YouTube is testing a new Twitter-style community notes feature, which is good because YouTubers sure do love to lie

You know when you fire up a YouTube video and within the first two minutes the guy from the thumbnail has already said something obviously untrue? Instead of the sole recourse being pumping your fist while writing a corrective comment nobody will ever see, Google will soon let some users submit a Twitter-style “note” under those videos to provide valuable context or corrections.

Just like Twitter Community Notes, YouTube’s experimental notes will be written by users, with one notable difference: During this pilot program, Google is using “third-party evaluators” to rate the helpfulness of notes and ultimately determine if they appear under a video. Contributors will eventually be able to rate notes if the feature is expanded. The company announced the feature on the YouTube blog in June, but is only now getting around to inviting people to try it out.

youtube notes

(Image credit: Google)

As you can see in the mockup above, approved notes will be prominently displayed under the title of videos in a blue box and can be expanded like a comment to read the whole thing. In an email sent to testers, Google invites them to submit notes on “videos you find inaccurate or unclear,” but adds that “notes should always be in your own words, not copied text directly from sources, and they should add clarity or useful context to videos.” (*cough* ChatGPT *cough*)

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