How to change default location of Resource.h for WinAPI written in C++ with visual studios

I’ve been developing an application on my spare time just to get some practice and keep my programming skills sharp.

As a result I’ve been challenging myself to deal with the WinAPI while using Visual Studios.

Stating a new project basically dumps everything you would need to get started in one folder, so to organize things a bit I thought it would be handy to throw all the generated files in a folder appropriately named API.

trying to recompile it tells me there is an error since it couldn’t find targetver.h (Since it is now in the API folder) after clicking around a bunch I found where I can change it so that I can change the path for the include of targetver.

Here is the issue:
When I’m making changes to the Dialog boxes using the Resource View with Visual Studios it seems to regenerate the resource.h file and place it in the root directory.
Also regenerates the default images in the root directory, even though I’ve already included them in another folder for the media to live in. I’ve also told the compiler about the added directories and included them in my projects Addition Include Directories.

How can I change the default location for these files to be generated?

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