visual studio – Adding Solution to TFS assigns unexpected local workspace

Ok, we use TFS (Azure Dev Ops) on-prem for source control. When I create a new SSIS project in VS and go to add it to Source Control, I want it in the existing Architecture folder and the “add screen” looks like this:

enter image description here

I click OK and it adds it where I wanted it, but the local path/workspace assigned to it is actually the path to the actual project. Why would it not inherit the local path from the Architecture folder like other items do? Note the difference in Local Path in the two images below.

Test Project where Local Path = Path to the Project
enter image description here

Note the Local Path to the parent folder. That is the Local Path/workspace I have assigned in TFS when I connected.

enter image description here

I would expect the Local Path to inherit. I should have the “copy” that is in TFS (mapped to the Local Path/Workspace) and my existing local/physical copy.

What is going on here? I know I can change the Local Path/Workspaces, but that doesn’t really resolve my issue. Trying to understand why it is working this way.

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