My EXACT Video Creation Workflow (with Descript, Notion, and Ecamm)

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I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my video creation workflow, so in this video, I want to walk you through it from start to finish.

VIDEO: My EXACT Video Creation Workflow (with Descript, Notion, and Ecamm)

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Organizing Your Ideas and Video Creation Workflow with Notion

The first step in my video creation workflow involves organizing my video ideas using Notion. Notion is a powerful tool that helps me keep track of all my creative ideas and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Related: Content Calendar with Notion

Capturing Ideas and Video Creation Workflow

Whenever I come up with a new video concept, I jot it down in Notion, that’s the first thing I do in my video creation workflow. This could be based on questions from my audience or new trends I observe. Having a central hub for all my ideas means I always know where to go when I’m ready to start planning my next video.

Planning the Video

Once I have a solid idea, I start planning the video in detail. This includes setting a publish date, which helps me stay on schedule. I also draft potential titles and design thumbnails. Ideally, the title and thumbnail should be created before you even start recording, as they give you a clear direction for your content.

Crafting the Perfect Video Title and Thumbnail

A catchy title and an eye-catching thumbnail are crucial for attracting viewers. Here’s how I go about creating them:

Choosing a Title

I often brainstorm several title options before settling on one. I try to make the title engaging and relevant without focusing too much on SEO at this stage. For example, a title like “My EXACT Video Creation Workflow” can be both descriptive and intriguing.

Designing Thumbnails

For thumbnails, I use Canva, a versatile graphic design tool. I aim to create thumbnails that complement the title without repeating it verbatim. The goal is to ensure they work together to create a cohesive and inviting visual representation of the video.

Recording the video is where the magic begins. I use several tools to make this process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Equipment and Software

I use Ecamm Live for recording, which allows me to switch between different scenes and sources effortlessly. Ecamm Live is Mac-only, but alternatives like Riverside or Descript can also be used for recording on different platforms.

Setting Up Scenes

Having preset scenes in Ecamm Live helps me switch quickly between showing my face and sharing my screen. This saves a lot of time and makes the recording process more dynamic.

Recording Tips

While recording, I aim to keep things simple and clear. I record in one take if possible, but I’m not afraid to redo sections if necessary. The key is to stay flexible and make sure the final recording is of high quality.

Editing the Video: The BFF Method as Part of My Video Creation Workflow

Editing is where your video comes to life. I follow a method I call the BFF approach: Basic, Fine-tuned, and Fancy.

Basic Edit

The basic edit is about creating a rough draft of the video. I start by importing my footage into Descript, a transcription and editing tool. Here, I remove any mistakes or unnecessary sections, shortening long pauses and ensuring the video flows smoothly from start to finish. I get rid of the mistakes, and make sure the video flows the way that it is.

Related: Save Time with THIS YouTube Video Editing Workflow


Next, I fine-tune the video by making sure transitions are seamless and the content is engaging. This involves trimming clips to ensure they fit together well and sound natural. I make sure that the transition from one cut to the next is smooth and palatable to the viewer, and to the ear, I make sure that it sounds natural. It’s important not to spend too much time on clips that might be cut later.

Adding Fancy Elements

The final step is to add any fancy elements like graphics, b-roll, sound effects, or background music. These enhancements should support your content rather than distract from it. I typically use Descript for basic editing and Premiere Pro for more advanced effects. Here is a video on “How I polish my YouTube Videos in Premiere Pro” to guide you.

Uploading and Publishing

Once the editing is complete, it’s time to upload and publish the video.

Related: YouTube Publishing Workflow

Preparing for Upload

I export the finished video in maximum resolution to ensure the highest quality. Because I’ve already created the title and thumbnail during the planning phase, uploading becomes a quick process.

Publishing Tips

Consistency is key to growing your channel, so I aim to upload regularly. I schedule my videos to go live at times when my audience is most active, which helps maximize views and engagement.


Creating videos doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By organizing your ideas, planning meticulously, recording with the right tools, and following a structured editing process, you can produce high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Remember, the more videos you create, the better you’ll get at each stage of the process.

If you’re looking to grow your YouTube channel, I’ve shared some of my best tips in a detailed video on creating a library of binge-worthy content. Happy creating, and don’t forget to share your amazing videos with the world!

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