local publish profile does not recognize $(“SolutionDir”), when publish in Visual Studio

In my solution I have many projects. In each project I have a publish profile “local.pubxml” inside “/properties/PublishProfiles”. In this publish profile I want to import a file “publishsettings.targets” which is in the root where the solution file is. This is the content of the .pubxml.

<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)publishsettings.targets"/>
    <Platform>Any CPU</Platform>

it does not work. In Visual Studio when I right click on the project and click “publish”, it does not recognize the $(“SolutionDir”).
But if I write the path directly for ex: c:\Repo\abc\abc\publishsettings.targets, it works.

I have tried to add the following in Directory.build.pros with no luck.


I also tried “../../../../../../publishsettings.targets”, does not work.

Am I missing something here?

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