Benefits of Virtual Staging Services for Architecture and Real Estate Companies

Let’s face it: traditional staging isn’t cheap. For architecture and real estate companies, this means a severe commitment of effort, time, and resources. This is why it’s no longer a big surprise that most of these companies have now embraced a new tool to add to their arsenal in the form of virtual staging for architecture services. With the rise of this state-of-the-art technology, traditional staging has almost become obsolete. Virtual staging services are cost-effective options to maximize your vacant properties while optimizing your marketing campaigns if you’re a realtor or an architect whose budget is limited and who is dealing with some time constraints.

Thanks to virtual staging services, you can shine the spotlight on properties and give potential buyers, investors, and stakeholders a chance to glimpse what the place will look like.
This article delves into the benefits of virtual staging services for architecture, real estate companies, and future property owners.

RELATED: Virtual Staging Costs, Service Fees & Architectural Pricing for Real Estate Companies

Strengths and weaknesses of traditional staging

The traditional staging process showcases a property’s physical decoration and furnishings to prospective buyers using photos and real life. The following are some of the top benefits of using the traditional or actual staging process:

  • The actual staging of a property helps buyers envision what it would be like to use or live in the space.
  • This staging method allows faster selling of the property and usually for a higher asking price.
  • Decorated and furnished properties offer a good perception of the available space.
  • Traditional staging highlights the spaces of the properties to buyers.
  • This allows buyers to form an emotional connection with the property.

While traditional staging does offer some notable benefits, it also has several notable downsides that make realtors and architects wary of it. These weaknesses include the following:

  • It is expensive for real estate and architecture companies to place correctly and fully furnished items and other stuff in the space.
  • Time is necessary to create and demonstrate the right ambiance to potential buyers.
  • Traditional staging requires a longer turnaround time and a higher level of investment.
  • This form of staging needs labor to assemble and move all staged furniture.

There are instances when buyers might find it inconvenient to visit if some personal belongings and furniture pieces still need to be removed from the space.

RELATED: The Ultimate Guide to Virtual Staging for Real Estate and Architecture Companies

Virtual staging defined


Virtual staging from 3D architectural rendering experts refers to the process where vacant buildings are staged with furniture, decorative items, and others with the assistance and guidance of professional virtual stagers. Photos and images of the barren property are captured from various before they are virtually transformed into captivating interior designs.

Virtual staging vs. traditional staging

The key distinguishing factors between traditional and virtual staging are the cost and time involved in the processes. After all, ever since the pandemic hit the world, human interaction for most transactions has almost no longer been required for health reasons. There is also no denying that virtual staging is way cheaper and quicker than traditional staging. You can imagine how much cost and time are involved in getting a designer to evaluate and design the entire space and then hire movers who can bring furniture pieces and other stuff in and out of the property.

It is a good, easy, and quick alternative available. All you have to do is send the photos or the property that needs to be spruced up to your chosen virtual reality experts. They can then develop a virtual staging design in just hours. To make things even better, the sky is the limit regarding the choices of available decorations and furniture pieces in virtual staging.

Advantages of virtual staging services

Here are some of the ways that architecture and real estate companies benefit from virtual staging services:


There’s no denying that the topmost advantage of virtual staging services is the incredible cost-effectiveness they offer. With the help of this technique, companies can save a lot, from hiring movers to buy pricey furniture pieces, paying for professional photographer fees, polishing, dusting, and cleaning, and logistics and transit expenses.

Furthermore, companies can save dollars compared to traditional or physical staging of properties. All you have to do is share high-real images of the actual space and vacant rooms with the service and wait for them to finish the work in just a few hours. If you compare the costs stated earlier, working with a virtual staging service is much cheaper.

RELATED: How to Create a Virtual Tour of Homes with 3D Rendering Services

Faster space decluttering and redecoration

People would only be interested in buying a clean property. Tidying up and removing all the clutter from a space involves many back-and-forth movements. On top of that, since architecture and real estate companies often work on packed schedules, the work could be better at the end of the day, even after all the prepping. The easiest way to resolve this is to show off the property with the help of 3D AR/VR architectural services. With their help, it’s possible to shift, remove, and redesign the interior decorations according to the specific preferences and requirements of the buyer. Thanks to this, you can look forward to displaying a decorative, stylish, clean, and neat property.


Close deals swiftly

It’s common for architecture and real estate companies to have tight schedules filled with property dealings, keeping them constantly on their toes around the clock. Quick closure of deals is critical for you and your entire team. In such cases, virtual staging services can help speed up the whole process, helping the agents put up their listings sooner rather than later. Professional virtual staging services provide a quick turnaround time, which can help you quickly show off the deal, open the communication lines, leave the buyers impressed, and close the deal at a fair price.

Reduced security concerns

It’s alarming that many burglars have this habit of checking for open houses. Real estate brokers hold open hours during open houses when the property becomes available for public viewing. Sadly, these vacant properties are an enticing target for burglars, thieves, and robbers. However, with the help of 3D architectural visualization companies can have peace of mind that their properties are safe since the whole process doesn’t involve actual products or items. Everything takes place virtually; potential buyers need to sit in front of a computer monitor to view the entire property from different angles.

More freedom to choose

Images used in virtual rooms are comparable to their actual image counterparts, which eventually helps potential buyers understand the function and purpose of the specific space.
The virtual feature allows buyers to configure the image using their personal choices and preferences of wall color. Virtual twilight features, for example, enable potential buyers to envision the property’s appearance when nighttime comes. These help architecture and real estate companies close deals quickly without delays.

RELATED: How 3D Virtual Reality is Changing the Real Estate Industry

More efficient communication

With the help of 3D rendering artists, the communication between potential buyers and companies gets better since the former can see how the rooms will look in the future. With simple tweaks and adjustments of the virtual images, interested buyers can see how the living room, bedrooms, dining area, kitchen, and children’s room will look in real life. To improve things, get some additions according to their liking and view how these add-ons will work. This aspect backs up the real estate companies’ claims and improves the buyers’ overall experience.

Eliminate concerns about damaged items

More often than not, furnishing a property with expensive stuff while occupants are still living in the space can give any realtor a significant panic attack because there is the possibility that the occupants may inadvertently damage the furniture items. Virtual staging services can help companies do away with these worries and anxieties.


No worries about moving

Real estate and architecture companies no longer have to deal with the hassle of working with packers and movers to shift furniture and other items from property to property, even more so if 3D high-rise rendering experts are needed. In virtual staging, everything takes place in the virtual realm, so no real-life heavy and bulky furniture pieces and decorations are involved. Otherwise, this could have been a cumbersome job for the real estate company, with other priorities.

How Cad Crowd can help

Cad Crowd can connect you with professional virtual staging services to help your company bring your ideas to life and entice more clients.

The Role of Freelance 3D Architectural Rendering Services for Roofing Design Projects

Every detail is significant in the captivating architectural realm, from the biggest elements to the smallest features. Often, designers focus on the importance of the structure’s crown, none other than the roof. The roof is an integral component that shelters people and properties from harsh environmental conditions. It also gives character to the building and significantly affects energy efficiency.

But the question is, what is the accurate way of visualizing roofing design projects that best complement the overall function and aesthetic of a building? This is where freelance 3D architectural rendering services enter the picture, transforming the roofing industry with their immersive and practical solutions.

In layman’s terms, 3D architectural rendering is the digital tool designers and architects use to develop realistic three-dimensional design representations. The technological marvel has made significant breakthroughs in changing how roofing design projects are approached to foster a seamless transition from mere abstract concepts to tangible reality. With all its exciting benefits, 3D rendering companies have also been proven to bring forth positive transformation in roof designs.

Roof designs were initially sidelined as something other than a functional requirement. But with the growing recognition of their potential for energy efficiency and aesthetic pleasingness, roofs are starting to garner their much-deserved attention. 3D architectural rendering is vital in this dynamic shift, allowing effective planning, better communication, and comprehensive visualization in roofing design projects.

RELATED: What are Architectural Rendering Costs, Rates, and Pricing for Companies?

Aids a more educated decision-making

Freelance 3D architectural rendering services play a pivotal role in the decision-making process. Every time homeowners invest in a new roof, they want to ensure that their selections, from the design to material, finish, and color, align with their needs and expectations. With 3D architectural rendering, no more gambles are involved in these decisions. For instance, roofing contractors could present clients with different roofing options with the help of 3D architectural modeling experts. The ability to explore different color schemes, materials, or designs in virtually constructed spaces can help homeowners make wiser choices that meet their preferences and the requirements of the building.


Creates a visual language

Studying basic sketches or complex blueprints was a must to visualize roofing projects before the rise of 3D architectural rendering. It takes a lot of work for average individuals to understand these plans. 3D Architectural visualization firms can bridge this gap by creating a visual language everyone can easily comprehend. Hiring a skilled roofing contractor to bring your envisioned design to life is crucial to successful roofing projects. 3D architectural rendering makes it easier to effectively share design ideas with the roofing contractor to simplify discussions of concerns, additions, and modifications. The roofing contractor can then offer educated decisions according to the visualization to improve the project’s outcome.

Enhances energy efficiency and sustainability

In this modern world, where it is already mandatory to promote sustainability, it’s expected for roofs to contribute to the overall energy efficiency of a building. 3D architectural rendering supports this aspect by enabling simulations under different environmental conditions.

A roofing contractor, for example, can also use the technology to evaluate how a suggested roof design would work regarding solar heat absorption, water runoff, ventilation, and insulation. These insights can guide choosing materials and design, leading to an energy-efficient and aesthetically pleasing roof. It can also result in long-term cost savings and reduced environmental negative impact.

RELATED: 3D Rendering Costs & 3D Visualization Prices for Firms

Safety compliance and standards guaranteed

During the planning of roofing projects, it’s paramount to comply with safety standards and local building codes. Freelance 3D architectural rendering designers can help ensure that all these regulations will be met starting from the design phase. With the accurate visualization of the suggested structure, it’s easier to check the different design aspects for compliance, from the material and pitch of the roof to the placement of vents, gutters, and other elements. The proactive approach can help avoid regulatory roadblocks that may result in expensive rework and delays.

Architectural rendering also allows a thorough evaluation of safety conditions. For example, it’s easier to accurately evaluate the safety of skylights or solar panel installation, the stability of the structure under different weather conditions, and the location of fire escapes. It doesn’t matter if you’re working with a roofing contractor; ensuring that the design of the roof aligns with safety compliance and standards becomes more manageable thanks to 3D architectural rendering.

Unleashes creativity

Aside from being a practical tool, 3D architectural animation services also serve as a blank canvas for more creative exploration. By offering the ability to experiment with various features, colors, designs, and materials, homeowners and architects alike can let their creative juices flow without any financial or physical limitations. This level of freedom can result in more personalized and innovative roof designs that push the boundaries of roofing architecture’s possibilities.

RELATED: What are Architectural 3D Visualization Costs, Service Fees & Rates for Companies?

Explore color schemes and material options

3d rendering company

Aside from design alone, 3D architectural rendering offers a chance to explore different color schemes and material options for roofing projects. Whether choosing between tile roofing, metal roofing, or asphalt shingles, 3D architectural rendering offers a more realistic display of how every material will look after completion. On the same note, you can also experiment with a plethora of color schemes to identify the one that will best complement the overall aesthetic of your building. With this ability to try on different colors and materials virtually, you will have more confidence, knowing that your decisions will continue to be satisfactory.

Boosts property value

Considering the significant contribution of the roof to the curb appeal or the first impression a property makes, you can never think of this design as a mere afterthought. Freelance 3D rendering experts can come up with roof designs that are functional and aesthetically pleasing and can substantially enhance the overall value of your property. If you plan to lease or sell your property down the road, a carefully designed roof materialized through 3D architectural rendering is an excellent selling point. Potential tenants or buyers will be more inclined to appreciate a roof that looks good and performs well against environmental conditions simultaneously. This ability to impress potential buyers can help speed up the selling process.

Enhances collaboration

3D architectural rendering supports better collaboration among contractors, architects, and other specialists involved in the roofing project. All professionals will see, check, and understand the 3D model that simplifies the discussion of technical details, identify possible problems, and agree on possible solutions. This leads to a more efficient and harmonious working relationship that can positively impact the project’s outcome.

RELATED: The Benefits of 3D Architectural Rendering for Companies in the Real Estate Industry

Improves visualization and communication

Effective communication is critical during the planning of roofing projects. Although sketches and blueprints can offer a basic outline, these tools usually need to catch up when conveying the picture, especially to people new to technical drawings. This is where freelance 3D architectural designers transform complicated designs into interactive and understandable visual models. Thanks to these models, architects, contractors, and homeowners can be on the same page to make it simpler and easier to discuss the design’s additions, alterations, or elements.

For example, roofing contractors can use the rendered models to present clients with the appearance of their new roof from different angles, how it complements other parts of the structure, and the effect of the different times of the day or night on its appearance. Such interactive discussions can result in improved client satisfaction and better design results.

3d architectural rendering firm

Plans for future modifications

3D architectural rendering is not only applicable to new roof constructions. This is also instrumental to additions to existing roofs or planning renovations. With the ability to visualize the way new elements would integrate with an existing structure, it’s easier for homeowners to plan for future changes with greater accuracy and confidence.

Prevents material wastage

3D architectural modeling professionals help estimate materials by accurately representing the roof’s final specifications and appearance. This level of accuracy can prevent overestimation, which usually results in wasted excess materials. The 3D technology, as a result, can help contribute to both cost efficiency and environmental sustainability.

RELATED: Unlocking Visual Potential: The Strategic Edge of 3D Architectural Rendering for Businesses, Restaurants, and Bars

Promotes time and cost efficiency

Aside from aiding decision-making and visualization, 3D architectural rendering can significantly contribute to time and cost efficiency. The technology can help save on expensive adjustments throughout the construction stage by pinpointing possible problems with the design during the planning phase. Working with roofing contractors who use 3D architectural rendering paves the way for real-time changes to the design that minimize the possibilities of unexpected changes or issues during the construction stage. The project stays within the timeline and budget, reducing the stress for all involved parties.

Cad Crowd can connect you with freelance 3D architectural rendering services that can help with your roofing design projects.

Virtual Room Design Services and 3D Room Design Tips for Companies and Firms

It is critical in the interior design realm to have the ability to visualize concepts and transform ideas into reality. This is where virtual room design, 3D room design, and 3D interior design play a pivotal role. These modern tools expand the possibilities of design further and push the limits of creativity. Now more than ever, designers no longer rely on 2D drawings and hand-drawn sketches alone when conveying their design concepts.

With the rise of 3D rendering technology, companies, and virtual reality design experts now have a highly powerful tool they can use at their disposal as needed to come up with realistic and immersive visualizations of rooms and interior spaces. This article discusses virtual room design services and 3D room design tips for companies and firms.

What is virtual room design?

Virtual room design, or e-design, is a form of interior design solely completed in the virtual world. It is an excellent choice for clients who need assistance with furniture design, planning, and sourcing but are willing to do some legwork to implement the design they have in mind. The design starts with a questionnaire that determines the client’s unique needs, color preferences, style, and lifestyle. The client provides descriptions or photos of the designs and styles they feel drawn to or are interested in. The client also gives measurements of the room.

RELATED: Virtual staging costs, service fees & architectural pricing for real estate companies

After the analysis of décor preferences indicated in the questionnaire, the 3D visualizer professionals will then put a concept board together according to the input provided. It is common for virtual room design services to start their presentations with several concept boards. After receiving the client’s feedback and preferences from the concept boards, they will proceed to make the final design. With the final design board, the client may choose some décor items they want to replace.

At this point, the client gets a complete design of their ideal room that may be implemented. The client can then start bringing the design to life at their preferred pace while taking inspiration from the concept board. Several providers of virtual room design services also provide a complete virtual design option in which they come up with both a floor plan and the rendering of the space. It is ideal for having a precise visualization of where the décor and furniture pieces will go. 

The complete instructions given will also leave little to no guesswork on how and where to place the items. Some may also include lists of items the client can buy to spruce up the space further. Let’s now delve into the benefits of using virtual room 3D architectural visualization firms and other 3D room design tips that your company or firm can use for your next projects. 

RELATED: Types of 3D visualization for architectural design and CGI projects

Bring visions to life at a preferred pace 

Virtual room designs can work wonders for almost all types of clients, from weekend warrior shoppers to those who love to spend their time pondering and researching their options before making a purchase. Clients can add design items to their room little by little or pull off the entire design by buying everything on the shopping list. It means that the clients can work according to their preferred timelines. The final design concept is also theirs to execute when and as they see fit. 

Take inspiration from a well-appointed space

Nothing can beat the comfort of walking into a room where all details have been meticulously considered. Curated virtual room design services help clients implement a design that feels rejuvenating and comfortable at the same time. With the 3D room design, clients can create a space that will fuel their energy and lift their spirits to greater heights. 

RELATED: How 3D virtual reality services can improve your real estate business

Choose budget-suitable items 

The virtual room design concept is exactly just that: a guide or concept to help clients create their beautiful spaces. Every client has a different budget for the 3D interior rendering services they require. Others probably don’t mind allotting as much as $10,000 for a sofa, while others might not be willing to go beyond $1,500 for the same piece. Most of the time, it’s possible to find pieces that look the same but with different price points. One of the best things about virtual room design services is that clients can visualize what and how the design will be like. This way, they can look for other items and adjust accordingly depending on their budgets. 


More confident purchasing decisions 

Many people have gone on multiple trips to showrooms and spent a lot of sleepless nights agonizing over the furniture pieces they should buy. It can be quite stressful to decide on investment furniture they would want to see in their space in the future. 

RELATED: 7 Ways 3D interior designer services are used to maximize living and working spaces

Virtual room design services can help eliminate this agony by providing clients with a comprehensive room design they can execute. After completing the design, they will know exactly what the room will look like. As a result, they can make more confident decisions in their purchase because they know that their living space comes together more cohesively. 

Shop at their favorite places

Finally, virtual room design services allow clients to shop at places they love. They don’t have to be limited to buying stuff in places not familiar to them. For example, if the client loves to shop from local stores or boutiques, is a DIY enthusiast, prefers second-hand items, or likes to search for Marketplace deals, 3D virtual reality rendering companies can help. When they have a design concept in mind, they can search for items on their own in places they like. 

3D room design tips 

It can be pretty overwhelming to get started with 3D room design, especially for complete newbies. It might seem like your competition is already a step ahead, and you still have so many things to learn before you can finally catch up. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here are some 3D room design tips that your company or firm can use for your upcoming virtual room projects:

RELATED: How AEC companies can leverage VR and AR simulations in architectural design

1. Avoid building from scratch

It can be tempting to create objects on your own and play with the available tools. However, once the projects become more complicated, you can’t afford to spend time making every item by hand. Consider using existing tools and files to simplify your workflow. Better yet, it might be best to take advantage of 3D home rendering experts to take the load of your room design off your shoulders. 

2. Play with lights

Lighting is one of the most important aspects of any 3D room design. Proper lighting can breathe life into textures and give a unique feel to the entire scene. Lighting also adds a distinct touch to your designs. It is the reason why you might want to break away from the rules and avoid using natural lights alone. What options do you have, then?

Aside from using the windows as the main entry points for natural light, consider adding directional lights and spotlights to the scene. Spotlights are perfect for shadows and can give the setting a vivid feeling. If you or your client wants to highlight something in the scene, you can also achieve it with the help of directional light. 

RELATED: Architectural VR/AR 3D rendering costs, rates & 3D modeling pricing for design firms

3. Capture stunning shots of designs 

Yes, there is such a thing as interior design photography. You might want to include its best practices in your design routine if you like to offer your clients more stunning presentations. For starters, try to observe optimal height when shooting your scenes, preferably half the room’s height. The camera angle should also be angled for the shots to appear natural with a slight downward angle. Shots should also be taken from a corner or the room’s point of entry. Finally, combine close-ups and wide-angle shots to give the presentation a storytelling momentum. 


4. Use the right tools for the trade 

It’s an absolute must to learn how to use interior design software. The good news is that most options are easy to learn and use, so you can start using them quickly. But if the learning curve is too much for you to handle, you can always turn to 3D interior design services for your virtual room design instead and let them do the job on your behalf. 

RELATED: Real time rendering services – what advantages do companies gain from using it?

5. Prioritize project assets 

All 3D room design projects must be broken down into several assets. Doing so gives an accurate picture of the number of assets that will be made. From there, you can identify the ones you should prioritize. What makes it important, you ask? Giving your full commitment to make the assets found in the scene look outstanding is almost impossible, particularly when there is a deadline in question. It’s the reason why you should list asset priorities. The assets are critical for your design. Since these may differ depending on the project, starting early with making this list of priorities is recommended. 

How Cad Crowd can help

Virtual room design and 3D room design professionals are some of the experts you can find in the huge talent pool in the Cad Crowd network. Contact us today, and let us help you make the right choice for your next projects! 

Hiring a Freelance Landscape Design Architect Service: What Your Company Should Know

If you have a client who has been dreaming of a special outdoor barbecue setting where they can enjoy a few games and relax after a long day, hiring a freelance landscape design architect service might help your company develop the perfect outdoor space for a lower price, whether the area is 20 acres or 20 square feet. But before you decide to hire one, here are a few essential things you should know about these professionals to ensure you will get the best freelance landscape design architect with expertise, experience, and skills. 

What does a freelance landscape design architect service do?

A freelance landscape design architect service comprises trained professionals who have spent long years learning about architectural styles, design concepts, horticulture, and care for outdoor environments. Landscape designers develop plans resembling a site map or blueprint to guide professional contractors and landscapers to beautify or update an outdoor area. Landscape designs can range from simple hand-drawn sketches written on paper to a 3D model or CAD-designed rendering of an outdoor space. 

These freelance landscape designers usually charge fees ranging from $300 to $700 or higher for custom landscape designs. A full freelance landscape design architect service often provides landscape designs at a minimal to no cost, provided they will also handle the construction and labor, if not at least a section or phase of the entire design concept. 

RELATED: Landscape design and visualization considerations for company landscape projects 

The main job of landscape design services

Many landscape designers schedule an on-site meeting to assess the project personally and engage in a more detailed discussion of the landscape design project with you. The landscape designer can identify the best plants, solutions, and materials that work well with the yard. Once there, they will take photos, take measurements, and even collect soil samples sometimes to gather the critical details they need before they start the actual landscape design concept. 

Landscape designs always include a descriptive list of plants and outdoor or building materials and the specifics of what goes where and the amount that will go there. Some landscape design services will offer a bid for installation or other things that should be carried out, including site preparation work, remediation, tear-out yard grading, or demolition. 

RELATED: Why landscape rendering and visualization is important for company landscaping projects 

What does a freelance landscape design architect service need from you?

Like other home renovation projects, a vision marks the beginning of any landscape design, even if this vision is to make the space attractive. Almost everyone who consults an architectural planning and design service is interested in making their indoor or outdoor space more beautiful. However, since client preferences vary, it’s normal for landscape designs to feature various elements. For instance, a client may think that a neutral color palette and calming greenery can improve their backyard garden.

In contrast, another client may prefer a bountiful garden in the summer with herbs and veggies filling the planter boxes. Others opt for the ultimate oasis in their outdoor space, complete with an outdoor dining and kitchen area, fire feature, and showy exotic plants surrounding the pool. You can ask your client to jot down what the revamped new space will do for them on a piece of paper. This is where they can outline their budget and dream big. An experienced swimming pool design company can help with designing and drafting the swimming pool of your dreams.

RELATED: Why Companies Use 3D Rendering for Swimming Pool Design, Drafting, and Construction


Don’t forget the concept of landscape design is about coming up with the master plan for the outdoor area instead of something you need to fix or correct right away. If your client plans to have a patio space covered with a backyard pergola in the next several years, for example, be sure to inform the landscape designer so that they can allot a space for this in their drawing. It’s also important to consider maintenance and be ready for the recommendations and suggestions of the designer.

A reliable freelance landscape design architect service will guide you through selecting materials and plants that best suit your yard and the natural environment. The client can also share style inspiration or images they like with the 3d exterior rendering professional. They can browse Pinterest, Google, or Instagram to search for photos of outdoor living spaces, landscape designs, or yards they like.

Even an image or two can convey their personal aesthetic preferences that will influence the final design. The most popular terms or trends they can search for today include monochrome garden, backyard makeover, outdoor living room, low maintenance landscape, and pollinator garden. 

RELATED: The best landscape design rendering software available for architectural companies

What to expect from freelance landscape design architect services?

Getting custom landscape designs for a property is an intricate process that can last several weeks to months. First, you should meet with the landscape designer in person or virtually. After ensuring all the dimensions and details are in place, the design stage can often take days to several weeks before the service gets back to you. The timeline will depend on how many clients that landscape designer works with simultaneously. 

Also, landscape design professionals need enough time to research, brainstorm, and develop ideas that they will put onto paper later. Although several landscape designs might have more sense of artistry than others, these are outdoor living space blueprints that expert landscapers and homeowners can follow and refer to when working on the property. 

After the initial contact with the landscape design service, you can expect the first meeting within one to two weeks, or even longer, if you reach out during peak season. The first draft of the custom landscape design might be available for you to check within a few weeks to one more or longer, depending on the designer’s availability and the project’s timing.

RELATED: Hire a landscaping architect for CAD drafting & design work

One recommendation is to hire a 3d landscape rendering firm during winter or late fall. This is the least busy time of the year for landscape designers. This will also give you the best of both worlds: the designer gets more time to focus on your project, taking them less time since their schedule isn’t as full as during the summer months. In addition, many people don’t realize that they can start on most landscaping projects during the off-season. Some people recommend against tearing up the yard when it’s cold outside, but the truth is that many hardscaping projects could be constructed during winter, provided that the ground isn’t frozen.

Installing outdoor sound and lighting systems can also be done during the off-season. Retaining walls, gazebos, and pergolas can be installed at any time of the year. Planting hardy evergreens, shrubs, and trees during off-season periods is also possible. After the design and revisions are completed, the planning and installation process can start immediately. It’s also an excellent time for the client to look for outdoor furniture or accessories.

RELATED: How landscape design services can help companies with 3D landscape design projects


Landscape design installation or construction 

After you and your client agree on the custom landscape design, it’s time for you to breathe life into this new vision. A trustworthy freelance 3D landscape rendering artist can work with the installation crew. Most landscape designs also have a competitive bid for every labor, plant, and material required to complete the project. It makes these services a one-stop shop for all things related to the outdoors. 

Although you might be tempted to do everything independently, it’s best to ensure that experts will deal with and install everything according to the plan to achieve the best results. It might mean going to a few nurseries to look for a particular plant or buying some equipment or tools as requested by your client. After that, your client can look forward to a time filled with fun and enjoyment. They will surely appreciate their new beautifully enhanced outdoor environment. They might just need the new patio to enjoy a hearty meal outdoors with their family and friends. 

RELATED: 3D landscape design services: cost, rates, and pricing for companies and firms

Once the plants mature, they will also see and realize why landscaping is one of the best home improvement projects they can take on. Just don’t forget to remind them that a freshly installed landscape might not be as gorgeous as a thriving and well-established landscape. The general consensus is to wait three years to allow the landscaped garden to take shape. 

How Cad Crowd can help

Plug & play digital platforms and virtual landscape designs continue to become popular. Companies will soon see the enormous value of working with a freelance landscape design architect service. Cad Crowd should top your list of options if you’re looking for expert freelance services to help you bring your clients’ landscape ideas to life. Search for freelance landscape designers who can instantly transform outdoor spaces into complete works of art for a fraction of the cost.

Exploring Pricing Models for Delivering 3D Architectural Rendering Services to Firms

Regarding 3D architectural rendering, it can be challenging to determine the best pricing model for your projects. Costs can often range from as low as $100 to over $10,000, and each differs in quality and results. However, while it can be tempting to go for the cheapest option, trying to cut costs may ultimately lead to higher expenses down the road. To eliminate all confusion and help you plan your budget accordingly, this guide explores the different pricing models for delivering 3D architectural rendering services to firms. 

3D architectural renderings for under $500

“You get what you pay for” applies to many things, and 3D rendering services are no exception. It is also true in the world of real estate and architecture. Every project is unique and distinct, from several thousand dollars to million-dollar budgets. The good news is that there are some situations where 3D architectural rendering services cost less than $500. This depends on your budget, scale, imagery needs, quality, and target audience. These situations include the following:

RELATED: What are architectural rendering costs, rates, and pricing for companies?

1. Approval purposes 

If a project’s primary purpose or objective is to get the initial approval from the respective HOAs, regulatory bodies, and other relevant authorities for real estate presale or simple style planning. 

2. Basic conceptualization 

Real estate agents, designers, painters, or home builders who want to discuss basic style options and colors with their clients can use no-frills 3D architectural renderings that provide enough visual details. 

3. Personal project 

Homeowners who want to go for a DIY renovation can simply use a 3D architectural visualization firm which might be enough to illustrate the finished project. 

4. Limited budget 

If your budget is limited and your primary concern is the project’s total cost, the cheaper pricing model might be your best option. 

RELATED: The 5 best companies for 3D architectural rendering services

Why 3D architectural rendering services under $500 are not recommended 

You’ll discover many low-cost 3D architectural rendering services are from overseas 3D rendering companies trying to exploit the availability of cheap labor and less stringent regulations. Although there are many 3D artists from different parts of the world, any firm that offers the lowest prices for their services, even stateside, is likely focused more on the quantity than the quality of their projects. 

Low-cost 3D architectural rendering service providers often try to come up with the most enticing starting costs possible to lure more prospective clients quickly. After that, they try to recover the discounted profit once the client signs the contract. So, before you get blinded by what seems to be an incredibly cheap deal, ensure you check if there are issues and hidden costs that many extremely affordable firms will never let you know from the get-go:

RELATED: The benefits of 3D architectural rendering for companies in the real estate industry

Hidden costs 

So, you were quoted at such a low price. For all you know, this price only applies to the initial stage. Extra charges may soon be used in the proceeding steps, as well as the revisions and even the receipt of the final product itself. 


Quality of images

Some companies try to add several resolution limitations to the contract, charging more for higher-resolution images. Before you agree to anything, always clarify and confirm the price, size, and resolution of the finished renders. 

Absence of details 

Fine details, including detailed furnishings, trim, appliances, window details, soffits, and others, might still need to be included, or if they are, you might have to pay additional fees for them. 

Doubled expenses

Suppose it’s impossible to use the architectural renders because of poor quality and resolution. In that case, it might leave you with no other option but to look for a different firm that can produce what you have expected to get the first time. 

RELATED: What is architectural visualization and why architectural rendering services use it

Cutting corners 

Cheap renders mean it’s overoptimized. Some artists continuously recycle past projects of their clients into new ones, which results in cookie-cutter objects and textures. Your brand may suffer adverse consequences if your audience notices you’re using repetitive renders. 

Changes in schedule 

3D architectural rendering firms that are only after the number of their projects usually over promise only to miss their deadlines and ask for additional payment, claiming that they need it to finish the renderings within your timeline. These delays mean that you and your firm have to compensate to complete the job on your end. 

Due to all these risks of low-end 3D architectural renderings, always remember the saying that anything that seems too good to be true probably is. This is why buyers should never forget that what appears to be a cheap option might not be so cheap because of the time lost, poor quality of images, and additional charges. Before you sign the dotted line for any service, take the chance to review every single detail regarding the project timeline, image resolution, any additional charges, and the process as a whole. 

RELATED: How to enhance your company’s 3D architectural rendering with advanced techniques

$500 to $3,000 mid-level 3D architectural renderings

Mid-level 3D architectural renderings from a reliable 3D architectural modeling firm can provide excellent quality images for developers, architects, designers, and real estate agents working on medium to large-scale projects without breaking the bank. 3D architectural renderings have an average price of approximately $500 to $3,000

The mid-level pricing model is ideal and recommended for professionals working on housing community projects, apartments, and townhouses. 

It’s more suitable to opt for mid-level pricing for the following situations:

  • You want to persuade a regulatory board to continue with your project. 
  • Your goal is to set your project apart from your competitors. 
  • You have plans to use the architectural render as a marketing tool to sell faster or increase sales. 

When shopping for 3D architectural rendering services, most clients might have yet to decide what to look for in a 3D architectural design company. You need to evaluate and check the qualities between the okay mid-level 3D architectural rendering services and those companies that provide a fantastic product at this price range. 

RELATED: Learn about the types of architectural rendering services available for your company



Ensure there is an expert you can talk to over the phone to discuss their services. 


Always confirm if the company has already been in business for a reasonable time. Use this chance to review the qualifications of the staff members, too. 


Research the credentials, reviews, awards, and testimonials of the company. 

Quality of renders 

Compare the company’s 3D rendered examples with those of its competitors. Evaluate the realism, or the absence of it for that matter, of the colors, textures, lighting, greenery, furniture, windows, and others in these render samples. Ensure that the firm can come up with final images comparable to or better than the quality they advertise. 

Turnaround time 

It’s always a big red flag if the 3D architectural rendering designer offers a speedy turnaround time. Quality mid-level architectural renders need a reasonable amount of time without being too excessive to produce details worthy of the price. Inquire about the anticipated timelines and the company’s track record for meeting the client’s agreed-upon deadlines. 

RELATED: 3D architectural rendering options: in-house, self-learning, or outsourcing services? 

Over $3,000 in high-quality 3D architectural renderings 

The final pricing model for 3D architectural rendering services is considered high-quality, ranging from $3,000 to above. These renderings are critical for commercial properties, high-rise developments, luxury apartments, and similar large-scale professional projects. 

It is an expected and even an essential investment to spend $3,000 or higher on attention-grabbing and polished 3D architectural rendering for projects worth hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. The imagery can easily make or break the number of presales, high-end profit margins, and crucial approvals for the project. 

It’s always a wise call to use high-quality 3D architectural rendering services for the following purposes:

Expand your network

If you’re willing and ready to spend more, you’ll get to work with the best archicad design companies and professionals in real estate development, design, and construction. 

RELATED: How to render architecture: tips from an architectural rendering company, Los Angeles

Highlight your level of professionalism 

You are a respected and recognized field professional or working to become one. 

Make a good impression on your VIPs

Anything less than high-quality architectural renders will never cut if you want your project to turn heads and catch the interest of prominent decision-makers and high-paying clients. 

Create high-calibre work

Investing thousands of dollars into high-quality 3D architectural rendering services won’t break your budget. This kind of investment is expected in your goals for better marketing, higher sales, and improved growth. The tricky thing is that even high-quality 3D architectural rendering services are not equal. Make sure that the company will be able to prove its value, especially at this price point. 

RELATED: 5 Reasons why your business should use 3D rendering for construction projects

How Cad Crowd can help 

Cad Crowd can help you find the best 3D architectural rendering designers to provide the best 3D architectural rendering services at prices that suit your budget. Get a free quote now.

Progression of 3D Architectural Rendering Technology for Firms in the Business World

Various forms of architecture have existed through the centuries. Thanks to architecture that works almost similar to signatures or footprints, contemporary archaeologists were even able to pinpoint and discover some civilizations. From the times of the Egyptian Pharaohs to this very day, architects tell distinct stories that everyone can understand. Their stories are filled with space, materiality, texture, light, and more.

3D architectural rendering services have been the unique language between designers and clients. If this tangible common ground existed, the work of an architect would have been evaluated based on mere numbers written on ledgers. This piece delves into the progression of 3D architectural rendering technology for firms in the business world.

The early days

The Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans have always been considered the true pioneers of architecture. These civilizations were responsible for constructing some of the world’s most ambitious and mystical wonders using ancient technology that humankind is still trying to decipher after thousands of years.
Kings commissioned most of these architectural feats, with master builders in charge of their conception and built through long years of labor and hard work. But how were these unique structures designed in the first place? How were they communicated back in the day that was different from the method used in modern times?

It’s easy to imagine pyramids growing out of the great span of the desert out of the blue or that ancient aliens were responsible for all the out-of-this-world early achievements in engineering and architecture. Although there’s no way to know if aliens exist and if they helped with these achievements, one thing is sure: long hours of designing, planning, and strategic execution were required for these structures to be formed as they are seen today.

There’s no surprise there. After all, ancient designers and architects likely used the same methods to communicate their ideas as those used now, albeit these were more primitive. Like the great artists of the past, architects experimented with various mediums and pigments to develop aesthetics that met their rulers’ requirements and desires.


It was long before perspective was discovered to represent realism, meaning reliefs and drawings were flat back then and lacked experiential properties. Things were the same with the Romans and Greeks. The field of architecture itself has enjoyed advancements just as the sophistication of expression and design and technological innovations have also made significant leaps. However, the planning and presentation of speculative buildings only evolved a little, even if hundreds of years had passed between them.

During this point in history, architects were considered artists by trade, but the only difference was that their artworks were real and tangible. You can trace the history of 3D architectural rendering technology if you follow the evolution of fine art itself. Techniques became better and more realistic, although they remained rooted in Egyptians’ exact flat representation. What’s even more impressive is that they were able to achieve all their feats if you consider that they lacked in terms of representational limitations.

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The rise of new perspectives

It was not until after 1,500 years that Italians made one of history’s most crucial discoveries. Filippo Brunelleschi, a Renaissance man, left the world in awe when he painted the first-ever example of linear perspective. It was a 3D depiction that used converging lines to represent how the human eyes see the world visually.

Brunelleschi is a name that rings a bell because of his world-renowned dome in Florence. Together with his contemporaries, Brunelleschi found the foothold that architects and artists had long been looking for: the mathematical solution that aims to grasp a realistic 2D depiction of the actual 3D world.

Although there are still heated debates on whether Brunelleschi initially discovered the perspective, he became the pioneer behind its application in architectural analysis. The rest of the artists followed suit only a short time later. The era of the Italian Renaissance marked the first significant breakthrough humanity has seen as far as 3D architectural visualization services are concerned.


Perspective incorporated space and depth into drawings and paintings. Finally, architects could develop realistic portrayals to communicate and express their majestic designs. This helped them convince their clients or the government better regarding their validity. Sketches replaced the time-consuming and expensive models and sculptures, saving precious money and valuable time.

The start of the modern times

Only after 500 years did 3D visualization services see another significant leap. The development of linear perspective paved the way for all kinds of paths that gave architects, artists, and engineers the right visual tools to help them bring their designs to life. It also helped sustain their profession for many centuries.

However, a monumental shift occurred at the turn of the 20th century. Originating with the Bauhaus during the 1910s, the modern architecture movement took architectural rendering to newer and more exciting places. During this era, architects were no longer master builders as they became a more specialized group. Their efforts were then focused on the tectonics and expression of crafting space. Space and form became their main design tools that left behind uncalled-for flair and ornamentation.
While the architectural field shifted to a plain geometric assembly of volumes and lines, 3D architectural rendering followed suit. Historic designers like Le Corbusier and Walter Gropius were the finest in expressing design details in once-impossible ways.

The three-dimensional spaces were color-coded and overlapped, leading to diagrammatic portrayals that spoke about the experience and program without just drawing it realistically. The architects also developed visual tools that helped others understand not only the “what” but even the “how” and the “why.” It’s like the curtain was finally pulled back, allowing the layman to see space in the same way as architects did.

The rest of the architects soon followed the trend. The revolution in communicating design changed how clients perceived their projects and served as a critical turning point in the field of architecture itself. Louis Kahn and Frank Lloyd Wright worked on the designs of structures that suspended disbelief, taking architecture to greater heights than it enjoyed during antiquity. Buildings soon restored their importance partly because of the new methods of conception of designs.

RELATED: What are Architectural 3D Visualization Costs, Service Fees & Rates for Companies?

The demands of the present day


The present day is filled with Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates. The swift advancements in computer technology in the past three decades have given the architectural world a whole new life. The capabilities of 3D architectural rendering technology made it easier for architectural design experts to present their work. They made the architectural business more efficient in one way or another, and the rest of the world had no choice but to keep up

But of course, it may mean it was challenging for people to adapt. There are still and possibly always will be several ambitious young architects and designers who live beyond the walls of the digital fortress. Architectural sketch design services and architectural drawing services continue to be critical elements of the architectural process and an essential tool for presenting conceptual ideas of their designs during the early stages. In one way or another, technology stomps on the ability of an architect to properly develop their ideas and points directly to the finish line even before the completion of the race.

It doesn’t matter which group you belong to. Undoubtedly, computer technology has had a historic impact on design communication. Artists and architects can smoothly transition between concrete and concept, which makes refinement in designs more of a trial and trial than anything else.
Different programs, including SketchUp, VRay, Rhino, AutoCAD, Mental Ray, and Maxwell, are the latest tools that empower designers and dazzle clients with on-demand results. This may pose a danger to the design’s integrity, but with the rigor and discipline that successful architects of the past have displayed, it would be easier to sidestep these risks.

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What does the future hold?

Time is the only thing that can tell how 3D architectural rendering technology will be in the next 100 years. With the continuous progress of technology, the 3D architectural design process will become more reliant and dependent on automated processes. Machines may soon gain control over things, posing the risk of losing the sense of humanity in design and architecture. Like other fields, architecture may clash with technology, leading to something good or bad.

How Cad Crowd can help

As 3D rendering technology evolves, businesses and firms can stay ahead using Cad Crowd’s platform to connect directly with skilled freelance architectural design experts. Whether navigating the challenges of automated processes or seeking expertise for upcoming projects, Cad Crowd can help find 3D architectural rendering technology professionals.

Strategies for Incorporating Human Figures in Your Company’s 3D Architectural Renderings

Can you imagine what 3D architectural renderings would look like without humans? An architectural design without any signs of life is, well, lifeless. Human figures are the fastest way to form and establish an emotional connection. The right visual cues are all it takes to evoke deep feelings, transforming the most straightforward and plainest images into an excellent source of aspiration or awe. 

3D architectural renderers try to share these feelings, using representations of humans to take their designs to the next level. This piece delves into several strategies for incorporating human figures in your company’s 3D architectural renderings.

6 Strategies for incorporating human figures in your firm’s 3D architectural renderings

1. Come up with a 3D visual narrative 

Good stories linger no matter how much time has passed. The use of people allows you to tell 3D visual narratives without words. All you have to do is present people correctly to urge the viewers to scan the image or understand the critical takeaway with a glance. 3D character modeling services and freelancers can effectively create a narrative. The narrative you want to share should always tie back to the structure’s brand and the specific types of people it wishes to attract.

RELATED: 3D Character modeling and design process: top tips for your company or business 

3D character modeling enables human figures to be inserted into the narrative in the most appealing way. Since humans have been socially conditioned for centuries, this image can quickly get to them in just a matter of nanoseconds. Another factor to consider is how each element of the image, including all the small stories, plays off one another. Most of the time, 3D character designers put their narrative right in the foreground. Since it’s the part where the human eyes often see first, it’s also the perfect spot for placing your story. 

Every aspect of the image should supplement or expound on that story in one way or another. 3D character modeling and tiny bits of details can all form a narrative with multiple layers. The secret here is to figure out how to ensure that the stories in the background are kept from competing or taking away too much attention and focus from the main story. Remember that it’s innate for humans to process so much data, so it’s always wise to have your central concept on a golden plate over anything else.  

RELATED: How much does a 3D character modeling service cost for 3D artists & firms?

2. Create and place 3D character models

Of course, the story and 3D character models alone will never be enough. The 3D character modeler has to factor in how to place and integrate your human figures. But of course, this task is far from easy because this decision can directly affect how your 3D architectural renderings are perceived. Placing human figures can make a space look small or big and narrow or spacious. It can also highlight some key design elements or conceal its unresolved parts. 

3. Think of the future with architectural planning and design

Every area always thinks big, city or not. Sometimes, it can get so big that architectural planning and design plans last several decades into the future, even more so if central services are involved, such as infrastructure or transportation. How should you work on your company’s 3D architectural renderings with such a colossal gap? After all, decades are such a long time. 

As you plot out the not-so-distant future, you have to look at trajectories, trends, and the things that are no longer used in the world, particularly on the streets. Those clothes you see on the catwalk might wait to hit the market but might after a few years. Some innovations didn’t work initially, but these ideas often paved the way for developing newer and more exciting creations. 


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All these changes mean you should choose human figures that look and see nature in the surrounding of a 3D architectural rendering. While space may be fun, it will never feel suitable or appropriate if it fails the scan test. And remember that the goal here is for the viewers to feel right. An unbelievable presentation will make your design moot, squandering the emotional connection. Consider the future of architectural planning and design services for your company, especially during extended development periods.

4. Trigger emotional response

One important thing to consider with human figures or 3D character modeling is your target audience’s feelings about the different looks, aesthetics, clothes, and others they see. Everything can trigger an emotional response, so paying close attention to what you put together is essential. This way, the viewers will feel intrigued or good about whatever you’re trying to show them. Make sure you pay attention to the following:

RELATED: 3D Character animation and modeling services for companies, cost rates, and pricing

Age is respected in several cultures but not so much in others. It can also be linked with everything from being past their prime to maturity, which makes age one of the most accessible identifiers for brand intent. If people over 70 mix with those in their 20s, how does it make the space look and feel? If the 3D architectural rendering firm creates 3D architectural renderings filled with kids, what does it say?

Different age ranges work wonders in changing how an image feels, which all boils down to the narrative. Who is part of the narrative, and who becomes the priority? What expectations and biases are there? Always keep the norms in mind and then work from there. 

  • Body language or facial expressions 

Are the mood and the faces of the people matched with each other? Do their faces also match their gestures? 3D architectural visualization artists often refrain from overreacting in their works. It’s easy for viewers to spot over-the-top gestures or fake smiles, and they never like any of these two. This is why it’s essential that feeling and look are always synonymous. Context is also critical. The gestures you choose must align with the viewers’ expectations. It would help to remember that everyone thinks about how different environments or situations should function. 

RELATED: Where and when to find freelance architecture visualization services and designers

Blue is comforting, just like how eye-catching red cars often get more tickets. This subject has been discussed in several studies, but it all boils down to one thing: colors are associated with moods. They draw attention and interest and tell where the eyes should go. Remember this when assigning colors to 3D architectural renderings and human figures. Don’t designate red to an individual if you want another character to stand out. 

5. Choose a style 

3D architectural visualization services involve two major types: usage and editorial. Usage is self-explanatory and what clients ask for when requesting an animation or image from your company. Usage lets you free your 3D architectural visualizations from all the unknowns to rely instead on clear presentations of the attributes of the environment and let them do most of the work. It is convenient on entitlement projects where balance dictates the fate of the entire neighborhood. 

There’s something comforting about depicting a family as it enjoys a picnic on the green grass or bikers enjoying the pleasant climate, especially when you present it positively. Alternatively, you want to be as eye-catching as possible for editorial visualizations. Many companies look to fashion spreads, focusing the image on props or costumes to elevate the mood.

RELATED: What is architectural visualization and why architectural rendering services use it

These underlying feelings connecting to a bigger idea of the brand of a building are what you should go after in your editorial push. You’ll have fun taking the editorial route if you have an excellent idea, a target audience ready to respond to creativity and an open brief. 

6. Customize it

Every client that comes to your 3D rendering company wants something unique. The fastest and easiest way to look commonplace is to fill your 3D architectural renderings with several stock 3D models they’ve already seen. This is why you might consider developing your library of 3D CAD human figures.

You could use a green screen and hire models for the job. It all boils down to brand. Some people can evoke feelings and emotions in the viewer. Although your company might mainly handle 3D architectural renderings and 3D architectural visualizations from scratch, you can get the highest level of control by casting a human model. 

RELATED: How to enhance your company’s 3D architectural rendering with advanced techniques

How Cad Crowd can help

Human figures are what will bring your company’s 3D architectural renderings to life. Without people in your 3D architectural visualizations, it’s almost impossible to evoke emotions, much less achieve the kind of action you’d want the viewers to take. Cad Crowd is a platform that can help you find the best 3D architectural rendering designers who can harness human figures’ power and potential to make your upcoming 3D architectural rendering projects more effective and successful than ever before. 

What are the Benefits of Vray Technology for 3D Architectural Rendering Companies?

3D architectural rendering companies that hope to succeed and grow should note that clients think differently than they do. Instead, you need to amaze and blow them away right from the get-go. Architects should combine various tools to showcase their skills to ensure clients are blown away by their work. Architects, artists, and designers can effectively communicate and express their ideas if they work collaboratively.

The universal plugin Vray allows different types of 3D modeling software to produce excellent results from designs. Your 3D architectural rendering company will have a fun time working with Vray technology thanks to its wide range of benefits, which include the following:

Vray enables access to extensive resources and libraries

Vray’s vast material library makes it stand out from its competition. You should never consider a material that doesn’t render flawlessly with life-like precision and add it to your design. The Vray plugin revolutionizes interior design and 3D architectural rendering by taking them to a new level. With Vray, you can effortlessly manipulate finish combinations in real time, eliminating the need to spend endless hours explaining the look and feel of every finish on every surface. Instead, you can simply showcase your design vision through stunning 3D renderings, making it a game-changer for both 3D interior design services and 3D architectural rendering services.

Visually presenting information allows you to make faster decision-making, depart sooner, and let you do all the things you love and appreciate about architecture. Only a few 3D rendering products can keep up with the popularity of Vray. It’s packed with tons of courses, lessons, and tutorials to help you make the most out of its potential. Practice is required to make the most of a product, especially with steep learning. But you will become better at it faster if you practice under focus and guidance with the help of the available resources at your disposal.

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Be a part of a vast user community


The community of Vray 3D rendering software users is massive, with instructors, content creators, social media, forums, and more. You can ask for expert technical opinions on your newest renders and receive friendly feedback. There are also learning resources available for free that help beginners find their footing and guide well-versed artists who plan to implement new features. Designers and architects can search for 3D assets, tutorials, and docs to improve their 3D architectural rendering workflows.

Boundless options in Vray

Vray also has limitless options to adjust camera settings, depth of field, light source, material textures, bump maps, and more. It ultimately all boils down to flexibility if numerous options are available. It’s easy to get tempted to control all aspects of a design drawing, and Vray lets you do just that. All plugin products are also tailored to specifications to assure you that it’s yours and yours alone.

Material rendering

You last want your realistic 3D architectural visualization to look unrealistic. It will make your project look amateurish if your company is caught between finished and conceptual work. Ensure you nail realism if you want your work to be genuine, and this is where Vray comes in handy. Vray’s consistency and precision play a pivotal role in achieving the highest level of realism in your 3D architectural visualization services.

RELATED: What are Architectural 3D Visualization Costs, Service Fees & Rates for Companies?

No limits

Big projects always entail large overheads. Even the most straightforward scenes involving international airports, towering hotels, and smart cities can already contain thousands of lights and objects. It’s easy to feel nervous with the mere thought of all the data involved in such projects.

The good news is that Chaos, the company behind Vray, has developed a rendering engine that can handle these massive scenes quickly and smoothly. Tools like Proxy Objects can also handle the most exhaustive models without any issues with memory consumption. Meanwhile, the VR scene format lets you share scenes, 3D architectural models, or entire 3D architectural rendering projects across various host platforms without conversion troubles.


Exceptional photorealistic quality

Vray has already bagged Emy and Academy Awards, and many animations and sequences in TV shows and movies have been crafted using the physically accurate materials and lighting of this proven and tested render engine for production. 92 out of the top 100 architectural companies in the world use Vray daily to visualize their most significant and essential designs. Of course, you can also tap into its unique power and develop stunning visuals.

Vray has you covered if your company wants to create a more hyper-realistic 3D architectural rendering. It allows you to build fly-throughs and stills that resemble natural photography. Vray also offers VR camera support. By exporting 6×1 Cube or 360 spherical images, Vray empowers you to deliver an immersive and intuitive experience of your designs to clients, making it ideal for both traditional and cutting-edge AR/VR architectural services.

RELATED: Architectural VR/AR 3D Rendering Costs, Rates & 3D Modeling Pricing for Design Firms

More realistic visualization

The cleanest textures, the whitest whites, and the darkest blacks accurately represent real-life situations. You can use Vray to create spaces that will make your clients feel they live in them. Every design you make should be of top quality, whether presenting it to potential clients or submitting it to stakeholders.

Despite its subjective nature, quality is an easy-to-quantify and recognize measure.

You can catch the eye of more people and establish your reputation if your work stands out from the crowd. This is what 3D architectural rendering companies are all about.

Seamless integration with SketchUp, 3DS Max, and Rhino


Integrating with Google SketchUp is an indispensable feature for any 3D architectural rendering company. Sketchup can present ideas right away with the help of a simple set of tools. However, this modeling tool is technically not the most sophisticated.

But by using Vray, you can breathe life into your sketchy ideas at the fastest time possible. Client meetings that used to be held to address issues with conceptual programs can now be improved with real-life visualization, thanks to Vray.

Light and shadow

Shadow and light, and the way they are rendered in architectural visualizations, are just two of the most essential tools available at your disposal to understand realism unconsciously. Lighting that isn’t convincing can be off or distracting on a drawing. Vray is known to handle realistic shadow and light more realistically and accurately than other comparable renders.

Real-time validation of ideas

Vray provides two real-time solutions. First is Vray Vision, which is available in Rhino, Revit, and SketchUp. This raster engine lets you improve your design’s view in another window. Vray Vision allows you to export scenes to enable your clients to navigate them and evaluate and review design proposals.
Another real-time ray-traced solution is Chaos Vintage with Live Link, which lets you navigate the scene and check your design with Vray’s realistic quality. You can also work interactively with IPR or Interactive Production Rendering to check the result while you design and speed up the lookdev process of lighting and materials. It allows you to reach decisions faster, thus enhancing your productivity significantly.

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Easy learning and usage

The past several years have witnessed the redesigning of Vray to start easily and quickly. It only takes several steps to create gorgeous 3D architectural rendering imagery, which is undoubtedly every Vray designer’s dream. Creativity is the most critical aspect of any design. You can enjoy more opportunities and options if you can use friendly tools that you can seamlessly incorporate into your creative exploration.


Thanks to the scene intelligence technology and default settings of Vray that work with different scenes, you can spend more time on creative solutions and less on technical aspects. Vray can also seamlessly work with top 3D platforms like SketchUp, Rhino, Cinema 4D, Revit, 3DS Max, and more. However, even though it’s easy to learn, you can expect that there is still a learning curve due to the extensive material library and more settings and options as you find your way through the entire process. The real value of Vray lies in its work. The good news is that architects need to learn the system, change it based on their preferences, and make the most out of its efficiency.

Fast 3D rendering made possible

Fast is often associated with machines, settings, and 3D rendering model size. However, Vray consistently outperforms its competitors. Vray offers architects a range of benefits, including faster 3D rendering services, architectural drafting services, and 3D architectural animation services. Using a 3D visualization tool that lets you quickly determine if something will work before you fully engage in longer, higher-quality rendering presentations works to your advantage.

This will allow you to see the lighting, materials, and colors to decide the frame and composition much faster. Vray also offers a faster rendering engine that no other rendering software can provide. Consider using Vray if you’re looking for something quick that will maintain quality, even on a tight schedule.

RELATED: 3D flythrough & 3D Architectural Animations, Costs, Rates, and Pricing for Companies

How Cad Crowd can help

Cad Crowd is a platform where your 3D architectural rendering company can search for professionals who are well-versed in using Vray for architectural design services.

Luxury CAD Home Office Design Ideas for Your Architectural Company or Firm

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear luxury home office design? You may instantly think of a clean and stylish space with a cozy chair, ergonomic table, and chic accent lighting. If you associate these features with luxury home offices, you already know what luxury CAD home design services are. However, like other CAD design elements, individual preferences may come and go, and trends may change in a mere snap of a finger. Does your architectural company or firm plan to offer luxury CAD home office design as part of your services? If yes, here are a few ideas to help you get started and capture your client’s interest!

Luxury CAD home design ideas for your architectural company or firm

Incorporate a fish tank to the CAD home office design

There is something relaxing about watching fish as they swim in the water. Consider including a small fish tank to the CAD home office design. The fish tank could be on the desk or installed on the wall. There are numerous fish varieties that you can recommend to your clients. 

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Aquascaping is also a significant consideration, with Dutch aquariums, Iwagami, and nature aquariums being the three most popular styles. Each offers something unique, so you can pick the one that best suits the luxury CAD home office design you are planning. However, if you add this element, ensure the fish tank is safe from drafty areas, windows, and electronics. 

Add a touch of elegance to function and form

Some clients may want their home office to double up as a guest room. An elegant CAD design twist will do the trick if this is the case. For example, a stylish sofa bed can add a sophisticated touch to welcome guests to a modern family home. It will also give clients a spot to sit down and relax. It can also be the perfect spot for reading. 

Install more mirrors in the 3D interior rendering

It’s uncommon for home offices to have mirrors, making it a unique idea to include as part of your interior design services. Mirrors are ideal as they help reflect natural lighting around the space, making the room seem more significant than its size. This makes mirrors a perfect option for smaller home offices. 

RELATED: What are the principles of architectural design?

The best thing here is that you can opt for mirrors with unique shapes or group several mirrors of different sizes together. There are lots of options available as far as adding mirrors is concerned. You can also explore exciting new trends to make the room more stylish. But ensure these are installed in areas that will keep your clients focused while working. 

3d home rendering services

Consider a luxury backyard home office

If your client has a roomy yard with lots of open space, a luxury backyard home office is a great idea to consider. Backyard home offices are often the size of a shed that can be decorated however the client sees fit. Most people also opt to install large glass sliding doors, allowing lots of natural light. Backyard home offices can also be decorated with different plant varieties with a nice rug to complement them. Some remote workers also want a small porch added to their home office where they can set up a table and chairs to relax during breaks. Your skills as landscape designer can also be well utilized here.

RELATED: What is architectural visualization and why architectural rendering services use it

Your architectural design company or firm can be as creative as you want with backyard home offices because of the different options that allow productivity and noise-free office calls. If you need inspiration, a 3D landscape rendering service can develop exterior landscaping designs that suit the space.

Concealing the workspace with 3D interior rendering

Hiding the workspace allows your client to enjoy downtime and dial out. All it takes is to close a cabinet or shut the door, and your client can instantly switch to a more relaxed mindset. You can create a secret door to the home office, hiding the entrance while creating a natural flow with the rest of the internal space. The door can be well-insulated and disguised as a bookcase, for example. 3D interior rendering services can draft various options for concealing the workspace.

This practical design can create a more peaceful environment. It is ideal for busy calls, privacy, and avoiding disruptions at home. A concealed space can also be added for office files and the printer. This 3D interior design option is one of the best luxury CAD home design ideas if your client wants the utmost privacy. 

RELATED: 3D Interior design renders and how they enrich your design business portfolio 

A cozy nook for reading 

Where do you move whenever you want to take a quick break from work? Most remote workers wish to have a reading nook in their home office. You can also incorporate some artwork that your client may love. Of course, magazines and books should also be kept nearby. This nook doesn’t need to occupy much room, making it another great 3D interior design idea to try. 

You can add a small sofa complete with blankets and a soft rug in the corner of the office. Some people also love to add bean bags. A small bookshelf nearby will encourage your client to read and relax during work breaks. A reading nook can also be ideal for your client to enjoy snacks. Since the reading nook will be exclusive and unique to your client, don’t hesitate to ask for their input so you can be more creative with the 3D interior visualization. Clients often request 3D architectural visualization professionals to add luxury items such as decors, plants, comfortable chairs, and carpets to the 3D interior design. 

RELATED: 3D Interior designs used by designers and companies to overcome creative block


Add an electric fireplace 

Most home offices today feature electric fireplaces. These lovely features are available in many different styles and colors, which allows the 3D architectural rendering artist and the client to choose from many options. The best thing about these electric fireplaces is that they have realistic-looking flames and produce warmth, which makes them ideal during colder months. 

An electric fireplace can give off a cozy vibe while your client works. Many people add them to help lower their stress levels. There is something wonderful and comforting about working while a crackling fire blazes right beside you. Freestanding electric fireplaces are a stunning addition to CAD home office design ideas. These are also available in different sizes, so you can find one that may fit in a smaller room without overfilling the space. 

Use fun lighting fixtures

You can also try experimenting with lighting fixtures. Some good options include fairy lights, hanging bulbs, chandeliers, and other lighting fixtures with unique shapes. There are also desk lights and floor lamps to choose from. You can try something different and creative to amaze your client. 

RELATED: 3D visualization: the future of architectural design

More lights in a home office will make it look and feel brighter and more open. It creates a unique effect that can help your client stay focused while working, not to mention that it also makes the space look so much nicer. With a high-end budget, you can employ freelance lighting fixture design service and have a truly unique lighting experience in your CAD home office design. 

Create a textured twist

If your client wants their home office to be instantly transformed into an after-work haven, careful planning is necessary to develop a good luxury CAD home office design. An open-plan space, for example, can create the kind of office where your client can have a place to work and take calls. 

A 3D floor plan designer can transform the space for retiring after a tiring day and relaxing while sipping a glass of wine. A defined color palette may be a great option that will blend well with the rest of the interior. Gorgeous textured wallpaper featuring soft, muted grey tones can also exude a stylish, snug design. You can enhance this contemporary look with a bespoke desk and lustrous leather top. 

RELATED: Benefits of 3D floor plan rendering and design services for architects and companies

Choose a theme

Your team can also let your imagination run wild as you create an office theme and help whisk off your client’s mind to another place or time. It shows how luxury CAD home office design ideas can encourage escapism. For example, if your client has a luxury flat, you can adopt an explorer-inspired theme for their home office space inspired by a compass. This will turn it into a room they will love working in where they can also read about travel and relax after work. 

For example, you can add a space with a 3D design service that showcases their art collection from their past adventures. This will help you create a place where your client can dream and escape the noises and distractions of the outside world. Carefully chosen items like an old world map will embrace the concept. Your team should research bespoke artwork to complement the design. 

RELATED: Types of 3D visualization for architectural design and CGI projects

Hire the best designers at Cad Crowd for luxury home office projects

When creating a luxury CAD home office design, looking for clever design ideas that ideally encourage work and work-life balance is essential. A 3D interior visualization company can create luxury CAD home offices that combine home and office life. Cad Crowd is the go-to platform for many architectural companies and firms searching for the best 3D interior rendering designers and 3D interior design services to help generate the most stunning ideas for their clients’ luxury home offices! 

Hire a Virtual Renovation Services Company To Enhance & Revitalize Real Estate Marketing

This post covers helpful information on how to use virtual renovation services to boost your real estate marketing. Are you tasked with renovating a house to increase its value before listing it in the market? Does your client prefer a more eco-friendly home? Whatever the reason, you should first envision the expected result and proceed to the remodeling or renovation to save energy, money, and time.

In addition to the state-of-the-art innovation of the traditional method of home staging called virtual staging, there is another highly acclaimed and helpful technique in the world of real estate marketing that always proves its worth: virtual renovation services. Here are some top ways virtual renovation services can help enhance and revitalize real estate marketing efforts with tactics such as 3D real estate rendering services, 3D house rendering, 3D interior visualization, 3D architectural modeling, and more. 

RELATED: Learn how to renovate, remodel, & restore with architectural design firms

9 Ways to boost your real estate marketing with virtual renovation services

Take advertising campaigns to the next level with architectural presentation

Virtual renovations that are well-executed by a reliable studio look downright stunning. The best service providers can present final images that are vibrant, stylish, and photorealistic. Realtors can use these images on their stories and posts on social media to get more shares and likes from their current followers and attract new ones.

Virtual renovation services, including hiring freelance architectural presentation experts, provide multipurpose designs for listings and websites, offline and online ads, and social networks. A virtual renovation is also perfect for online ad campaigns. Real estate marketers can take advantage of these images and use them as part of their Facebook, Instagram, and Google ads. These renovations can also help them ensure prospects click on the ad immediately instead of scrolling down and passing over the property. 

Virtual renovation services can also produce high-resolution and high-quality professional images that work for offline and online ads. Realtors can use a single image to make a smaller version for online use or stick with the original quality for offline ads. What’s best here is that you can use the same image for Instagram and print it on a city lightbox without worrying about compromising its quality level. 

RELATED: How 3D house rendering services can help you plan your next renovation

Virtual renovations with the help of 3D architectural visualization firms are also the best option to solve concerns about the overall look and feel of the property. It’s a cost-saving and quick method that accommodates efforts to renovate the exterior and interior. Thanks to this, realtors must decide on any interior style depending on the target audience, their needs, and their income level. 

Sell homes faster with virtual staging for architecture services and designers

Virtual renovations are helpful for many reasons. Thanks to the immense popularity of virtual staging for architecture services and designers, property buyers can now envision the property and how it will look if the wrong furniture pieces are used or if it is bare without any accents and décor. Virtual renovation services eliminate the guesswork of properties that require severe and massive renovations. Despite the need to repair a few parts here and there, buyers continue to be fascinated by the sheer value it offers once everything is completed. 

RELATED: The ultimate guide to virtual staging for real estate and architecture companies

Infinite style possibilities 

With the help of virtual renovation services, realtors can have peace of mind knowing that CG professionals are equipped with all the necessary equipment, digital libraries, and software for virtual home remodeling. It just goes to say that the CG artists’ imagination and creativity are the limits here because they can use any décor, materials, or furniture they need. 

But architectural design experts can still go overboard with the style, too. Instead, they must pick a suitable home renovation that won’t make the target audience turn their backs. A skilled 3D artist, for instance, will never use expensive décor and luxury furniture pieces in a property designed to target middle-class families. Similarly, they won’t incorporate mediocre items in a house designed for high-end buyers. 

The client’s tastes and preferences are critical details that a realtor should state in the brief that they will submit to the CG studio before the start of a project. Skilled 3D architectural visualization experts will always have a good idea of creating a cozy and beautiful property that perfectly matches the client’s taste and preferences. 

RELATED: Types of 3D visualization for architectural design and CGI projects


Boost the competitiveness of listings 

Real estate listings with tacky exteriors and interiors will never catch the eyes of prospective buyers. Instead, they will scroll through them and focus on more enticing, competitive, and impressive options. 3D interior rendering and 3D exterior rendering services will stop prospective buyers in their tracks.

Prospects look for a future house that will become a source of great pride and joy and bring hope to their new life. This is why they find listings with more modern and beautiful interiors that feel homey and just right for them. If a realtor has been tasked to sell a property with outdated interiors, giving it a touch of modernization is essential. Most of the time, more time is needed to fix some details here and there to improve the property’s appearance. 

With the help of virtual renovation services, it’s possible to retouch and replace these elements in the image in just a snap of a finger. They can replace old wallpaper, spruce up the property with modern décor, or even polish the scuffs and marks on the floor. 3D virtual staging for architecture and using 3D interior rendering professionals to boost the appeal of real estate has never been as popular as it is today.

RELATED: How to use 3D models & CAD drawings to plan your home renovation

Establish credibility and partnership with the realtor 

It’s common for realtors to establish their credibility in the way they deal with prospective buyers over time. By presenting virtual renovation images, they can prove that they will sell the property in good faith and not hide any issues that might require repair when the buyer moves in. 

Allow more time for budgeting and decision-making 

Spicing up the listing with some renovation images will give buyers more opportunities to assess their options according to their budget and capacity. The main job of the realtor is to make sure that they know that a particular property requires this form of renovation. They must also be aware if they are willing to pay for the recommended repair. This will allow a more transparent transaction, helping the buyer reach a more educated decision. 

Guide buyers in finding their dream home

Homebuyers often need more funds to purchase a brand-new house. As a result, they look for alternative options in the form of properties that require repairs or the so-called fixer-upper houses. Buyers with a limited budget often go this route because it means they can save some money despite all the renovations, something that would have been difficult if they bought a new house. 3D home rendering services will allow homebuyers to see the home’s potential without requiring extensive renovations that they must save up to afford.

RELATED: 7 Benefits of 3D architectural rendering services for real estate

Budget-friendly and time-saving option

Physical renovation is a costly process. As far as home improvement is concerned, it’s not easy to tell how much the final cost will be, even if it’s only a minor renovation. It’s because of the contractors’ work and the materials involved. The furniture rental will also cost more, depending on the brands and number of rented items. 

But with the help of virtual renovation services, realtors no longer have to rent furniture and organize the renovation. All they have to do is take high-quality photos of the property in its present state and submit them to the CG studio. 3D interior renderings and 3D interior design touches can be added to these images to present the listing attractively.

Architectural visualizer companies only charge their services depending on how many images are involved. It means that the materials the CG artists chose and the number of objects they use don’t matter here. This is especially the case for 3D furniture models. Reliable CG companies have an extensive library of ready-made 3D items. Thus, artists only need to choose the models that match the client’s style and taste. 

RELATED: 5 Interior design CAD models that’ll rock your world

As for turnaround time, virtual renovation services are faster and easier compared to actual renovation. Work on a single 3D virtual renovation project only takes approximately 48 hours on average. But this depends on how complex the task is and how many images are there. This is why indicating a precise turnaround time is essential when ordering. 

Perfect for exterior and interior renovations

Interior design experts use special 3D software for a virtual renovation that helps them tweak the color of walls, choose specific finishing materials, update the flooring, and add and remove décor or furniture. Since most CG experts are also skilled interior designers, they know the color scheme that better highlights the property’s best features and other professional elements. 

Virtual reality rendering services are also ideal for home exterior improvements. Using 3D software, CG artists can eliminate distracting, unappealing objects such as garbage cans, add more greenery to the garden and lawn, fix the pain, place outdoor furniture, repaint the walls, include street décor, and more. The property’s exterior and interior will work and blend well with each other and cater to the market’s requirements and demands. 

RELATED: How AEC companies can leverage VR and AR simulations in architectural design

How Cad Crowd can help

Virtual home renovation services entice realtors, prospective buyers, and homeowners. Cad Crowd is a helpful platform where you can find the best freelance experts to make your company’s next virtual renovation project possible. Cad Crowd offers 3D interior rendering, 3D interior visualization, 3D landscape rendering, 3D construction rendering, virtual staging, interior design services, and more!