Building Visual Studio solution with C and C++

I’m wondering if I can add a C file to a C++ project. I use premake5 and conan to get the dependencies and build the solution but every file I’ve used so far is C++. Now, I need a C file that has a kdtree that I need to make new features in my engine. But I don’t know if I can work with both C and C++ in one project or how to do it. This is my lua definition for the project. What can I do to add one C file to the project?


  kind "ConsoleApp"
  language "C++"
  targetdir "../build/%{}/%{cfg.buildcfg}"
  includedirs { "../include", "../deps/include", "../include/engine", "../deps/include/stb", "../deps/include/imgui", "../deps/include/tests" }
  debugargs { _MAIN_SCRIPT_DIR .. "/examples/data" }
  files {
  filter "files:**.obj"
      flags { "ExcludeFromBuild" }

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