c++ – How do I setup two platforms for an exe and lib using cmake?

With cmake, I am trying to create a Visual Studio 2022 solution that supports two platforms for an exe and lib. The first platform being x64, and the second being a second platform called “tools”.

The approach for doing this that I read has said to create a CMakeLists.txt, then make a CMakeLists for each project per platform. However, when attempting that approach, it is not possible due to them having the same exe name from add_executable (or same library name, through add_library). However, I would want them to have the same name. What I would like to know, how can I support two different platforms inside of a solution while maintaining the same exe or lib name?

If it is impossible to have both platforms in one solution, then what is the recommended solution? Do I have a solution per platform and in my exe and libs CMakeLists.txt I set what platform to use based upon a drop down from my CMake gui?

As an example, here is my current setp


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.28)




cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.28)


project(Testing-tools CXX)

add_executable(TestFlags ../main.cpp)


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.28)


project(Testing-x64 CXX)

add_executable(TestFlags ../main.cpp)

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