Comparing Freelance 3D Rendering Options and Photography for Architectural Projects

Your visual approach can easily make or break any architectural project. If you want your project to get off the ground, other people should be able to understand your vision.

Your ideas will become more effective if you showcase them clearly and interactively. This is where photography and 3D rendering options come in handy.

But is photography or 3D rendering a better option? Which should you use for your upcoming architectural projects?

Differences between freelance 3D rendering options and photography 

Many brands are investing in eye-catching and stunning project images, project videos, collateral, and brand visuals. Once again, however, the main question remains: what makes freelance 3D rendering service options different from photography? Here are a few fundamental differences you should know:

RELATED: What is architectural visualization and why architectural rendering services use it

Eliminate limitations on creativity 

Marketers now have freedom in terms of creativity when promoting their projects. They can utilize their aesthetics to develop photorealistic and detailed image renders using advanced 3D rendering software.

Efficiently do adjustments and edits

3D rendering options are easy and quick to adjust without significant construction costs. You can tweak the views or angles as often as you need at any given point without the need to do everything from the ground up.

3D rendering technology allows for easy adjustments to a designer’s rendered images. The 3D architectural rendering designer can even add various backgrounds or completely redecorate the ambiance after completing the renders.

With traditional photography, customizing is more time-consuming and challenging. Even though you can find several tools for photo editing online, retouching and editing require expertise and precision. If there is a need to make any changes during the development stage, it requires doing the photo shoot all over again with extra costs incurred with the final version.

RELATED: The benefits of 3D architectural rendering for companies in the real estate industry

Develop better marketing graphics 

When project photos are rendered in 3D, marketers can promote and showcase their projects when they are still in development, even before manufacturing. It is an excellent choice for architectural projects and brand owners, such as apparel designers, luxury car makers, fashion designers, etc. These 3D renders can be used to communicate ideas, create hype, and gain the project interest of the target audience.

Showcase project details and features 

Highly detailed rendered images developed by 3D experts can give 360-degree and multi-angle views of the project. They can also generate virtual walkthroughs or tours for architectural projects to help potential buyers make more educated buying decisions. For this reason, 3D rendering options can boost listings significantly thanks to the accurate details of the displayed images. Traditional 2D photographs can’t capture a project’s accurate details, such as measurements, proportions, alignments, etc.

Enables faster production

One of the most significant advantages of freelance 3D rendering over traditional photography is the shorter time needed to complete 3D renders. Marketers often feel a sense of urgency when launching their projects, which can tighten production deadlines. Hiring freelance 3D rendering artists is the best idea because they can quickly produce digital models and render them quickly to save time.

Traditional photography is time-consuming and can get quite pricey in comparison. 


RELATED: How to enhance your company’s 3D architectural rendering with advanced techniques

Showcase projects with conceptual and lifestyle backgrounds

Another practical part where 3D rendering options win the game is the conceptual presentations and unlimited lifestyle shots. Professional 3D designers are also experts in producing 3D lifestyle renders that can showcase projects complete with lifestyle scenes. These professionals are also skilled in creating white background renderings that most platforms favor.

CGI images can effectively display every angle of the project, depict what they would look like compared to the real-life surroundings of the potential buyers, and increase the chances of project approvals. Trying to achieve the same thing with conventional photography may incur more expenses and require more resources and workforce but with a limited scope of additional customizations.

RELATED: Learn about the types of architectural rendering services available for your company

Benefits of freelance 3D rendering options and photography

Now that you know the differences of these two, take a look at the specific benefits they can offer:

Freelance 3D rendering options:

1. Improve marketing efforts

Since you can start showcasing images earlier in the process, 3D renders allow you to communicate your concepts and ideas and spark interest in your architectural project. The project can also be marketed even while it is still in the development phase. 

RELATED: The best architectural rendering companies and 3D rendering services

2. Allows easier revisions

The 3D rendering technology allows the 3D architectural visualization professional to adjust lighting, make quick changes, meet deadlines, or completely revamp your decoration options. You have complete control over the rendering and easily pivot when necessary. 

3. There are no limits to the designs

Lighting, geography, and construction shouldn’t hinder you from creating gorgeous professional images to impress team members and clients. With the right software and vision, you can make 3D renders immediately.  


1. Authentic 

Even though 3D rendering images often have the same quality as professional photos, some viewers might feel more inclined to choose photographs instead of digitally rendered images. 

2. Excellent finishing touches 

After the project is completed, professional photography is an outstanding final step for capturing the architecture and all its best angles. 

RELATED: Real estate marketing: advantages of 3D architectural rendering services & animation

3. Provide different looks 

Your new project might look different during sunset and in the middle of the day. The view from one part of the room may also evoke a different mood than other angles. Photography offers flexibility as you can play around with different times of the day and various angles to showcase the entire space in its glory. 

How to choose between freelance 3D rendering options and photography for your architectural projects 

If you’re still unsure of what to choose between photography and freelance 3D photorealistic rendering options, there are several factors you should know and remember.


If your topmost priority is real-life appearance, photographs can capture reality in ways that many 3D rendering options cannot. However, even though 3D rendering options can’t take a snapshot of real-world environments, they can still present impeccably realistic images. Even the most trained eyes won’t be able to distinguish between 3D renderings and real photos. 


RELATED: How to render architecture: tips from an architectural rendering company, Los Angeles 


Freelance 2D rendering options let you make adjustments, change angles, or retouch your building at any given point during the process. On the other hand, photography offers a very limited scope for playing around with. If you expect to make changes during the entire process, 3D rendering options can provide more options for customization. 


Do you still have a lot of time before your project presentation? If not, you can always turn to 3D rendering. Architects and architectural design experts can use advanced technology to produce renderings quickly and allow faster production time compared to photography shoots and edits. Freelance 3D rendering options also let you present stunning images early in the process. Different from photography, where you need to complete the interior design and building processes, 3D renders allow you to showcase your vision before you’ve completed your finishing touches. 

RELATED: Why are companies and firms moving from 2D to 3D CAD architectural renderings and models?

When to use freelance 3D rendering options, photography, or both

Below are several best practices on how to incorporate freelance 3D rendering options and photography in your next architectural projects in the future:


  • Create several renderings that emphasize different details
  • Confirm a set of approved renderings that will serve as a guide during construction
  • Refine the designs according to feedback from stakeholders
  • Use quality 3D rendering software exclusively throughout the initial design stages

During and after construction:

  • Capture more wide images that showcase the entire architecture  
  • Capture photos of completed project interiors and exteriors 
  • Take photos of the render angles once again to present the design implementation
  • Capture more detailed close-up photos of unique components, finishes, and fixtures

For promotion and marketing:

  • Take advantage of professional photography to draw attention to the success of the project
  • Use renderings to convey the story behind the design 
  • Feature side-by-side comparisons of photos and matching 3D renderings 

The strategic combination of quality freelance 3D rendering options and photography can give you the best of both worlds when it comes to 3D architectural visualization services.

How Cad Crowd can help

Cad Crowd can link you up with the best freelance 3D architectural rendering designers who can help you showcase the full potential of your next architectural projects. Contact us today!

Docker Debug from Visual Studio 2022 works and opens the Web API, but trying to run image from Powershell does not work, port not being listened

Code is present in

Trying to run the same image from Visual Studio and from Powershell. The image is run in a container in both cases, the container created by Visual Studio Docker Debug works but the container run from the Powersehll does not work when the localhost 8080 is searched.

Below is the command used to run image from Powershell
docker run --rm -it -p 8080 -p 8081 -e ASPNETCORE_URLS="https://+;http//+" -e ASPNETCORE_HTTPS_PORTS=8081 -e ASPNETCORE_KestrelCertificatesDefaultPassword="webapp" -e ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development -e ASPNETCORE_KestrelCertificatesDefaultPath=c:\https\aspnetapp.pfx -v $env:USERPROFILE.aspnet\https:C:\https\ countryapi:dev

The images show the difference in containers running from docker debug

and container run from powershell

Tried tracing the VS output console, difference in the build mount.
Tried docker.exe run -p :8080 , opens listening to port but says localhost:port not found

The Tech Leader’s Guide to Remote Work

We are witnessing a transformative work movement. As companies grapple with the right mix of in-office, hybrid, and fully remote, it’s become clear there is no one-size-fits-all solution. To retain and attract top talent, enterprises need a proven strategy that empowers them to create a frictionless employee experience that supports their needs. Many organizations are defaulting to a hybrid model, but is it the right choice?
Read this eBook to learn how to transition your workforce to a remote-first environment and determine the right scalability strategy for your business. 

In this eBook, you will learn how to:

  • Develop an infrastructure that supports a remote-first mindset, enabling your teams to thrive.
  • Leverage proven strategies to enhance productivity, job satisfaction, and employee retention in a distributed work environment.
  • Address concerns about security, trust, and productivity with actionable solutions tailored for remote tech teams.
  • Integrate the right digital tools that facilitate seamless communication and collaboration.
  • Effectively scale your operations globally while maintaining compliance, security, and high performance.

Bridging the Gap: Connecting Businesses and Consumers in the Digital Age

Home Business Magazine Online

In today’s digital landscape, the relationship between businesses and consumers has undergone a significant transformation. With the advent of technology, the way consumers discover, interact with, and purchase products and services has evolved dramatically. As a result, businesses must adapt their strategies to effectively bridge the gap between themselves and consumers in this digital age.

In this article, we’ll explore various strategies that businesses can employ to connect with consumers successfully. From establishing a strong online presence to leveraging data analytics and fostering meaningful engagement, these strategies are essential for navigating the complex digital landscape and building lasting relationships with customers.

Establish Your Online Presence

In the digital age, having a robust online presence is crucial for businesses to reach and engage with consumers effectively. In today’s digital climate, consumers increasingly turn to the internet to discover, research, and purchase products and services.

Thus, having a well-designed and informative website is essential to establishing your business’s credibility and attracting potential customers. A visually appealing website with intuitive navigation creates a positive first impression and serves as a centralized hub where consumers can learn more about the brand, explore its offerings, and engage with its content.

Beyond just having a website, you need to actively engage your consumers across your various digital channels. This includes maintaining an active presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Social media offers businesses an opportunity to humanize their brand, interact directly with consumers, and foster a sense of community.

Content Marketing Is Key

Content marketing is a strategic approach involving creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain your target audience. Unlike traditional advertising, which focuses on direct promotion, content marketing aims to provide consumers with useful information, entertainment, or inspiration that aligns with their interests and needs.

Content marketing encompasses various formats, including blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, podcasts, and social media posts. Each format offers unique opportunities to connect with consumers and deliver your message effectively.

For instance, blog posts and articles allow businesses to share in-depth insights, tips, and thought leadership on relevant topics, positioning them as industry experts. Similarly, videos and infographics are highly engaging visual mediums that can convey complex information in a digestible and entertaining format, making them ideal for capturing consumers’ attention and driving engagement.


Personalization is a key component of modern marketing, allowing you to tailor your messaging, products, and services to the individual preferences and needs of each consumer. Consumers expect personalized experiences that are relevant, timely, and valuable to them. By leveraging data analytics, artificial intelligence, and marketing automation technologies, you can collect and analyze vast amounts of data to better understand your customers’ behavior, preferences, and purchase history.

Personalization can take various forms across different touchpoints in the customer journey. You can personalize your website content and user experience based on factors like browsing behavior, geographic location, or referral source. By displaying relevant product recommendations, personalized offers, and dynamic content blocks, you enhance the relevance and effectiveness of your website for each visitor.

Invest In A CRM

CRM systems are software platforms that help businesses manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the entire customer lifecycle. CRM systems enable businesses to centralize customer information, track communication history, and identify opportunities for engagement and upselling.

These systems offer a range of features and functionalities designed to streamline customer relationship management processes and enhance the overall customer experience. Features may include contact management, lead tracking, pipeline management, email integration, and reporting and analytics.

Additionally, CRM systems can integrate with other business tools and systems, such as email marketing platforms, e-commerce platforms, and customer service software, to further enhance customer relationship management capabilities and streamline various processes. For example, a field service management CRM would help to streamline day-to-day business operations and grow revenue by automating routine processes and leveraging data-driven insights. Businesses can improve operational efficiency, increase sales productivity, and deliver more personalized and proactive customer experiences with the help of CRM systems.


Deposit Photos

eCommerce platforms play a crucial role in enabling businesses to sell products and services online, reaching a global audience, and driving revenue growth. Consumers increasingly prefer the convenience and flexibility of online shopping, making eCommerce an essential channel for connecting with customers and driving sales. Whether selling physical products, digital downloads, or services, businesses can leverage e-commerce platforms to create a seamless and frictionless shopping experience for their customers.

When selecting an eCommerce platform, consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, scalability, security features, and integration capabilities. It should align with the unique needs and requirements of your business, allowing for easy management of products, orders, payments, and customer data. Additionally, the platform should support essential features such as mobile responsiveness, search engine optimization (SEO), and multiple payment options to enhance the overall user experience and maximize conversion rates.

Social media engagement

Social media platforms have become integral channels for connecting with customers, building brand awareness, and driving engagement. With billions of active users worldwide, social media offers businesses an unprecedented opportunity to reach and interact with their target audience in real time. By leveraging social media effectively, you can humanize your brand, foster authentic relationships, and generate buzz and excitement around your products and services.

To effectively engage with customers on social media, develop a comprehensive social media strategy that aligns with your overall marketing objectives and target audience. Identify the most relevant social media platforms for your target demographic, create engaging and shareable content, and establish a consistent posting schedule. You should also monitor social media conversations and trends, respond to comments and messages promptly, and actively engage your fans and audience to build trust and credibility.

Connecting with consumers online

In conclusion, bridging the gap between businesses and consumers in the digital age requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses various strategies and tactics. From establishing a strong online presence to leveraging personalization and fostering meaningful engagement, businesses must adapt to the changing digital landscape to effectively connect with consumers. By implementing these strategies, businesses can build lasting relationships with their audience, drive engagement and loyalty, and ultimately, achieve long-term success in the digital age.

The post Bridging the Gap: Connecting Businesses and Consumers in the Digital Age appeared first on Home Business Magazine.

[Update] Microsoft says it’s killing the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel

UPDATE: Aug. 26, 2024, 4:37 p.m. EDT Microsoft has amended its statement in the support document to say the following: “Many of the settings in Control Panel are in the process of being migrated to the Settings app, which offers a more modern and streamlined experience.”
This is a departure from its previous statement, which said “The Control Panel is in the process of being deprecated in favor of the Settings app.”
We reached out to Microsoft to get its official stance on Control Panel. We will update this page when we get a response.

Original article: April 28, 2024 4:55 p.m. ET

In case you missed it, in a support document on Tuesday, Microsoft announced that it’s in the process of phasing out the Control Panel, a 39-year-old Windows feature, in favor of the Settings app.

This may not be a surprise for many Windows users. Since October 2020, Microsoft has been redirecting users away from the Control Panel, goading them to use the Settings app instead. “The Settings app […] offers a more modern and streamlined experience,” Microsoft said in the support document.

Mashable Light Speed

Say goodbye to the Control Panel

The Control Panel has been a part of Windows since 1985, but as mentioned, Microsoft will officially part ways with the nostalgic feature. Control Panel allowed users to add devices and printers, adjust the date and time, personalize their desktop, remove unwanted programs, and more.

However, the Settings app, which launched alongside Windows 8 in 2012, has become the new destination for many of these tasks and has gradually taken over its functions.

Microsoft hasn’t announced when, exactly, the Control Panel will officially face its demise. However, many will appreciate the heads up.

With Control Panel being around for nearly 40 years (since Windows 1.0), its departure marks the end of an era — one that will be remembered by longtime PC users as a key part of the Windows experience.

Report says well-known videogame accessibility advocate may not have actually existed

A bizarre but extremely thorough new report at IGN claims that a prominent advocate for accessibility in videogames, who co-founded the Can I Play That? website in 2018, may not have actually existed at all—but instead appears to be the creation of her purported romantic partner, Coty Craven.

Banks first appeared as One Odd Gamer Girl in 2015, and quickly grew to become a well-known member of the disabled gamer community, according to IGN’s report. In 2018, for instance, she was featured in an interview with leading videogame accessibility website AbleGamers; in 2019, following her reported death, the site paid tribute to Banks in “A Farewell to a Friend,” calling her an “amazing ally” and “a brilliant light in the fight for accessibility.”

How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App Like KFC?

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App Like KFC?

Restaurant apps continue to drive the food industry and experience amplified demand from users.  Convenient food ordering facilities and hassle-free ways to find nearby restaurants are helping users order on the go as well as experience excipient dining options. Yes, restaurant apps are now offering seamless ways to users in browsing menus, choosing food items, find nearby restaurants, book dining tables, and opt for convenient door delivery or flexible takeaway.

Moreover, real-time order tracking, personalized recommendations on their favourite items, exclusive discounts, and other loyalty programs are further increasing the demand for usage of restaurant apps.

On the other hand, restaurants too are reaping the benefits from mobile app investments. Improved customer experiences, extended brand reach and visibility, order efficiency, streamlined operations, more sales, and customer retention are a few of the significant benefits to restaurants offered by restaurant app development (Android/iOS).

The KFC app or KFS online ordering app is one such mobile application developed by multinational restaurant conglomerate KFC. Since its launch to the market, this app has generated over 10 million downloads and offers the fastest way to order delicious KFC food online conveniently. KFC was also been popularized as it allows users to find nearest KFC outlet and order food, ensuring quick door deliveries. 

If you running a restaurant and executing only offline, then the time has arrived to create a mobile app for kickstarting your online presence. In this digital age, without a mobile app, it will be tough to extend brand awareness and generate cashflows.

In this article, we have discussed the must-have features and functionalities of the Indian biggest restaurant apps like KFC. You can also get cost information to create a KFC India online ordering app like a popular restaurant platform.

Here we go!

Features and Functionalities To Consider For KFC App Like Similar Platform

The features of the KFC app have significantly contributed to its business growth and app success in India. This largest food delivery app in India is now the first choice of techies to meet their KFC chicken cravings without reaching KFC outlets.

Top Features for User Panel Development

  • User Registration and Login
  • Social Media login and sharing facility
  • User profile management
  • Attractive UI
  • Search option with custom filters
  • Menu Section
  • Orders tracking real-time
  • Nearby nearest Outlet finding facility
  • Orders history
  • Multiple payment options
  • Payments history
  • Discounts and coupons apply
  • Quick & speedy delivery
  • Pre-order feature
  • Re-order to save users’ time
  • Push notifications
  • Reviews and Ratings
  • Voice-enabled search functionality
  • In-app customer support chatbot
  • In-app messaging feature 

Must-have features for Delivery Agent Panel Development

Delivery agent panel development needs to integrate features that streamline the process of order deliveries and ensure a superior level of communication between customers and delivery agents. Here are a few top features for making the delivery agent functionalities smooth and collaborative.

  • Delivery agent signup and login
  • Rider profile management
  • Updates on orders in real-time
  • Orders Management (Accept or Delete)
  • GPS navigators for route optimization
  • In-app communication, such as calling or chatting facility
  • Delivery status updates
  • Payment Status updates
  • Agent support services
  • Ratings and Feedback

Integration of these friendly features into your KFC-like food delivery application ensures efficient delivery services, thereby benefiting the restaurant in terms of customer loyalty and end-customers in terms of reliable and quick deliveries.

Are you looking to know the cost of building an app like KFC? Here is the information you looking for:



How Much Does it Cost to Create an App Like KFC?

The average cost of KFC food delivery app development will range from $20,000 to $40,000. However, the cost of KFC-like restaurant mobile app development will depend on many factors. Restaurant app development companies consider factors such as app size, features, design complexity, technology stack, app development platform, and many more to decide the cost of building an app like KFC.

Moreover, testing and QA, maintenance & support, and app promotional and post-launch maintenance all impact the estimated budget of mobile app development like KFC. From research, design, and development to update, maintenance, and promotion, every phase is significant and needs a budget. All factors will impact the estimated cost of building an app like KFC.

Let’s delve deep into the factors that impact the cost of building an app like KFC.

  1. Development Platform and Type

The choice of application development platform significantly affects the final app development costs. Your choice between native app development, hybrid app development, or cross-platform development that supports Android, iOS, and/or web OS impacts the code complexity, resource utilization, and investment of time.

If you choose native app development on either Android or iOS involves huge development costs as compared to hybrid and cross-platform application development. This is all because native apps are specific to the operating system and mobile app developers need to write separate codebases for ensuring efficient performance and nativity. It will increase the development costs.

Whereas code written for cross-platform applications using Flutter and React-native-like frameworks is portable and platform-independent. Hence, the mobile app development team can write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms, thereby reducing development costs. So, be smart in selecting a mobile app development platform and type.   

  1. Features and Functionalities 

The features and functionalities of either Android app iOS app or Web app play a significant role in deciding their development costs. The complexity of features will increase the development time and expertise required for mobile application development.

Adding advanced features and functionalities, such as real-time location tracking, restaurant finding, in-app AI customer support chatbot, voice-enabled search functionality, etc., need more time and incur higher development costs. Hence, the features and functionalities will contribute to variations in mobile application development costs. A set of complex features and advanced functionalities will increase the app’s size and price, but they improve the app’s uniqueness.

Top mobile app development companies like USM are experts in balancing the app’s requirements and your budget. Get a free quote for KFC-like food delivery app development.       

  1. Design Complexity 

The User Interface (UI) and User Experiences (UX) designs play a crucial role in determining apps’ appearance to the end-users and success rate. It directly deals with the user experiences. Market research of users’ preferences, proper planning, requirements analysis, and end-to-end collaboration between the development team and UI designers are mandatory to come up with an intuitive mobile app design. It will increase the front-end development costs of KFC-like software development.

The best mobile application development agency like USM with seasoned UI designers designs appealing UI/UX designs and ensures seamless user experiences, contributing to better user engagement. We balance the time, budget, and resource availability and provide cost-effective mobile app development services to clients across various industries. 

  1. Technology Stack 

The technology stack you select will also significantly impact the development cost of KFC a famous online food ordering and delivery application. The set of programming languages, UI frameworks, libraries you import, plugins, and databases you choose for storage, will all directly impact the development costs.

Moreover, to include AI-chatbot-like features, mobile app development companies will use Artificial Intelligence (AI) like cutting-edge technologies. Using such leading-edge technologies to create an app like KFC, needs expert AI developers. It will potentially increase the overall development cost of a KFC-like food app.

Moreover, when the application needs to be compatible with various other platforms, application scalability, and performance issues will also incur hidden costs. But, hiring USM-like a top mobile app development company in the USA will balance technologies and budget constraints. Understanding your application requirements, our top app developers choose the right technology stack to ensure flawless performance and reduce scalability issues. 

  1. Mobile app developers’ location 

The region of mobile app developers you hire will determine the cost of building an app like the KFC food delivery app. The hourly rate of mobile app development services will be different from region to region. For instance, if you hire top app developers from North America with higher cost-of-living regions, then the app development expenses will go beyond the estimated price.

In contrast, top mobile app development companies in India and other Asian markets will offer budget-friendly software development services to their clients. So, while hiring Android or iOS app developers, it is essential to balance their hourly rates of development teams with your budget limit to experience cost benefits. 

  1. Team Size

The team size of mobile app developers impacts the final costs of KFC clone app development. To create a mobile application (Android or iOS), you should hire a company with a team of resources specialized in development, designing, testing, code debugging, and quality assurance experts. Hiring such an experienced team increases development costs, however, their expertise ensures faster development within fewer sprints.

USM, the best mobile application development company, determines your project complexity, timeframe, and your budget. Our expert software development team leverage their proven best practices in food delivery app development and ensure to deliver cost-effective and high-performance application within deadlines.

  1. External API Integrations 

Integration of third-party Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) into your KFC clone app will impact on overall development costs of software. Significant licensing charges required for deployment and usage of external APIs contribute to extra costs. However, integration of APIs, such as secure payments APIs, will improve the application functionalities and enhance user experiences. 

  1. Maintenance and Support 

Mobile app developers should emphasize the significance of MVP development with key features for reducing the burden of extra development expenditures. Because ongoing maintenance and support to incorporate changes in features and external APIs will further impact long-term development costs. Regular updates to the software, bug-fixing. performance optimization, user feedback analysis, and support services will all incur extra costs.

Being a popular #software development firm USA and India, USM helps in the design and development of budget-friendly Android and iOS apps. We deploy highly functional, secure, and highly advanced mobile apps using leading-edge technologies.


Wrapping Up!

We hope that this article has given information to companies across the food industry who have plans to create a mobile app. Starting from market research and user-friendly app design to integration of delivery agent features and functionalities, every module influences the development costs.   

Do you have a restaurant app development idea? 

Get in touch with USM to avail cost-effective application development services!


Does Metal Gear Solid need a new Kojima? Konami have “many people” in mind, but it’s “difficult”

Almost a decade after his acrimonious departure from Konami, the shadow of Hideo Kojima still looms over Metal Gear Solid. He’s there, barely camouflaged, in the undergrowth of Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater – a remake of the fifth Metal Gear game, originally released in 2004, which tells the tale of a lone US special operator hunting superweapons and old mentors in the jungles of the southern Soviet Union.

I say “remake” but this feels more like a re-release, in spirit. True, it now runs on Unreal Engine, with the option of a manual, third-person perspective and cover-shooter controls in addition to the old top-down viewpoints. Yes, it boasts new flourishes, such as wounds now leaving scars, and clothes picking up stray leaves. Yes, there’s a new interface with floating in-world menus, which makes shuffling between the layers a bit less awkward. It’s the product of much labour, with development split between Konami and external support partner Virtuos. But where Konami’s other big restoration project, Bloober’s Silent Hill 2 remake, is a creative dialogue with the original game, Delta seems consumed by faithfulness to Kojima’s original design.

Continue reading “Does Metal Gear Solid need a new Kojima? Konami have “many people” in mind, but it’s “difficult””

Jeromy Young Returns to Atomos: Insights from the CEO on the Future of

In this article from Film and Digital Times, Jon Fauer interviews Jeromy Young, the CEO and co-founder of Atomos, about his return to the company and his vision for its future. Jeromy shares his deep passion for the video production industry and explains why he decided to rejoin Atomos after a brief hiatus. With his extensive experience at companies like Canopus Video Corporation and Blackmagic Design, Jeromy has been instrumental in the development of innovative video production tools, leading to the founding of Atomos.

Jeromy discusses his time away from Atomos, during which he gained valuable insights by observing the company as an investor. He noticed that while Atomos had made significant advancements in cloud connectivity and internet features, these innovations were not being communicated effectively to their target audience. Upon his return, Jeromy focused on simplifying these technologies to make them more accessible to Atomos’s core customers, including videographers and cinematographers. By doing so, he aims to enhance collaborative workflows and real-time production capabilities, empowering users to deliver high-quality video content.

In addition to refining existing products, Jeromy outlines Atomos’s commitment to innovation with the introduction of new tools and services. This includes enhanced recording features and cloud-based workflows that streamline production processes, allowing filmmakers to work more efficiently. One of the most exciting developments is Atomos’s entry into the LED lighting market with their upcoming product, Sun Dragon. These LED lights are designed to offer flexibility, portability, and full-spectrum daylight matching, providing filmmakers with versatile lighting solutions that are easy to use and adapt to different shooting environments.

Overall, this interview with Jeromy Young provides a comprehensive look at the future of Atomos and its dedication to democratizing high-quality video production. By making professional-grade tools more accessible, Atomos is helping content creators and filmmakers elevate their work and achieve their creative visions. Whether you’re a seasoned cinematographer or a budding videographer, Atomos’s innovative products and solutions are designed to meet your needs and enhance your production capabilities

Read the full article by Jon Fauer for Film and Digital Times HERE

Learn more about Atomos below:

New IDE features in Visual Studio v17.11

In Visual Studio 2022 v17.11, you’ll discover several new features that address specific issues developers have reported. These updates don’t belong to a distinct category, but we’re dedicated to sharing them with you in this blog post. You can download the update and view the comprehensive release notes for full details.

Find the code you’re looking for

Do you ever feel like you’re seeing too many results in code search? Narrow down your focus with the newly added scoping options in Code Search.

A screenshot of a computer

For the default code search experience and each filter, you can now set the scope to Entire solutionCurrent project, or Current document and toggle inclusion of external files.

You can set different scopes for different filters. For example, the default experience can be set to look through Entire solution and members can be set to look through only current document. Your selections will be preserved past the current session.

Familiar keyboard shortcuts

When moving between different IDEs and editors, it can be frustrating to have to relearn keyboard shortcuts. We’ve made some changes to some default keyboard shortcuts to make them more familiar and to preserve your muscle memory.

You’ve been able to toggle line comments in Visual Studio for a long time, but the default keyboard shortcut was Ctrl+K, Ctrl+/. We’ve now added Ctrl+/ as an alternative shortcut, which is the default in many other IDEs and editors.

A computer screen shot of text

Description automatically generated

Open Command Palette

Or Feature Search as it’s called in Visual Studio. The default keyboard shortcut for this feature is now Ctrl+Shift+P, which should be familiar to VS Code users for opening the Command Palette.

A screenshot of a computer

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Never miss installing a component

Many teams use *.vsconfig files to standardize their teams’ Visual Studio installations. The *.vsconfig files can be placed in a repo or a project’s solution directory, and Visual Studio will automatically detect if components specified in the *.vsconfig file are missing.

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If any are missing, then a notification such as the one pictured below will appear.

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We’ve made two improvements to this experience in Visual Studio 2022 version 17.11 Preview 1.

  1. First, Visual Studio can now detect if any local or network hosted extensions are missing from the installation, and if so, it’ll prompt you to install them. Previously, with respect to extensions, Visual Studio was only able to recognize if marketplace extensions were missing.
  2. Secondly, Visual Studio will now re-prompt the notification in certain situations, such as if the *.vsconfig file has changed because new components or extensions get added to it. Previously, the notification would only pop until you acted upon it, at which point it would be suppressed forever.

Improved user authentication

Visual Studio now uses the Web Account Manager (WAM) as its main authentication mechanism. This integration not only streamlines the authentication experience for Visual Studio, but it also enhances the security of your credentials.

Here’s how the new WAM experience looks like:

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How does this impact your experience?

Using WAM as the default authentication experience has many benefits, including:

  • Windows integration: In addition to reducing the overall number of authentication prompts, you can now select existing Windows accounts instead of repeatedly entering credentials.
  • Better token protection: Refresh tokens are better secured as they are now device bound.
  • Support for the latest security features:
    • Leverage rich OS capabilities such as Windows Hello & FIDO keys.
    • Access the latest and greatest Microsoft Entra ID capabilities and conditional access policies.

Teams Toolkit now offers an empty Teams template for you to connect with your existing projects or use it as a starting point for new Teams apps.

  • Start with this empty template to create a Teams app.
  • If you want to add Teams capability to your existing project, add Empty Teams App to your project and then connect two projects by making simple edits follow

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Teams Toolkit supports authentication for Search Results from API Message Extensions app.

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We hope you enjoy this update to Visual Studio, and we look forward to hearing what you think. You can share feedback with us via Developer Community, by reporting issues via report a problem and share your suggestions for new features or improvements to existing ones.

Stay connected with the Visual Studio team by following us on Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and on Microsoft Learn.

Thank you for using Visual Studio and happy coding!