Rejoice fellow pagans, for stop-motion Scottish Border brawler Judero will launch in September

The first time I encountered Jack King-Spooner’s work, it was when he sent me a copy of Sluggish Morss: Pattern Circus over hospital wifi late at night. The game was a bright spot in a bad time, which might seem peculiar given that Sluggish Morss often looks like a whale’s upset stomach, but it’s such a feverishly inventive creation. It blew the dust from my synapses.

The same appears true of King-Spooner’s upcoming Judero, on which he is collaborating with Soul Searching developer Talha Kaya. It casts you as a “pagan seer” armed with a big stick, who is searching the mythical Scottish borderlands for evil creatures to clobber. It looks cheerier and airier than Sluggish Morss, with a more overt emphasis on mechanics such as combat, but it has the same pickled 3am energy to it. It’s also now got a release date – 16th September – and a new trailer below.

Continue reading “Rejoice fellow pagans, for stop-motion Scottish Border brawler Judero will launch in September”

YoloBox Chroma Key Tutorial: Green Screen Setup for Live Streaming

In this video, Frank from YoloLiv teaches us how easy it is to set up and use chromakey with YoloBox Ultra. Green screens are being increasingly used in live streaming. Except for the YoloBox OG which cannot add chroma keying due to insufficient CPU, all other YoloBox products (Ultra, Pro, & Mini) are equipped with chroma keying. Compared to other streaming devices using the chroma key on YoloBox is easier. Today Frank is going to show you how to use the chroma keying feature of YoloBox and the things to pay attention to when setting up a green screen.

Watch the full video form YoloLiv below:

New GitHub Copilot features in Visual Studio 2022 17.11

Visual Studio 2022 17.11 now brings exciting advancements from GitHub Copilot! This release significantly improves how GitHub Copilot integrates into your development workflow, offering smarter and more intuitive coding assistance.

Discover the new GitHub Copilot features in Visual Studio, such as enhanced context understanding, improved code completions, and AI insights for debugging and naming. These updates aim to boost your productivity and efficiency in coding. To try these new features, download the update, make sure to activate your GitHub Copilot account and check out the release notes for more detailed information.

GitHub Copilot is getting smarter

GitHub Copilot Chat now enables you to reference your complete solution, which allows you to gain an even deeper, holistic understanding of your solution to get better results! To reference your solution, simply use @workspace, and Copilot will respond to high-level questions regarding your solution, files, and their interactions.

To reference your solution, simply use @workspace,

Additionally, GitHub Copilot Enterprise users in Visual Studio can now use @GitHub to get answers enriched with context from their entire repository and Bing search results.

GitHub Copilot Enterprise users in Visual Studio can now use @GitHub to get answers enriched with context from their entire repository and Bing search results.

Naming things made easy

GitHub Copilot can now generate naming suggestions for your C++ identifiers (variables, methods, or classes) based on how your identifier is being used and the style of your code.

Picture showing other naming options for "property"

To try it out, you’ll need an active GitHub Copilot subscription. Navigate to any variable you wish to rename, right-click -> Rename (Keyboard: Ctrl+R, Ctrl+R). You’ll notice a GitHub Copilot sparkle icon that you can click or toggle to generate naming suggestions.

AI-generated breakpoint expressions

AI-generated expressions for conditional breakpoints and tracepoints are now supported in C++. GitHub Copilot analyzes your code and offers insightful breakpoint expressions, streamlining your debugging process.

AI-generated breakpoint expressions

When you place the cursor in the condition text for a conditional breakpoint/tracepoint in the breakpoint settings window, GitHub Copilot will instantly generate AI-based expression suggestions tailored to your code. You can choose the condition that best suits your needs.

Understand your symbols with GitHub Copilot

We’ve integrated GitHub Copilot into the tooltip on hover over symbols to provide AI-generated summaries of the selected symbol. This is available for both C# and C++ developers.

tooltip on hover over symbols to provide AI-generated summaries of the selected symbol.

This feature assists developers in understanding descriptions of various symbols at different invocations within their codebase. By hovering over a symbol and selecting the ‘Tell me more’ option, GitHub Copilot can generate documentation for the selected symbol.

Refine your GitHub Copilot suggestions

In Visual Studio 17.11, you can now refine code completions by adding context or asking questions without accepting them first. This update allows you to modify and retry GitHub Copilot’s suggestions before having to accept, saving you the hassle to accepting and refining again! Just press Alt+/ to modify, or if you’re happy with the suggestion, press tab to accept.

Image completions to inline

GitHub Copilot is even more secure

Introducing GitHub Copilot Content Exclusion, a new feature that allows admins to Copilot to ignore specific files in a repository or organization, ensuring sensitive information is protected while using AI for efficient coding. This applies to Completions, Inline, Chat, for GitHub Copilot for Business and Enterprise users. Additionally, exclusions also apply to other non-chat features, like rename suggestions and hover text. Additionally, content exclusion works with repos on platforms other than GitHub, including Azure DevOps.

exclusions also apply to other non-chat features, like rename suggestions and hover text

We hope you enjoy this update to Visual Studio and all the new developments happening within GitHub Copilot, and we look forward to hearing what you think. You can share feedback with us by using the thumbs up or down within the Chat, via Developer Community, by reporting issues via report a problem and share your suggestions for new features or improvements to existing ones.

Stay connected with the Visual Studio team by following us on Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn and on Microsoft Learn.

Thank you for using Visual Studio and happy coding!

Google AI Supports Human Image Generation Again

Google has announced the rollout of a new version of its Imagen 3 AI image creator in Gemini. In addition to the usual spate of refinements and promises of prettier pictures, Google is once again allowing its model to generate images of people. This comes after it paused human generation in Imagen 3 in February after its initial release overemphasized diversity.

With the new Imagen 3 launch, Google promises better, more accurate depictions of your text prompts. The AI can again produce images of people, but there are still plenty of limitations there. The model will not make photorealistic images of identifiable people like celebrities and politicians. Likewise, it will block images that are “excessively gory, violent, or sexual.”

The Imagen model is generative AI, similar to Dall-E 3 from OpenAI or Stable Diffusion. After being fed a boatload of training data, the model can generate an image output from a text prompt. Shortly after its launch, users began noticing that Google’s attempts to filter out stereotypes may have gone too far. Prompts that should have produced men with generally lighter skin tones instead produced images of people (sometimes women) with darker skin.

Image 3 example

One of the more popular examples of Google’s issues was asking the model to draw a US Senator in the 1800s—it now reliably draws old white guys instead of women and people of color.
Credit: Google

This screw-up became a cause célèbre in certain corners of the internet—Elon Musk, who is building a largely unrestricted AI for X (formerly Twitter), accused Google of being “anti-civilizational,” whatever that’s supposed to mean. Google was forced to backtrack due to the complaints, announcing in February that it would pause the generation of humans with Imagen while it retooled. Since then, attempting to have Gemini produce an image featuring people threw an error message.

Google says the updated model will roll out first to paying Gemini users, which will include those with Gemini Advanced, Business, or Enterprise accounts. However, it’s not live yet as of this posting. You can, however, try the new model in Google’s AI Labs. In our limited testing, the new Imagen is much less afraid to generate images of white guys. Google says it is still following its core design principles, and the images are watermarked with its SynthID system to help identify AI images.

The proliferation of AI image tools like Imagen 3 has led to widespread hand-wringing online as many predict an explosion of disinformation. Indeed, that may be in our future, but these tools are currently unable to produce convincing fakes—even the best AI images still look like they were constructed by AI. The tools are getting better quickly, as evidenced by Google’s rapid revamp of Imagen 3. So, that dystopian future may arrive sooner than we expect.

Effective Growth Strategies For Small Businesses In A Competitive Market

Home Business Magazine Online

Small businesses are the lifeblood of any society. That’s not in doubt. But even you, the small business owner, wouldn’t like to see your organization remain stagnant over the years. You’d want to see organic growth by leaps and bounds, true or false?

A fact that you may have come to make peace with is that for practically any business you open out there, there’s someone offering the same product or service. The responsibility to convince potential customers to patronize yours and help you grow then rests squarely upon your shoulder.

This guide comes with a host of growth strategies for small businesses that you can put into practice to give you a competitive advantage in a fast-moving market.

Financial Management

Money is the lifeblood of any organization. Getting your game right can indeed make or break your business. You should start by having a solid financial plan in place.

Start by listing all your expenses – rent, salaries, equipment, etc. Then, project your income based on past performance and growth strategy. This gives you a clear picture of where your money’s going and where it’s coming from.

Your business growth can also sometimes lay square on a cash injection. Look into options such as Credibly financing or other business loans that scratch your business’ itch.

Accessing this credit line can open up a financial lifeline that can help you put in place a growth plan and actually follow through. This can position your company not just to win but also to thrive in the face of massive competition.

Bring Tech On Board

The right tech as a part of your small business growth strategy can make a huge difference. You can use it to automate tasks like invoicing so you don’t chase payments manually. Maybe automatically create tasks in your project management system when a client emails you.

Tech also comes with numbers that can tell a story if you know how to listen. Tools like Google Analytics can help you understand your customers better. Which products are selling best? What times are busiest for your website? This info helps you make smarter decisions.

To get your tech working perfectly for you, consider involving experts like Portland’s technical support team or other IT pros who know the ins and outs of tech systems. These gurus will make sure your systems are up and running right and can help you avoid costly mistakes or downtime.

Niche Specialization

Has it ever gotten to a point where you feel like you’re trying to be everything to everyone? That’s a quick way to burn out. Instead, zero in on a target audience. Who are the people that really get what you’re offering?

Say, for example, you run a fitness studio. Instead of trying to attract everyone, you might focus on new moms looking to get back in shape. You could offer classes that include baby-friendly workout options. Or maybe create a supportive community for moms to connect and share their fitness journeys.

You’ve got to become the go-to expert in your field. Host workshops on postpartum fitness. Write blog posts about balancing motherhood and self-care. Share success stories from your clients. Before you know it, you’ll be the first name that comes to mind for new moms looking to get fit.

ID 4832435 © Monkey Business Images |

Leverage Digital Marketing

If you’re not online today, you’re probably invisible. That’s why you’ve got to take your digital marketing strategies seriously. Here’s how to make your it count:

Optimize Your Online Presence

Make sure your website is easy to navigate and looks great on mobile devices. Use keywords related to your niche in your content. For our fitness studio, that might include phrases like “postpartum fitness” or “mom and baby workouts”.

Utilize Social Media

Talk to your clients. If they say “yes”, go ahead and share before-and-after photos. Post quick workout tips that busy moms can do at home. Maybe even go live once a week to answer fitness questions. These are just a few ways to work out your online campaigns. Look around and settle for what works best for you.

Foster Customer Loyalty

You know what’s better (and cheaper) than getting a new customer? Keeping the ones you’ve got. To make this happen, you’ve got to make exceptional customer service the front and center of your business growth strategy.

Say you run a small bookstore. Go the extra mile by remembering your regulars’ favorite genres. Maybe even shoot them a text when a book comes in they might like. You should also consider setting up a suggestion box in your store for customer feedback. Use that feedback. If multiple people suggest a reading nook, make it happen.

Closing Thoughts

Growth in your business is a possibility. Granted, it’s not something you can do in your sleep. It demands work, strategic thinking, and working with the right partners. You’ve got a few business growth strategies in this guide. Take them and put them to work. You may very well see a huge difference in your business.

The post Effective Growth Strategies For Small Businesses In A Competitive Market appeared first on Home Business Magazine.

These Are Apple’s Oldest Products Still Sold Today

For over two decades, the MacRumors Buyer’s Guide has served as a valuable resource for keeping track of when Apple products were last updated.

AirPods Max 1360 Days Old Feature 2
Below, we have highlighted five current-generation Apple products that have not received hardware upgrades in several years. We also provide some purchasing recommendations based on both rumors and our own opinions.

This list excludes previous-generation Apple products still sold, such as the iPhone 13, along with various accessories and cables.

Pro Display XDR

Pro Display XDR BluePro Display XDR Blue
Apple released the Pro Display XDR in December 2019, so it will be five years old later this year. The high-end monitor starts at $4,999 and features a 32-inch screen size with 6K resolution, but it lacks a built-in camera and speakers.

In December 2022, Bloomberg‘s Mark Gurman said Apple was working on multiple new external monitors, including an updated version of the Pro Display XDR that will be equipped with an Apple silicon chip, just like the Studio Display with the A13 chip. However, it’s unclear when the new Pro Display XDR will be released or what other new features it will have.

Age: 4 years and 8 months

Recommendation: Given how expensive the Pro Display XDR is, it is worth waiting for the next model at this point. Also consider the Studio Display, which is over two years newer, more affordable, and has a built-in camera and speakers.

HomePod mini

homepod mini thumb featurehomepod mini thumb feature
Released in November 2020, the HomePod mini is also nearly four years old. The smaller Siri-enabled smart speaker has not received any hardware updates since launching, although it did get Blue, Orange, and Yellow color options in November 2021, and Space Gray was replaced with a virtually-identical Midnight finish a few months ago.

In February 2023, Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said mass shipments of a second-generation HomePod mini would begin in the second half of 2024, but it is unclear if that info is still accurate, as there have not been any recent HomePod mini rumors.

Age: 3 years and 9 months

Recommendation: Given there was a rumor that a new HomePod mini might be released later this year, it might be best to hold off for three to four more months to see if that happens. However, given the HomePod mini is a modest $99, there is not too much harm in purchasing one now if you don’t want to wait.

AirPods Max

AirPods Max Gen 2 Feature Black 2AirPods Max Gen 2 Feature Black 2
Released in December 2020, the AirPods Max will turn four years old later this year. Apple’s over-ear headphones have not received any hardware updates since, and remain priced at $549 on Apple’s online store, with five color options available.

Age: 3 years and 8 months

Recommendation: We recommend waiting for the AirPods Max with a USB-C port to launch later this year, but the headphones will still more or less be four years old beyond that change, so you may wish to consider newer competing options, such as the Sony XM5, Bose QuietComfort Ultra, and Sonos Ace. Amazon does have the AirPods Max on sale for $399 if you are interested in purchasing them now at a discount.

iPad mini

iPad mini 6 orange BGiPad mini 6 orange BG
Apple released the current iPad mini in September 2021, with new features at the time including a larger 8.3-inch display, a USB-C port, a Touch ID power button, the A15 Bionic chip, 5G support on cellular models, a 12-megapixel rear camera with Center Stage support, compatibility with the second-generation Apple Pencil, and more.

In November 2023, Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said mass production of the next iPad mini would begin in the second half of 2024. More recently, Bloomberg‘s Mark Gurman said inventory of the current iPad mini‌ was starting to dwindle at Apple Stores, which could be a sign that the device will be updated in the near future.

Rumored features for the next iPad mini include a newer chip, upgraded cameras, Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.3 support, new color options, and a fix for the so-called “jelly scrolling” effect on the current model’s display.

Age: 2 years and 11 months

Recommendation: At this point, we suggest waiting for the new iPad mini that is rumored to launch later this year.

AirPods 3

airpods 3 orangeairpods 3 orange
Released in October 2021, the third-generation AirPods are nearly three years old.

Two new fourth-generation AirPods models are expected to be unveiled at Apple’s special event on September 9, with both options rumored to feature a tweaked design with better fit in the ear, improved sound quality, and an updated charging case with a USB-C port. The higher-end AirPods 4 are also said to feature active noise cancellation, and a speaker in the charging case that can play a sound for Find My location tracking.

Age: 2 years and 10 months

Recommendation: Do not buy! Apple is expected to announce the fourth-generation AirPods in less than two weeks.

Mechabellum Prepares for 1.0 Release on September 26

Paradox Arc and developers Game River announced today that Mechabellum is leaving Early Access on September 26th.

The autobattler title will finally launch as a fully released title for US$14.99 (the same cost as right now during Early Access) and it will include new unit techs, specialists and a seasonal system, with more content planned for the future.

A more in-depth tutorial designed for new players is also going to be included with the 1.0 launch, as well as ingame rewards for Early Access supporters and a bevy of balancing adjustments, optimization improvements and bug fixes.

Mechabellum is a deeply satisfying tactical wargame where forward-thinking and strategic adjustments pave the way to victory. Lead your mechanized forces in combat against either human or AI adversaries. Tailor your units and abilities, strategically deploy them on the battlefield, and witness the devastation they unleash upon your foes.

Build and Lead Your Army

From the agile Wasp light aircraft to the colossal, flame-wielding Vulcan, master the strengths and weaknesses of a diverse array of unique units. Customize them and their abilities both before and during combat to unleash their maximum destructive potential.

Strategize for Victory

Predict your enemy’s tactics and strategically position your mechs on the battlefield. Counter your opponent’s strategies by selecting the ideal unit combinations, loadouts, and placements as the battle evolves.

Fortune Favors the Bold

Turn the tide of a losing battle by calling in a precisely timed airstrike, or create chaos by deploying a swarm of crawler bots right in the heart of your enemy’s army.

Epic Battles

Witness shrapnel, incendiary bombs, and massive lasers tear through the air as immense armies of war machines clash, with the scale of destruction intensifying with each round.

Sharpen Your Skills Against the AI

Test your strategies against sophisticated AI before taking on other players in PvP battles. Experiment with different unit combinations and abilities without the pressure of facing real opponents.

Can’t Miss AutoCAD Events and Sessions at AU 2024 | AutoCAD Blog

Taking place October 15-17 in sunny San Diego, AU 2024: The Design & Make Conference is set to be another incredible time. From visionary keynotes to fun events and enlightening sessions, AU 2024 is the place where connections are forged, innovations are celebrated, and the future comes to life.

Registration is now open. But do you still need to convince your boss? Here are some great reasons on why you should be in San Diego with us!

Of course, AU isn’t complete without AutoCAD events and sessions. First up are some of the community events happening this year.

Network with AutoCAD Product Experts and the AutoCAD User Group
Tuesday, October 15 | 3:15 – 4:00 p.m. PDT
Thursday, October 17 | 1:45 – 2:30 p.m. PDT

Two chances for this networking event! Join Expert Elite and Group Leader, Shaun Bryant, Community Program Manager, Amanda Pruyn, and experts from the AutoCAD community to talk shop and find out how you can get involved in the AutoCAD User Group. Plus, connect with Autodesk product experts to discuss the latest features in AutoCAD 2025, from toolsets like Plant 3D and Architecture to customizing AutoLISP.

AEC Futures: AutoCAD Community Networking
Wednesday, October 16 | 5:30 – 6:15 p.m. PDT

Wrap up Day 2 with the AutoCAD product management team for a chance to continue conversations from the AutoCAD AEC Futures Briefing. Use this opportunity to ask burning questions you have about the latest release, share your ideas for features and ways to improve the product, and meet with your AutoCAD peers before you head out to explore San Diego for the evening.

Large hall with crowd

AutoCAD Sessions at AU 2024

AutoCAD sessions at AU help you go back to work with new skills and insights. These sessions are filling up quickly so be sure to enroll today. Here are a few to get you started.

Design Changes Using Trace, Markup Import, and Markup Assist in AutoCAD 2025

AutoCAD users spend most of their time drafting based on markups and incorporating revision changes. Volker Cocco will show you how to automate workflows and decrease the time spent on design changes using Trace, Markup Import, and Markup Assist in AutoCAD. Whether design changes are made in the field, at the office, or remotely, these tools will increase your efficiency and improve collaboration on markups and revisions.

How You Can Help Influence the Next Version of AutoCAD

Make your voice heard! Bud Schroeder will share details about the AutoCAD Customer Council Beta Program, how to become a member, and how you can influence the next version of AutoCAD software. With year-round alpha and beta programs for AutoCAD, AutoCAD web and mobile, and all the AutoCAD toolsets, you can have the chance to get an early look at new features and be able to share feedback directly with the product teams, product managers, developers, designers, quality engineers, and more. Learn how to be a part of it in this session.

Intelligent Connected Design with AutoCAD and Autodesk Docs

AutoCAD software unlocks intelligent and connected design collaboration across people, devices, and platforms that will improve design efficiency and ease management of design projects. In this session led by Audrey Boguchwal, Can Anbarlilar, and Kerry Ko, learn how you can unlock this experience for you and your team by connecting the best of Autodesk Docs—the cloud-based document management and common data environment—with AutoCAD.

Smooth Collaboration: Automatic Synchronization of Projects in Autodesk Docs with AutoCAD Architecture and AutoCAD MEP 2025

Does working together on the same project pose challenges for the team, particularly when multiple users are working on the same set of drawings? Maybe you have issues of edit notifications or synchronization while collaborating on the same project drawings? If so, this session is for you! Shilpa Arora and Sridhar Subramani will share how to take advantage of Autodesk Docs project synchronization enhancements with the Architecture and MEP toolsets to resolve these challenges.

Advanced Workflow on Electromechanical Design from AutoCAD Electrical to Autodesk Construction Cloud

Melike Ozdemir will share the adventure of electromechanical designs! Discover how data synchronized with AutoCAD Electrical and Inventor software can be managed with Vault software and Autodesk Construction Cloud and defined as 3D BIM content. Through the collaboration of Autodesk Construction Cloud and Vault, learn how to share both Revit and Inventor data with colleagues in different departments, edit them, and publish the final versions.

The Markup Matrix: Unraveling Advanced Integration Techniques for CAD Mastery in Autodesk Construction Cloud

Explore a practical journey of CAD drawings within Autodesk Construction Cloud through an immersive hands-on training session. Master the “closed-loop” system, seamlessly adding and receiving markups through the cloud. Discover advanced integration techniques, including incorporating markups as traces into your AutoCAD drawings. From fundamental concepts to advanced features, this session with Dhruvesh Shah and Ovais Mattoo will equip you with critical skills to optimize your CAD workflow, enhance communication, and accelerate project success within the Autodesk Construction Cloud ecosystem.

Empower Your Design Process and Increase Efficiency: Building Custom Mechanical Content in AutoCAD Mechanical

In today’s rapidly evolving design landscape, efficiency and customization are key factors in staying ahead of the curve. With the abundance of existing standard content in AutoCAD Mechanical software, you can now harness the power of these resources to craft your own bespoke mechanical components. In this session with Sridhar Subramani, learn how building a library of custom content can help you streamline the design work, reduce redundancy, and maintain consistency in your projects.

Enhancing AutoCAD Plant 3D: How Autodesk’s Custom Plug-in Transformed Artelia’s Design Process

Stephane Boun of French engineering firm Artelia will share how Autodesk Consulting developed a new AutoCAD Plant 3D plug-in, leading to a 75% time reduction across Artelia projects, potentially saving approximately 208 days in the first year alone. The plug-in offers a variety of features, including automatic generation of orientations and position views in a drawing, auto-annotation of views, and the addition of a bill of materials (BOM). The solution currently works with secondary supports and is beneficial for all AutoCAD Plant 3D users who use orthographic drawings.

Empowering Renewable Energy: Using Autodesk Tools to Drive Value and Overcome Industry Challenges

Navigating the imminent growth in the renewable energy market presents challenges around skills and project data quality. Well-optimized and structured preconstruction stage designs in AutoCAD can make or break a potential project’s funding and eventual construction, thus driving customer value. This panel featuring Stefan Boehme (PVcase), Manuel Maier, and Brian Hayden will explore how Autodesk software can empower customers to unlock the renewable energy sector’s potential, overcome bottlenecks, and mitigate risks. By addressing these challenges, users can contribute significantly to achieving the ambitious net zero emissions targets and combat climate change, driving positive outcomes for their businesses and the world.

Enabling a Connected Design Experience with AutoCAD Web and Mobile Apps

AutoCAD web and mobile apps redefine the design experience by providing an integrated, connected ecosystem for design and collaboration. In this session, Tedman Martinez, Wenqian Yan, and Sachin Singh will demonstrate how AutoCAD web and mobile apps can revolutionize the way we work on DWG files, making the process more efficient and collaborative. Explore the collaborative features of AutoCAD web and mobile apps with real-world workflows.

More Is Waiting for You at AU 2024

Check out these sessions and hundreds more at AU 2024. Hope to see you there!

Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn: The Three-Decade Journey of a Cult Classic and its Epic Remake, Out Now on Xbox

The nimble ninjas Hayate and Kaede are finally back in Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn!

Katana? Check. Shuriken? Check. Grappling hook? Check. Ready to tackle Emperor Garuda’s army!

Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn is the brand new, unexpected remake of the cult classic Shadow of the Ninja (a.k.a. The Dark Operative: Kage, a.k.a. Blue Shadow, a.k.a. Yami no Shigotonin Kage), originally released in 1990 on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). The game was later ported a few times on various Nintendo consoles, before finally hitting Xbox Series X|S with this here remake.

After having earned widespread acclaim from action loving gamers and the wider gaming industry in the 90s, particularly for its co-op gameplay, Shadow of the Ninja is back and better than ever, remade by the original development team, Tengo Project. They might be slightly grayer (I mean, it’s been three decades!), but their passion and commitment for making good ole’ thrilling hack ‘n slash action games have not changed one bit!

SNR developers

Following the success of both Ninja Saviors: Return of the Warriors and Pocky & Rocky Reshrined, Inin is once more partnering with NatsumeAtari and Tengo Project to dish out another serving of unbridled ninja action to modern consoles.

Set in the far future of 2029 (look, the plot is from the 90s), Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn recounts the tales of Lord Hayate and Lady Kaede, two noble ninjas of the Iga clan on a quest to depose the evil Emperor Garuda and his army of robotic soldiers. A daunting task, but not impossible for ones as skilled and armed as they are.

The Tengo Project trio have worked together on many a Natsume 90s action game. In a recent interview, soon to be available online, they give us a thrilling behind-the-scenes glimpse into the triumphs and challenges of developing Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn, their fourth 16-bit remake and take us on an unforgettable journey through the history and background of this acclaimed development team. Snippets of this interview can be seen in the soon-to-drop Inin launch trailer.

As a love letter to the original game and to platformers of yore, Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn is a full-sized remake that boasts gorgeous modern pixel art and new designs from the original artists, a reworked score based on the original from star composer Iku Mizutani, and an array of additional features that will keep fans busy for more than a couple of playthroughs.

For the real retro game and music aficionados amongst you, Inin will also release a Digital Deluxe Edition, that includes the electrifying digital soundtrack by legends Iku Mizutani and Hiroyuki Iwatsuki, who helped create that iconic Natsume sound!

Pick your favorite character, maybe grab a friend along the way, and prepare to run, jump, climb and fight Garuda’s army across five stages (plus a sixth brand new stage), complete with bosses and mini-bosses!

Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn is available now on Xbox Series X|S.

Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn

United Games Entertainment



It’s 2029. A vicious dystopian future. And it’s up to two warriors of the night to save the nation!

After 33 years in the shadows, prepare to see this legendary action adventure in a new light! Looking and playing better than ever before, Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn is Tengo Project’s remake of a cult classic, that the fans have been waiting for.

In this thrilling action-adventure, you will use your striking katana along with a wide variety of weaponry that has greatly expanded from the NES original, as well as the acrobatic finesse of a ninja to face the onslaught of powerful enemies. Although, the challenge does not end here! 6 complex, expansive, and masterfully designed stages test your skills through devious traps and challenging platform puzzles.
Critically acclaimed as one of the best 2-player co-ops of its time, Shadow of the Ninja—Reborn lets you play together locally as the legendary ninjas Hayate and Kaede.

In addition to the contributions of Tengo Project, this remake also features Iku Mizutani, the star composer who helped create the iconic Natsume sound and renowned tracks for various NES games. Fans of Mr. Mizutani and retro gamers across the world will find delight in his renowned guitar riffs and fast-paced retro melodies!

Our fearless heroes, Hayate and Kaede have undergone a massive visual upgrade over their original 8-bit models. And the improvements don’t stop there: From the deadly foes to the no-less deadly stages, every part of this title has been faithfully recreated in stunning high-quality sprites.

So, cloak yourself in shadows and slash your way through a treacherous concrete jungle of the future in this dark action gem Shadow of the Ninja – Reborn!