c++ – Made a VS project using SDL2. It used to work but now I’m getting linker issues

At first it says that it couldn’t open the files like “SDL.h not found”, even though I included all the libraries and all that. So I switched it all over to x86 which fixed all of those problems but now I’m getting a linker issue saying that onecore.lib is not found. I read every tutorial I can find on how to adjust the project settings and include all the libraries. I can’t find the onecore.lib file anywhere in the onecore folder of the Visual Studio program files.

Searched in every folder of ‘C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.38.33130\lib\onecore’ and found no such file that VS is looking for. No idea what to do. I also included SDL2 path in the environment variables.

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