural VR/AR 3D Rendering Costs, Rates & 3D Modeling Pricing for Design Firms

Replace classical modernism

Modernism represents an ideology that depends on homogeneity, standardization, mass production, and universalism. Parametric design, on the other hand, is heterogeneous, mass-customized, highly adaptive, and contextual. These theories have a fundamental difference between them, and the main goal for architecture students is to alter how they think about and look at designs.

Professors often introduce their students to parametric design using simple parameters within their projects. Designs emerge from significant variables, materials, and methods. However, a designer with a background in modernism will have a more challenging time replicating this way of work.

Thankfully, with the help of more enhanced tools for visual coding, designers can now deal with more adaptive and complex experiences. The main shift for the parametric design expert is between new and old ways of thinking.


Types of parametric design

Building layout

The planned space layout within a building is based on program or circulation proximity according to the user’s preferences in a survey. It can be used as input into the generative design system to develop different options for implementation and evaluation.

Façade design

The Siemens Middle East Headquarters in Abu Dhabi, UA, is an excellent example of parametric design in façade design. The façade perforation design was according to the building’s orientation and daylighting requirements of the spaces.

Site plan scale

Site plan scale uses generative design to develop 3D site layout design or massing iterations, incorporating 3D architectural site plan rendering services based on plot ratio, setbacks, and site boundary.

How Cad Crowd can help

With modern technologies finding their way into various industries, architecture is expected to follow suit soon. Cad Crowd can help you find parametric design experts who can help transform your next 3D architectural modeling design project. These parametric modeling experts will simplify the CAD process so you can quickly get the desired results.

Boost Efficiency in Mechanical CAD

As a professional in the field of mechanical design, staying updated with the most efficient tools is necessary to enhance our productivity and creativity. One such tool that has been making significant strides in the industry is TopSolid Design. This powerful CAD software has become the go-to solution for many engineers and designers.

In this article, we delve into the world of TopSolid Design and provide us with ten essential tips and tricks to optimize our user experience.

An Introduction to TopSolid Design

TopSolid Design is a comprehensive, fully integrated CAD software solution that caters specifically to the needs of mechanical engineers. It offers advanced mechanical part design, assembly design, drafting, and 3D modeling design functionalities. The importance of this software arises from its capabilities, allowing for the efficient and accurate creation of complex mechanical components and assemblies.

TopSolid Design is not just a tool; it’s a complete solution that covers the entire product development process, providing a seamless transition from one stage to the next. It eliminates the need for multiple software tools, reducing the learning curve and improving productivity.

Essential Tips and Tricks for TopSolid Design Users

1. Leveraging the Library of Standard Components

One of the most valuable features of this software is its extensive library of standard components. These can be easily incorporated into our design, saving time and effort. The library features a wide range of components, from screws and bolts to complex mechanical elements, which can be customized to fit our specific requirements.

2. Harnessing the Power of Parametric Design

TopSolid Design excels in parametric design. This feature allows us to define relationships between components, making modifications and iterations much simpler and faster. This feature is a game-changer in projects requiring frequent changes, as it allows for swift and efficient design modifications.

3. Utilizing the Powerful Simulation Tools

TopSolid Design boasts powerful simulation tools that we can use for design validation. These tools allow us to simulate real-world conditions, helping to ensure our design is robust and reliable. It will enable us to test our design under different scenarios, reducing the chances of failure or performance issues in the real world.

4. Mastering the Drafting and Annotation Tools

Creating detailed 2D drawings is easy with TopSolid Design’s drafting and annotation tools. These tools are essential for accurately communicating our design intent to stakeholders. They also assist in creating technical documentation, ensuring that designs are correctly understood and implemented.

5. Using Assembly Modeling Features for Complex Assemblies

TopSolid Design shines in assembly modeling. The software allows us to quickly design and manage complex assemblies, making it a valuable tool for projects involving multiple components. It helps maintain the relationships between different parts, ensuring correct assembly and operation.

6. Leveraging the Integrated CAM Capabilities

As a user of TopSolid Design, we have the added advantage of integrated CAM capabilities. This allows for a more streamlined workflow, from design to manufacturing. It enables us to go from the design stage to the production stage without switching between different software tools, ensuring a smooth transition and reducing the chances of errors.

7. Managing Design Data Efficiently

TopSolid Design also comes with data management tools essential for handling design data efficiently. These tools help us to keep our designs organized and accessible. They also assist in managing revisions and versions, ensuring everyone in the team works on the most updated design.

8. Learning Shortcuts and Hotkeys

Improving our proficiency with TopSolid Design involves learning its shortcuts and hotkeys. These can significantly boost our productivity, making the design process more efficient. They help us access frequently used commands quickly, saving us valuable time.

9. Keeping our Software Up to Date

Stay abreast of the latest features and improvements by keeping our TopSolid Design software current. Regular updates often bring new functionalities that can enhance our design capabilities. They also include bug fixes and performance improvements, ensuring that we have the most reliable version of the software.

10. Enhancing our Skills with Training and Webinars

Lastly, take the time to attend training sessions and webinars. These resources can provide valuable insights into how to maximize the potential of TopSolid Design. They are a great way to learn about new features, get expert tips, and interact with other users.

Incorporating 3D Modeling and Sheet Metal Design

TopSolid Design is robust in general mechanical design and excels in specific areas like 3D modeling and sheet metal design. Its 3D modeling design capabilities allow for intricate and realistic representations of our designs, while the sheet metal design features enable us to create complex parts with precision and ease. These advanced features make a versatile tool capable of handling various design tasks.

The Critical Role of Outsourcing TopSolid Design Work to a Specialist

Outsourcing is a strategic approach many businesses adopt to stay competitive in today’s fast-paced world. In Mechanical TopSolid Design, outsourcing tasks to a specialist can be a game-changer. Here’s why:

Expertise and Proficiency: A specialist has the required knowledge and proficiency in using TopSolid Design. They understand the intricacies of the software and can leverage its full potential, ensuring high-quality and efficient results.

Cost-Effective: Outsourcing eliminates the need for businesses to invest in expensive software or training programs. The specialist already possesses the necessary tools and knowledge to provide cost-effective solutions.

Time-Saving: A specialist can complete tasks more efficiently due to their expertise, saving our team valuable time. This allows our team to focus on core business activities.

Access to Latest Tools and Techniques: Specialists constantly update their skills and knowledge. They know the latest features and improvements in TopSolid Design, ensuring that our projects align with the latest trends.

Quality Assurance: Specialists deeply understand the software’s parametric design features, simulation tools, and assembly modeling features. They can efficiently manage complex design challenges, providing high-quality assurance.


TopSolid Design is a powerful CAD software offering comprehensive tools and features for mechanical engineering and product design. By following these ten essential tips and tricks, We can improve our productivity, efficiency, and accuracy in the design process. Whether we are beginners or experienced users, these tips will help us get the most out of this software. So start using today or take your designs to the next level by outsourcing TopSolid Design.

Ready to dive into the world of TopSolid Design? IndiaCADworks can help leverage the power of this exceptional tool. Let’s design a better future together! Contact us today!

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