VS A2034 must be in segment block

I have encountered the problem shown in the screenshot below. As I am not very familiar with assembly code, I hope to receive guidance and help from everyone on how to solve the error in the screenshot.


I have tried the answers in this article, but the problem in the screenshot appears again, and I don’t know how to solve it.


The code is as follows:

; https://gist.github.com/esoterix/df38008568c50d4f83123e3a90b62ebb

include ksamd64.inc

extern InstrumentationCallback:proc
EXTERNDEF __imp_RtlCaptureContext:QWORD

InstrHook proc 

    mov  gs:[2e0h], rsp            ; Win10 TEB InstrumentationCallbackPreviousSp
    mov  gs:[2d8h], r10            ; Win10 TEB InstrumentationCallbackPreviousPc
    mov  r10, rcx                  ; Save original RCX
    sub  rsp, 4d0h                 ; Alloc stack space for CONTEXT structure
    and  rsp, -10h                 ; RSP must be 16 byte aligned before calls
    mov  rcx, rsp
    call __imp_RtlCaptureContext   ; Save the current register state. RtlCaptureContext does not require shadow space
    sub  rsp, 20h                  ; Shadow space
    call InstrumentationCallback   ; Call main instrumentation routine

InstrHook  endp


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