How to Select a 3D Furniture Rendering Services Company for Photorealistic Results

You can consider yourself lucky to live in an era of constantly changing and improving techniques and tools. Thanks to innovations, manufacturers and designers can optimize all their processes and improve their work quality. One example of an innovative tool is 3D furniture rendering technology. 3D furniture rendering services play a crucial role in design and prototype creation for furniture companies and are also perfect for production and marketing.

3D furniture rendering allows furniture designers to make real-time changes and offer a selection of designs to their clients. This article explores tips for selecting a 3D furniture rendering services company for photorealistic results.

RELATED: How to get the best 3D rendering services for furniture design

3D furniture rendering at a glance

3D furniture rendering involves using CGI technology to produce different kinds and styles of furniture models. It is the most powerful method to present products such as furniture since it is customizable and hyper-realistic. 

Who uses 3D furniture renders?

3D renders designed by experienced 3D product modeling experts, specifically 3D furniture renders, come in handy for different applications, making them helpful for all involved parties. The following stakeholders are the ones who often use this particular type of breakthrough technology:

Furniture designers

Furniture designers and architects use 3D furniture renderings to present their ideas in a way that resembles real life. Rather than using traditional 2D drawings that come with some limitations, they can now draft furniture designs in 3D. Furniture designers often outsource their furniture design requirements to furniture 3D rendering designers

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Furniture makers

Furniture makers hire 3D furniture rendering companies to develop unique furniture designs and envision their products before they reach the production stage. These images are also used for marketing campaigns for social media channels & traditional media outlets. 3D furniture renders also simplify production and pre-orders, allowing furniture manufacturers to test several iterations of their products. These can also be presented to customers who want to receive and use the products as soon as possible. 

How 3D furniture renders help businesses 

As expected, adding 3D furniture renders to production and marketing strategy can work wonders in growing your business, attracting more customers, and creating a better experience for all involved parties. The following are just some of the many benefits you’d get to enjoy if you add 3D rendering services to your business process:

  • Get better furniture designs. 
  • Improve your visual communication. 
  • Tell your story better. 

RELATED: 3D furniture visualization and rendering process: how to create high-end 3D content 

Common types of 3D furniture renderings 

The best 3D furniture rendering services company can provide several types of renderings to meet the demands and needs of various audiences. These types include the following:

Detailed renders

One of the key advantages of 3D furniture rendering design is that even the most minor details can be highlighted easily. The main problem with traditional drawings and prototypes is this lack of detail. You cannot zoom in and out of the physical drawing or add small details to the prototype. Alternatively, with the help of 3D visualization professionals, you can showcase even the smallest details with extremely high image resolution. A higher level of detail allows customers to see the furniture design’s embellishments, texture, and other peculiarities. 

RELATED: Custom furniture design – how firms use 3D models and 3D rendering services


Lifestyle images

3D furniture renderings can also offer your customers a unique experience. Lifestyle images are a powerful and effective selling tool. In marketing, selling a lifestyle rather than a product is a method that has been proven and tested to produce results. When you produce a realistic lifestyle setting to match your furniture designs, it will make your customers feel more drawn to or connected with your product. 

Customers love seeing themselves using the product and want to know how and if it will even fit their everyday lives. They want to know if the furniture will make their home look better before they buy it. This is why lifestyle images designed by 3D visualizer services attract customers and lure them to buy your product. 

Simple studio renders

Simple studio renders are often on a plain white background where the furniture itself is the primary focal point without other distractions whatsoever. Although it is typical for 3D furniture rendering services companies to use a white background, this is not required. You can still add color to the background without overcrowding it with details. Again, the best way to go is to go simple. 

RELATED: 3D furniture modeling services, costs, rates, and pricing for companies

The simple studio furniture rendering is ideal for showcasing your products in online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, or IKEA. Isolating an image using this technique can be an excellent selling tool that will spotlight your furniture product and allow customers to see it more clearly. 

Teaser renders

If you plan to release a new furniture model soon, 3D furniture renderings can also be effective marketing teasers. It will ignite curiosity among the key drivers for more sales. Highlight the entire product, just a part of it, or produce a teaser video. You have endless options to explore here.

Tips for choosing the best 3D furniture rendering services company

While finding the best 3D furniture rendering services company can be challenging, you can easily overcome it with systematic analysis and meticulous planning. When looking for a long-term 3D design firm, marketers, and furniture manufacturers need to know the right questions to ask and what they should look for in the first place. 

RELATED: 17 Ways how 3D rendering helps when marketing your furniture company

To simplify the whole process for you, here are some tips you might want to keep in mind:

1. Always look for more options

Search for companies or freelance furniture rendering services that specialize in 3D furniture rendering services. Try to pick the highest-ranked companies and narrow down your choices to the top six most reliable ones. Use this shortlist of potential candidates in the succeeding steps. 

2. Review work samples 

Check the 3D furniture modeling company’s portfolio to get a good idea of the quality of their work, their experience in the industry, and the specific types of services they offer. Review case studies and understand the scale of the company’s projects, workflow, how they address challenges, and how they communicate with their clients. 


3. Check feedback from clients

Reviews and testimonials are precious sources of information when searching for a reputable 3D furniture rendering service. Examine who wrote the review, what they have to say, and their contact details. Also, cross-reference reviews that are on other online platforms. 

RELATED: 3D furniture visualization process: how to create premium content for your company 

4. Ask about guarantees

While searching for expert 3D furniture modeling designers, it’s also critical to ensure that all data and information about your project and business will be kept safe, protected, and secure. The best 3D furniture rendering services company will provide a guarantee. They also have developed strategies to guarantee other aspects, such as quality and speed of completing the 3D furniture rendering. You can usually find guarantees on the website’s FAQ page. However, don’t hesitate to contact the company for their guarantees. Below are a few questions you should ask about:

  • Can the company sign an NDA? 
  • Does the company sign NDAs that their clients provide?
  • Do they offer other means to protect their clients? If yes, what are these, and what do you need to do to quality for them??

5. Look into the communication process 

You and your chosen company should communicate effectively to get top-of-the-line photorealistic furniture rendering results. You have to ensure that the furniture 3D photorealistic rendering firm will be reliable and have a direct line of communication. Professional management solutions will help you avoid mishaps. 

RELATED: Top photorealistic furniture rendering techniques for interior design companies

Here are the most critical questions you need to ask to safeguard your project:

  • Does the company use one communication channel?
  • Who will manage your project?
  • Where will they keep your information and data?
  • How often will the company intermediate results and share updates?

How Cad Crowd can help 

Selecting a 3D furniture rendering services company is always a matter of careful research and being aware of the questions and things to look for. Cad Crowd is a trusted platform where you can find the best providers of quality 3D furniture renders for your company to achieve photorealistic results. Contact us for a free quote.

How to Avoid 3D Furniture Modeling Blunders with 3D Furniture Modeling Services

3D furniture modeling has become an indispensable tool for furniture companies that wish to stand out amid the cut-throat competition in the industry. But while 3D modeling technology is already revolutionary and advanced in its own right, specific errors may arise if you need more trade-specific expertise.

Continue reading to learn how to avoid 3D furniture modeling blunders with 3D furniture modeling services:

Choose the proper perspective and camera angles

The rules of the perspective serve as the basis for any room setup, whether in 3D or physical. The settings’ standard horizon line must be at eye level or right under it. Inexperienced 3D modeling designers need to figure out where to put cameras properly, which can result in 3D objects being rendered too low or too high relative to the viewer’s level. The result is that viewers cannot understand the proportions of the furniture and room because of the confusing angle.

An incorrect perspective will distort items, resulting in misconceptions about the product’s size. For instance, if you capture a photo from high above or below a piece of furniture, the cabinets will look like skyscrapers, while your couch will appear short and squat.

The good news is that 3D furniture modeling services have 3D modeling experts with years of experience who can decipher ideal angles for 3D rendering items. They also have lifelike and well-organized 3D lifestyles. With the help of their mastery of the art, CG artists can even take advantage of risky angles and use them as artistic tools to produce a more dramatic effect.

Provide optimal scaling of 3D objects

Whenever CG specialists render 3D objects, they should ensure the entire scene looks as realistic as possible. This is why every item should have the right proportions to express realism. Expert CG artists are extra careful when checking the scaling to prevent disproportion at all costs. Their renderings never represent colossal furniture items in cramped tiny rooms. Their room setups are always coherent and well-balanced. In addition, CG experts are well-versed in 3D modeling, which helps them avoid distorting the geometry every time they build a scene. Their 3D furniture models never look stretched out and disproportional.

Use 3D objects correctly


Given the context, 3D room setups and 3D furniture models should perfectly match. However, in real life, CG amateurs often pick strange locations for their products, such as putting a dining table in the study. The interior style and design for a room setup are also a big deal. This is why CG professionals should ensure that the room and 3D objects go well together.

3D modeling experts always choose a 3D scene that will match the item and never vice versa. To achieve just that, CG artists often take interior design courses. They are also well-versed in the different styles, from the trendiest to the most traditional ones. Aside from this, far-sighted 3D furniture modeling services also have 3D libraries where they keep all of their ready-to-use 3D scenes. From there, their clients pick the specific room setup they want.

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Provide high-quality textures for 3D furniture models

Bad textures are one of the most visible indications of unprofessional 3D furniture models. Distorted patterns, seams on textures, and blurry surfaces mean that the texture map needs the proper settings and is made of a poor-quality 2D sample.

3D furniture modeling services know how to apply textures to ensure smooth and seamless surfaces correctly. Professionals can even make textures for products from scratch if you need custom or rare materials for your 3D furniture models.

Don’t go overboard with post-production

Newbie CG artists usually produce low-quality renderings only to use intensive post-production to cover up errors. For instance, many use Photoshop to incorporate unnatural shadows, overdo images with color corrections, and add flashy glares without logic.

On the other hand, 3D furniture modeling services always give their best effort to produce the highest quality 3D furniture models. CG professionals know that meticulously rendering 3D objects will help minimize post-production work. They must adjust color contrast and balance and add minor finishing touches to achieve 100% photorealistic results.

Create roomsets that aren’t dark or too bright


Unrealistic lighting is undoubtedly one of the biggest 3D furniture modeling blunders. CG beginners typically need to fix the brightness or put the incorrect number of light sources. This results in either overexposed or excessively dark models.

Unlike neophytes, CG experts can create evening and daylighting schemes to produce a natural look. These 3D modeling professionals know how to adjust the 3D sun’s tonality and the lighting sources required for a night-time scene. Since they can render 3D furniture models with the correct lighting, they can produce 3D images that appear as realistic as the actual photos of the products.

Produce natural intersections

Before CG professionals can render 3D objects, they need accurate 3D modeling since the arrangement of 3D models is the secret to a more realistic image. However, beginners usually must be more focused and ignore item placement in the scene. Thus, tiny but significant details end up slipping their attention.

For instance, in their 3D furniture rendering services, the 3D furniture models may intersect in a way that doesn’t look real. Some furniture pieces may even seem like they are drowning or floating over the floor. The good news is that 3D modeling experts will avoid making this mistake, as these cases can easily damage the studio’s reputation. Trustworthy CG companies only hire professionals as part of their team.

How 3D furniture modeling services speed up the 3D furniture modeling process

The time required to create a perfect and virtually sound 3D furniture model often takes hours. But with the help of specialized and advanced tools, the entire process is faster than traditional photography methods.

RELATED: 3D Furniture Rendering Services for Companies and Firms, Cost, Rates, Pricing

Professional 3D furniture modeling services take specific steps to achieve the best results for your projects.

  • 3D modeling design concept development

3D furniture modeling services will start with a clear perspective of the furniture to ensure that your 3D furniture model captures the response and interest of your target customers. They will then use the best 3D furniture modeling software and conduct thorough analysis and research on different marketing segments. It will help them optimize the furniture model based on your target audience and competition.

  • Understanding of technical details

Having a clear understanding of your product’s technical details will lengthen the completion time of your 3D furniture modeling project. The 3D furniture modeler needs a clear vision of the technical details related to your product, including its layout, material, dimensions, and others. This helps them execute geometrically accurate parameters in the software for furniture model development. It’s more straightforward to develop CAD models with no complexities added. This saves them from making significant corrections later in the furniture development process.

The development stage will begin once the 3D furniture models are ready. This is the stage when your furniture product’s 3D prototype is made. Prototype models function as experimental models that you can use to trace imperfections and errors before the product is submitted for the client’s approval. With the help of CAD modeling software, CG artists can validate the process immediately and make it two times faster than usual. The experimental model can be used later for visual prototyping or 3D printing services.

Visual prototyping is done using VR technology that helps reduce the overall manufacturing cost. On the other hand, rapid prototyping services will produce a larger quantity in the least amount of time possible.

  • Use references for lighting and decoration

Using references for decoration and lighting objects is also an equally helpful method, which is also a popular option among CGI experts. This is because the creation and conceptualization of furniture product details need time.


There is also no assurance that the results will be exciting. When the results end up otherwise, it will harm your project’s progress. This will lead to unsatisfied customers and extended deadlines. But you can enjoy faster turnaround time when the results are more relevant to modular furniture, like readymade models for décor, lighting, and scenes.

How Cad Crowd can help

If you want to avoid all the 3D furniture modeling blunders, Cad Crowd is the best place to look for the most reliable 3D furniture modeling services. Cad Crowd has expert 3D furniture modeling designers and 3D visualization services, ensuring stunning and realistic representations of your furniture designs.