The Impact Of AI And ML

Transforming Credit Card Management: The Impact of AI and ML

The role of AI and ML in transforming credit risk management in banking

Credit-card fraud has been a prime challenge for customers and financial organizations in this digital age. Globally, more than $28 billion was lost last year from credit card fraud. It is going to rise in the future, and hence there is a need for robust risk management mechanisms.

Previously, risk in credit card portfolios was managed through a variety of manually developed procedures for fraud detection and prevention. However, traditional methods have become ineffective against today’s intelligent hacking methods.

Fortunately, the advent of AI and ML has transformed credit card risk management processes. These technologies process huge volumes of data and can effectively detect anomalies, mitigating threats. This technological shift shall create a better transaction security experience for customers through reduced false positives and smoother and safer transactions.

The article will discuss how AI and ML can solve traditional credit card risk management problems. We are also going to look into the different techniques used, the benefits of using AI and ML for credit card risk management, and some case studies with real-world examples.

An Overview of Credit Card Risk Management

It is the process of identifying, assessing, and mitigating the risks associated with credit card transactions. Therefore, this whole process can be regarded as paramount to protecting consumers and even financial institutions against fraudulent activities.

Traditionally, credit card risk management depended on rule-based systems and manual reviews. In the rule-based system, as the name implies, predefined criteria are used in the identification of risky transactions. For example, transactions exceeding a certain amount or originating from unusual locations raise red flags. While providing some form of security, these measures were typically inadequate to handle increasing volumes and sophistication in credit-card transactions.

This can often result in the generation of a lot of false positives by rule-based systems misinterpreting a legal transaction as fraud. This might anger customers and put additional workload on customer service. Further, fraudsters are continuously inventing new techniques that make it pretty hard for the static rule-based system to detect new threats.

The Role of AI and ML in Credit Card Risk Management

  1. Transforming Risk Management

AI and ML have transformed credit card risk management with much more accurate, efficient, and dynamic approaches toward fraud detection and mitigation. These technologies use large datasets and complex algorithms that enable identifying trends and outliers in real time. This approach opens up avenues for proactive threat detection and response.

  1. Real-Time Fraud Detection

AI and ML systems are very good at real-time fraud detection, for they continuously monitor transactions and user behavior. While traditional, rule-based approaches could not detect these newer styles of distributed fraud schemes, AI and ML adapt rapidly to new patterns of fraud once they appear. This will ensure that financial institutions are always one step ahead of fraudsters in the identification of suspicious activities before they can cause great damage.

  1. Pattern Recognition and Anomaly Detection

The major strengths of AI and ML in risk management are their ability to identify complex patterns and detect anomalies indicative of fraudulent behavior. Such systems create baseline behaviors through the analysis of historical transaction data, user profiles, and contextual information. Deviations from these norms trigger alerts for further investigation. This level of precision helps in distinguishing genuine transactions from fraudulent ones, thus reducing the incidence of false positives.

  1. Continuous Learning and Improvement

These AI and ML models learn from new data continuously, which can only improve their fraud detection capabilities over time. As more transactions are processed and different fraud scenarios unfold, these models will fine-tune their algorithms to be more accurate and efficient. This is an ongoing spiral of improvement, ensuring the risk management system will change as the landscape of fraud evolves.

  1. Automation and Efficiency

AI and ML can substantially reduce the need for reviews subject to risk management by automating a number of aspects involved in this particular area. Automated systems can process volumes of data at lengths and speeds inconceivable to any human analyst, allowing for effective fraud detection in a timely manner. This not only improves operational efficiency but also frees human resources to deal with more complex and risky cases that require nuanced decision-making.

  1. Integration with Existing Systems

AI and ML technologies can be combined with pre-existing frameworks of risk management, thereby delivering greater potential and effectiveness without requiring an overhaul in their entirety. Equally, this will give a financial institution a chance to utilize the current running infrastructure and receive all the benefits coming from advanced AI and ML-driven insights. The result is going to be an ultimately more solid, responsive system of risk management that is able to adapt itself to polished threats and challenges.

Key Challenges and Considerations To Overcome

While AI and ML have huge potential in credit card transaction risk management, there are also a number of pitfalls and issues that arise with their implementation. Bringing solutions to these problems will be key to maximizing the effectiveness of the technologies and their ethical working.

  1. Data Privacy

Since AI and ML systems are data-driven, the door is also wide open to a number of potential data privacy and security issues. However, the financial institutions should be in a position to protect sensitive customer information and establish mechanisms of data collection, storage, and processing that consider applicable privacy regulations under GDPR and CCPA; this argues further that appropriate encryption methods, access controls for customers, and good anonymization techniques will be implemented accordingly.

  1. Regulatory Compliance

One of the major challenges institutions face in implementing AI and ML is managing the complex landscape of financial regulations relevant to the use and processing of data. This requires stringent controls and the associated transparency expected by regulators. Hence, institutions will have to ensure compliance with these regulations, which may involve regular audits, documentation, and reporting of AI and ML models to regulatory authorities.

  1. Implementation Barriers

AI and ML technologies can be resource-intensive to adopt. Some of the common challenges faced while implementing AI and ML include:

  • High Costs: Setting up AI and ML infrastructures, software, and personnel with exceptionally high skills can be really resource-intensive.
  • Technical Complexity: The development and maintenance of AI and ML systems require special knowledge and expertise that are often absent in some organizations.
  • Integration problems: The overall incorporation of AI and ML into underpinning systems and workflows has proved to be quite problematic. Careful thought in planning and execution will be needed if the technology is to work seamlessly.

Real-time Case Studies and Real-World Examples

Real-world examples will attest to how AI and ML find practical applications in credit card risk management. Case studies will illustrate how financial institutions have tapped into such technologies to frustrate fraud, enhance security, and improve customer satisfaction.

Many of the leading financial institutions have included AI and ML within the risk management framework with quite excellent results:

  • JPMorgan Chase: AI-driven systems for tracking and analyzing millions of transactions every day have been put in place. Its AI models detect fraudulent activities with high accuracy, reducing false positives drastically and increasing the security of overall transactions.
  • HSBC: ML algorithms at HSBC enhance their capability for fraud detection. Analysis of the historical transaction data will help in discovering the spend pattern; therefore, these companies can ensure prevention and prediction accordingly. This proactive policy has caused a notable decrease in fraud-related losses.

USM Business systems is also a pioneer in AI-powered mobile app development fraud detection. We help you keep your and yours esteemed customers data privacy and financial safety through developing high-quality advanced credit risks management apps.


AI/ML-powered mobile app development for fraud detection is the best option in this digital age. These technologies provide better accuracy, real-time processing, cost efficiency, and an improved customer experience.

At the same time, all the challenges and considerations involved do not overshadow the bright future awaiting AI and ML in risk management. Only those financial institutions that embrace these technologies will adapt to the ever-changing landscape of credit card fraud and ensure safe and satisfied customers.


Elevating the Online Visibility of Your 3D Rendering Business for 3D Architects

The severe growth of the 3D rendering market has been observed to be rather incredible. This is why it is no longer a surprise that more and more businesses of all shapes and sizes find it appealing. As a result, the market has become more competitive by the day, and those not well-versed in marketing strategies may have difficulty landing clients despite their skills and talents. If you’re running a 3D rendering business, it’s easy to settle into the idea that it might take years to establish the credibility of your brand before you can start attracting all the right clients.

However, not all companies have the luxury of resources and time to perform trials and errors for several years in this high-stakes niche. But what if someone tells you that there is a way to elevate the online visibility of your 3D rendering business, save more money, and increase income simultaneously? This article explores tried and tested techniques that can work for your company so you can immediately put them to work. 

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How 3D architects advertise their 3D rendering business

Most 3D architectural design services today continue to try numerous promotional strategies for their 3D rendering business, including 3D visualization marketing, paid advertising, networking, search engine optimization, campaigns, and so much more with combined results. Many of these strategies might work only for a limited time, and the results might also taper off when you halt promotions. However, this is not the case for search engine optimization. With the help of SEO, you might notice better gains after some time. This compounding effect is why SEO is among the more economically sustainable advertising choices available for 3D architects. 

For instance, getting several high-quality links with the help of skilled webmasters can cost a bit more than paid online ads initially. The main difference between these links and the usual ads is that you can expect a continuous and even higher boost in your online traffic after several years. It summarizes why SEO is among the best organic choices for promoting a 3D rendering business. But of course, implementing SEO methods of this kind can be tricky, especially if this is your first time trying to implement it. 

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Common 3D visualization marketing challenges

Marketing through 3D architectural visualization services is among the more in-demand and common advertising tactics most designers and architects love to use. This is an ideal way to increase potential leads, boost brand recall, and promote better engagement for your 3D rendering business. However, 3D visualization still has challenges that might be difficult to scale without serious effort. 

3D visualization marketing challenges include the following:

  • Even with the growing and continuous interest in the 3D rendering industry,  finding the right people who can be part of your dream team may be challenging. 
  • In global development, not everyone can access suitable tools that won’t impact performance. 
  • Managing an entire team of 3D visualization professionals is time and resource-intensive. 
  • Scaling up is a different difficulty, primarily when there are limited budgets. This can make it almost impossible to look for a more spacious working space, find the right tools and equipment, and more. 
  • Technology constantly changes, requiring users to continue evolving and learning simultaneously. 
  • The high prices can often reach 5-digit figures or sometimes even higher depending on how complex the designs or projects are. 

RELATED: What is architectural visualization and why architectural rendering services use it


SEO tips to boost your 3D rendering business’s online visibility 

At the core of all SEO methods is the essence of the ability to understand, know, and see the client beyond a superficial level. It can be challenging for businesses because you are trying to market to varied demographics of people with distinct needs. This may result in your 3D rendering business getting drowned out in all the online chaos. Check out the following tips for increasing the online visibility of your 3D rendering business: 

Increase the number of your landing pages

You can expect more conversions and engagement if you also have more landing pages for your 3D rendering business. The general guideline is to have a dedicated page for every service you provide and to ensure you optimize the content to appear higher in the page rankings, ideally on the first page of search engine results. To achieve this, apply the rest of the tips listed below. 

RELATED: How to render architecture: tips from an architectural rendering company, Los Angeles 

Diversity your landing pages

To continue on the point above, it is also highly recommended for 3D rendering businesses to create different and unique landing pages for every time of service they offer. For instance, you can dedicate a landing page for 3D commercial rendering services, 3D architectural modeling, etc. This is critical because it would be challenging to engage adequate traffic if you have a single main page where users would have to scroll through a complete list of all your offered services. 

For SEO optimization, having different pages that target various audiences would be worth your time. However, you still have to ensure that every page for your 3D rendering business offers authentic additional value and answers the users’ search intent. Remember to optimize every landing page for a particular keyword, such as URLs, meta tags, etc. 

Create keyword-aligned, high-quality 3D rendering business content 

Ensure your 3D architectural rendering business content aligns with potential clients’ search intent and contains keywords related to 3D rendering. This way, it will be easier for them to find your 3D rendering services during their online search. High-quality content is among the best means to entice more website visitors. Once you create keyword-aligned, high-quality content, you can expect increased engagement, more backlinks to your web pages, and higher exposure to your brand and 3D rendering business.

RELATED: 3D Visualization: the future of architectural design

This is also a great way to show and prove to the algorithm of search engines that you have informative, helpful, and valuable posts. Focus on content optimization, which involves using alt tags, meta descriptions, header tags, quality images, and more. You also have an appealing, logical content layout to increase retention and engagement. 

Seek help from the experts

This particular aspect of SEO emphasizes the importance of working with authors who will be exclusively suitable for your 3D architectural rendering blog and have publications in other places. They may include professional content creators with a solid social media presence. They can also be experts in their respective fields, such as talented 3D rendering designers, engineers, architects, coaches, etc. By featuring the works of these contributors, your 3D rendering business website can gain credibility as a platform hosting content from reliable specialists to become a reliable and trustworthy source. 


RELATED: Is 3D modeling and rendering the future for architectural design firms?

Develop an adaptable 3D rendering business website

Users increasingly use smartphones and mobile devices to access the internet. You must ensure your 3D rendering business website can seamlessly adapt to different formats to boost your online visibility. Clients won’t be inclined to stay on a website that is not user-friendly, even if it offers valuable content. Thus, it is essential to make sure that you have a mobile-friendly and fully responsive website to engage and retain more visitors. This can substantially improve the page performance of your 3D rendering business for 3D architects

Boost website speed 

Google pays close attention to the loading speed of websites. The search engine giant constantly updates all its metrics to measure this. Thus, it is recommended that you highlight this aspect to your entire web development team. For instance, since many visuals are included on 3D rendering business websites, these should all be optimized in specific formats with a smaller file size without compromising quality. It is also important to prevent long redirect sequences and to use HTTP caching. You should also avoid overloading your website with different plugins. Instead, tasks should be performed manually whenever possible. 

RELATED: 5 Types of 3D visualization used by architectural design firms for CGI projects

Use quality visuals to showcase your skills

Potential clients will assess your expertise and quality of service according to the visuals they see on your content and 3D architectural modeling business website. Since these will influence their decisions, you should go all out to make the best first impression. Use designs, images, and other types of visual elements with the highest quality possible and ensure that they can capture your brand’s values while still conveying the right positive emotions. Ensure tags, descriptions, and alt texts are optimized with your keywords because images affect online visibility and search rankings. 

How Cad Crowd can help 

Cad Crowd can connect you with experts to provide 3D rendering services that will increase the online visibility of your 3D rendering business. Quality 3D renderings will attract prospective clients and make your website the top choice for clients. Contact us today!

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India’s trade minister decries e-commerce growth, Amazon’s ‘predatory’ pricing

India’s commerce minister Piyush Goyal on Wednesday expressed concern over the rapid growth of e-commerce in the country, warning of potential disruption to small retailers.

Speaking at the launch of a report on the impact of e-commerce on employment and consumer welfare in India, Goyal said the projected dominance of online marketplaces in the coming decade was worrying rather than praiseworthy.

“Are we going to cause huge, social disruption with this massive growth of e-commerce? I don’t see it as a matter of pride that half our market may become part of the e-commerce network 10 years from now; it is a matter of concern,” Goyal said, adding that the e-commerce market was doubling in size every four years.

India’s $1.1 trillion retail market saw e-commerce sales of less than $80 billion last year, according to HSBC. The e-commerce sector’s growth rate stands at 11%-12% annually. Quick commerce startups, which promise deliveries in 10 minutes or less, are experiencing rapid expansion. BlinkIt (owned by Zomato), Swiggy Instamart (backed by SoftBank) and Zepto (backed by Lightspeed) are projected to collectively achieve over $4.5 billion in sales this year, a year-on-year growth rate exceeding 100%, according to a TechCrunch analysis.

E-commerce firms are going after the high-margin products that brick-and-mortar stores sell, something that small retailers rely on for their survival, Goyal said. “How many mobile stores do you see now at the corner? How many were there 10 years ago? Where are those stores?”

He criticized the pricing strategies of major e-commerce firms, questioning whether their reported losses indicated predatory pricing.

A major investment by Amazon in India is celebrated, he said, but people are forgetting “the underline story — that this billion dollars is not coming for any great service or investment to support the Indian economy.”

“They made a billion dollar loss in their balance sheet that year, they had to fill in that loss… If you make Rs 6,000 crore ($715M) loss a year doesn’t it sound like predatory pricing to you? They are after all an e-commerce platform, they are not allowed to do B2C, legally…However, reality is all of you buy on these platforms, how are they doing it? Should it not be a matter of concern for us?”

Indian law requires Amazon, Flipkart and other e-commerce players to operate as pure marketplaces in the country. The e-commerce firms cannot own the inventory they sell — a lesson they have learned the hard way.

This isn’t the first time Goyal has been critical of e-commerce or Amazon in India. Two days after Amazon announced a $1 billion investment into its India business in 2022, Goyal said the investment wasn’t a great favor to India.

“I am not wishing away e-commerce,” Goyal said Wednesday. “I don’t deny that e-commerce has a role, but we have to think very cautiously what that role is.”

Gamescom 2024: Everything announced and shown, so far

Gamescom, one of the most anticipated gaming events of the year, has not disappointed so far. The festivities kicked off with the much-hyped Opening Night Live showcase, setting the stage for what’s to come in the world of gaming. Last year, we got a taste of hits like Mortal Kombat 1, Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, and a fresh season of Diablo 4. But this year? Oh, it’s even bigger.

The 2024 event delivered major reveals, including the long-awaited announcements and release dates for Borderlands 4 and Civilization 6. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. To keep you in the loop, we’ve compiled everything you need to know about what’s been announced, teased, and revealed at Gamescom 2024 so far.

Here’s your ultimate rundown:

Borderlands 4 reveal trailer

Perhaps as a way to make people forget about the recently released (and eminently forgettable) Borderlands movie, series developer Gearbox opened up the Gamescom opening night stream with the announcement of Borderlands 4. And that’s pretty much it. We don’t know anything about what Borderlands 4 actually entails, or how it differs from previous games in the series, but we know it exists and it’s coming out in 2025.

Dying Light: The Beast announcement

Rather than make story DLC for Dying Light 2 or convert the ideas it had for that DLC into a hypothetical Dying Light 3, the developers at Techland have decided on a different approach: Just make a smaller game.

Dying Light: The Beast promises around 20 hours of gameplay (less than half as long as a full Dying Light 2 playthrough) in a new open world zone full of parkour to do and zombies to kill. It’s got four-player co-op but can also be played solo. And it’s only $40, so that’s nice. Dying Light: The Beast doesn’t have a release date yet, but it’s launching on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.

Civilization VII release date

Eight years after Civilization VI launched, there is a seventh game in the vaunted turn-based strategy game series on the way.

We’ve known that for a few months now, but Gamescom gave us a glimpse of gameplay footage (spoilers: it looks like Civ) and, more importantly, an idea of when we can play it. Civilization VII launches on Feb. 11 on Nintendo Switch, PS5, Xbox Series consoles, and PC.

Microsoft debuted a short new trailer for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle at Gamescom, but it didn’t really show anything mind-blowing or new. Instead, we got some important information about when the game will be available, and for which platforms. We also got an exclusive first look at the game before it was revealed at ONL.

Long story short, Indiana Jones launches on Dec. 9 on Xbox Series consoles and PC. That it’s coming to Xbox and PC this year isn’t a surprise, but Microsoft did shock the world a bit by announcing Great Circle is also coming to PS5 in spring 2025. It’s far from the first previously Xbox-exclusive title to come to PlayStation, but this one feels like the biggest so far.

Marvel’s Rivals release date

Marvel Rivals is like Overwatch but with Marvel superheroes. Based on that one sentence, you already know whether or not you’re interested.

So instead of trying to sell you on the game, I’ll just let you know that it’s coming out on Dec. 6 on PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. And yes, it’s free-to-play, so you don’t need to plunk down any cash to get in on the ground floor of what could be a very popular game.

Amazon Prime Video’s Secret Levels trailer

If you were hooked on Netflix’s Love, Death & Robots, get ready to be blown away by the next big thing from the same creative masterminds. This time, with the help of Amazon MGM Studios, Blur Studio will be diving into the world of video games with a brand-new animated anthology called Secret Levels.

The first season of Secret Levels features an impressive lineup of iconic games to draw from as it crafts its 15 animated stories. Here’s a peek at the titles that have fueled these episodes:

Secret Levels will stream on Amazon Prime Video on December 10.

Mashable Top Stories

Mafia: The Old Country reveal trailer

The Mafia trilogy of self-serious organized crime stories has garnered a devoted fanbase over the years without ever really feeling like one of the biggest things in gaming. But eight years after Mafia III (which is seriously underrated), the franchise is back with Mafia: The Old Country.

This announcement didn’t feature any gameplay footage or information beyond a basic premise, which is that it’s about the origins of the mafia way back in the old country in the early 1900s. We will certainly find out more at a later date.

Masters of Albion first look

Peter Molyneux is back!

That name either made you giggle or made you say “who?” depending on how long you’ve been following video games. Molyneux was a creative force behind popular old PC games like Black & White and Populous decades ago, before becoming the public face of the Fable trilogy. He’s long been known for making grand, ambitious promises about games that often don’t come true.

Anyway, he has a new, apparently self-funded game called Masters of Albion coming out. It appears to harken back to the PC god game days of old for Molyneux, with the same “hand of God” mouse cursor conceit as Black & White. But you can also control individual villagers in a third-person mode, so Masters of Albion definitely has a lot going on. Whether or not any of it will work as promised could be another story.

Dune: Awakening gameplay reveal

Ever since watching Timothée Chalamet, dominate the spice planet Arrakis in Dune: Part Two, I’ve been itching to dive back into the Dune universe. Luckily, Funcom has answered my prayers with an exclusive gameplay reveal of their upcoming survival-crafting shooter, Dune: Awakening.

In this game, players will start by customizing their own prisoner who crash-lands on the harsh desert world of Arrakis. Immediately faced with the brutal realities of heat stroke and thirst, survival becomes a desperate scramble.

But this is Dune we’re talking about, so survival isn’t just about staying hydrated. Players will have to battle the relentless desert elements, form alliances, and join forces with others to create powerful guilds. And, naturally, the fight for control over the precious spice is at the heart of it all. Oh, and did I mention? You’ll also be able to summon those iconic giant sandworms to wreak havoc on your enemies.

Dune: Awakening hits PlayStation 5, PC, and Xbox Series X/S sometime in early 2025.

Batman: Arkham Shadows VR trailer

The Batman Arkham games are making a comeback — this time in virtual reality. The latest entry in Rocksteady Studios’ acclaimed Arkham Knight series, Batman: Arkham Shadow, is set to be a first-person action game exclusively for the Meta Quest 3.

Sure, it’s a bit of a bummer that it’s locked behind the Quest 3, but trust me, this machine packs a punch. Based on the gameplay trailer revealed at Gamescom, Arkham Shadow is poised to deliver a Batman experience like no other

You can grab Batman: Arkham Shadow for the Meta Quest 3 sometime this October.

New Monster Hunter Wilds trailer

We finally got another look at the highly anticipated Monster Hunter Wilds, the sixth mainline entry in the beloved series. Originally announced at last year’s Gamescom, this time around we were treated to an extended glimpse of the gameplay, co-op features, and even a sneak peek at a brand-new map location.

Monster Hunter Wilds will be released for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC in 2025.

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage gameplay trailer

Lost Records is the latest narrative adventure from Don’t Nod, the creators of the beloved Life is Strange series. This time, the story centers on the reunion of a group of friends after 27 years apart. From what we’ve seen in the trailer and the intriguing premise, Lost Records looks like it’s going to dive deep into the “We don’t talk about that summer” mode of storytelling, with all the emotional twists and turns you’d expect from Don’t Nod.

This one was also announced at last year’s Gamescom and will be released in two parts. Part 1 will release on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S on February 18, 2025, and Part 2 will drop on March 18, 2025.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 campaign gameplay

Surprise! Call of Duty is actually getting a campaign this year. After the rushed disappointment of Modern Warfare 3 (no, not that Modern Warfare 3), Raven Software, the team behind Black Ops 6, made sure to reassure everyone at Gamescom that, yes, there will be a campaign this time.

The seven-minute gameplay reveal at Opening Night Live was the usual bombastic COD spectacle, but it sure does look impressive. This time around, Black Ops 6 is set in the early 1990s, against the backdrop of the Cold War between the US and Russia. The timeline for the Black Ops sub-series might be a bit of a mess, but these games have consistently been among the franchise’s best-received.

This will also mark the first mainline Call of Duty release since Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision-Blizzard, and getting it out the door with Sony has been a bit of a headache. The game will launch on October 25, day one on Xbox Game Pass, just in time for the service’s new price increases.

Goat Simulator Remastered announcement

Not much needs to be said about this one. We all remember how Goat Simulator took the gaming world by storm back in 2014. Since then, it’s been re-released several times to keep up with new console generations, with the most recent port landing on the Nintendo Switch in 2019.

Now, Goat Simulator Remastered is set to bring upgraded visuals, bug fixes, and every DLC from the original in one chaotic package. You can grab it later this year on PC, Xbox Series X/S, and PS5.

2024 movie sequels, ranked: Were any of them necessary?

In Hollywood, the question “Does this movie franchise need another chapter?” seems to have a pretty easy answer: “Sure, if we think it’ll still make money!”

For fans of a given franchise, though, the calculations are more complicated. Will that new installment in a movie series actually add anything worthwhile to the story, or just undermine the franchise’s original successes? Do we actually want to know more about our favorite characters, or will prequels and spinoffs ruin them? Do we have any reason to believe the latest movie using a familiar IP has a reason to exist that isn’t entirely mercenary? Will it at least be some big dumb fun?

While plenty of 2024’s would-be IP blockbusters have shifted to 2025 dates, the year so far has still seen its share of sequels, prequels, and spinoffs. So we’re running the numbers, ranking the year’s latest-in-a-series movies by how well they justify their existence — both as movies, and as installments in ongoing stories.

16. The Strangers: Chapter 1

A man with his back to the camera holds a shotgun to the face of a person in a stylized female mask in the woods at night in The Strangers: Chapter 1

Image: Lionsgate Films/Everett Collection

A remake of 2008’s home-invasion horror movie The Strangers wasn’t necessary, but it could have been good: With a premise as solid gold as “masked strangers break into a remote home and kill the couple vacationing there,” there are a million different takes that could have been great horror fodder that doesn’t follow the original movie beat for beat. Unfortunately, that’s exactly the uninspired approach director Renny Harlin (Die Hard 2) takes with this movie, the first in a planned trilogy that was originally written as one massive four-hour-plus movie, until Legendary Entertainment broke it down into chunks.

This new batch of Strangers movies is meant to follow the characters in the aftermath of this initial home invasion. But it kicks off with Harlin essentially remaking the first Strangers with less style and dread. Gone is the slow creepiness of the original movie, replaced by rushed horror sequences and a few moments of lackluster action. While it’s possible that parts 2 and 3 somehow redeem the kickoff, Chapter 1 is nothing more than a significantly worse retread of an effective shocker. —Austen Goslin

A man in a black Spider-Man-esque costume stands atop a building looking down, noticeably not-quite-blocking a Calvin Klein billboard on the building behind him, in Madame Web

Image: Columbia Pictures/Everett Collection

Madame Web is only loosely connected to Sony’s already loosely connected universe of Marvel characters. Ironic, given that the tagline “Her web connects them all” was the central focus of all the teasers. The one thing this offers to longtime fans of the current live-action Spider-Man narrative is a tease about Peter Parker’s existence — something that’s always been a big question mark in the Sony Marvel movies. Paramedic Cassie Webb (Dakota Johnson) is friends with Peter’s (hot, young, not yet dead in a morally instructive way) Uncle Ben, after all! Except the film never actually acknowledges that Ben’s newborn nephew is Peter Parker, to the point where holding back on that detail becomes something like a bit. It’s almost pandering, but not indulgent enough to feel fulfilling at all.

With its stilted dialogue and nonsensical plot, Madame Web is not a good movie at all. At least it’s the sort of terrible movie that’s fun to watch in a group setting, while making jokes and tuning out the slower bits? It’s more or less Cats for superhero fans. —Petrana Radulovic

Finn Wolfhard in a Ghostbusters uniform looking at slime coming from the ceiling while Kamail Nanjiani, Logan Kim, Paul Rudd, and Celeste O’Connor stand behind him in Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire

Photo: Sony Pictures

This sequel to a sequelish reboot brings the new generation of Ghostbusters (Paul Rudd, Carrie Coon, Finn Wolfhard, Mckenna Grace, etc.) back to New York, and brings back the original characters (Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Annie Potts, etc.) for more than a glorified cameo. That might be enough to make it essential for superfans, but for everyone else, it’s a nostalgic callback to the original movie with not much new or engaging to make it stand out, apart from Grace’s character’s maybe-queer storyline with a cute ghost girl. —PR

Bald, pointy-nosed former supervillain Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) stands at a crowded gathering wearing a “Hello, my name is” nametag and scowls at former classmate Maxime Le Mal (voiced by Will Ferrell), a skinny man with a gigantic poof of hair and a shiny gold-and-green puffy coat in Despicable Me 4

Image: Universal Pictures / Everett Collection

No one in the Despicable Me movies seems to age. Former supervillain Gru (Steve Carell) looks just like he did in the first movie, and so do his daughters, who have been children for 14 years now. And yet somehow, Gru and his wife Lucy (Kristen Wiig) pursued a relationship, got married, and had a baby. So at least there’s some sense of time passing, even if it seems like Gru Jr. might be an infant for the next decade of sequels.

Despicable Me 4 contributes a few fun new world-building elements to the franchise, though it unfortunately doesn’t explore them enough to make them significant. Still, some of them could set the stage for future adventures. (A whole school for villains?) This installment also adds a small but absolutely hilarious detail to Gru’s past, a backstory involving a high school talent show and the song “Karma Chameleon.” Nothing about Despicable Me 4 is essential, but it’s cool to see a few more funky details about this broadly defined world. —PR

Martin Lawrence makes a really weird “I gotta poop” face, lips pressed together, cheeks puffed out, sweat on his forehead, and one eye squinted as he looks over at Will Smith in Bad Boys: Ride or Die

Image: Columbia Pictures/Everett Collection

The fourth entry in the series Michael Bay inadvertently kicked off with his directorial debut Bad Boys back in 1995 brings back a lot of cast members — chiefly the Bad Boys themselves, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence. But the filmmakers clearly think Bad Boys fans want a lot more continuity than that. Screenwriters Chris Bremner and Will Beall do their best to build a Fast & Furious-style Bad Boys universe out of every bit of character work and villain lore they can scrap together from the previous three movies.

That isn’t a compliment. Where so many blockbuster movies suffer because the studio is trying to launch a profitable franchise instead of telling a decent story, Ride or Die assumes viewers are coming to the theater armed with nostalgia and a detail-oriented fascination with lore, rather than just wanting to see a couple of gifted comedic actors mouth off at each other between frenetic action sequences. Fans who care deeply about the posthumous legacy of Joe Pantoliano’s character, this is your movie. But mostly, the franchise-building gets in the way of the fun. —TR

A close-up shot of a man staring at an eyeless alien creature with bared teeth and a drool-covered chin in Alien: Romulus.

Image: 20th Century Studios

Fede Álvarez’s 2024 installment in the Alien franchise is almost perversely defined by how much it copies from past Alien movies, and how little it adds to the canon: Álvarez and co-writer Rodo Sayagues can’t even conjure up their own catchphrase, and fall back on having a new character echo the series’ most famous line.

The film is effectively creepy as a stand-alone, and for viewers who’ve never seen an Alien movie, this might all be new, exciting horror fare. But it’d still come across as a bit underexplained, since this film is aimed directly at people who know the franchise forward and backward. It’s a greatest-hits montage, more or less: Remember how creepy Xenomorphs are in water? Let’s do that again. Chestbursters, facehuggers, Giger-esque genital imagery, evil androids suborning ships for the company — that was cool! More of that! And so forth. It’s a good time at the movies, but it could hardly be less essential. —TR

Noa (a chimp) and Raka (an orangutan) from Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes look at each other while Noa holds a weapon

Image: 20th Century Studios

The fourth in the new-era Planet of the Apes movies (and the 10th Apes movie if you batch them all together) doesn’t add much to the franchise’s ongoing narrative — it jumps the story forward in time about 300 years for a story that’s frustratingly half-baked and surprisingly familiar from the previous entry, War for the Planet of the Apes, but with a gorilla dictator running a forced work camp instead of a human one. There are some powerful ideas at work — that history repeats itself, that communities are stronger than individuals, and that those communities need to band together to resist tyrants — but they aren’t communicated particularly clearly, especially since they’re mixed in with other threads, about a personal journey undercut by every Kingdom ad, and about the unreliability and unknowability of humanity.

Kingdom is enjoyable enough in the moment, an action blockbuster with impressive visual effects and some appealing characters. It isn’t a bad or boring entry in the series. It just never feels essential, or like it’s doing much besides echoing more propulsive, dynamic earlier entries in this run at the Apes story. —TR

Godzilla and King Kong roar at the sky together in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire

Image: Warner Bros. Pictures

Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire feels like the movie where the new MonsterVerse franchise hit its stride. While 2014’s Godzilla lightly parodies disaster movies and 2017’s Kong: Skull Island does the same for dark war movies, Godzilla x Kong is a buddy movie about a giant ape and a nuclear lizard who don’t like each other much, but are often forced to team up to fight bigger monsters. It’s inescapably dumb and uncomplicatedly entertaining.

But what makes this franchise especially fun right now is that it has a secret weapon: television. While the big screen is reserved for silly monster brawls, the MonsterVerse’s TV show, Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, is a much more reserved, character-focused family drama that feels like an old-school adventure movie with giant monsters thrown in. It’s an excellent counterbalance to the silly fun of movies like A New Empire, with the added bonus that the movie’s story likely means Kong will be in the show’s next season. The MonsterVerse is a strange franchise, but as long as every entry keeps proving itself entertaining, it’s awfully hard to complain. —AG

Po the panda (Jack Black) and Zhen the gray fox (Awkwafina) stand on the deck of a ship, both open-mouthed-smiling, in Kung Fu Panda 4

Image: Universal Pictures/Everett Collection

The adventures of panda kung fu master Po (Jack Black) could’ve been wrapped up in the series’ third installment back in 2016, but Kung Fu Panda 4 adds a bit of a postscript. The door is now open for another unlikely hero to take over the franchise, should DreamWorks decide to go that route: Basically, Po will eventually retire from his title as the Dragon Warrior, and a protégé will take up the mantle. (That definitely isn’t how it worked in the first movie, but I digress.) His heir apparent, the sneaky, thieving fox Zhen (Awkwafina), is actually a pretty cool character. I wouldn’t be too mad seeing more of her!

For the fourth movie in an animated series, Kung Fu Panda 4 is decently enjoyable, mostly suffering from wasted potential. But the fight scenes are still cool, and the humor is funny enough, even if it never reaches the highs of the originals. —PR

A pale woman (Nell Tiger Free) with deeply shadowed eyes lies on her back on a bed amid crumpled sheets, long black hair fanning around her head in a dark sunburst in The First Omen

Image: 20th Century Studios/Everett Collection

The First Omen is a complicated addition to this list. On the one hand, it isn’t necessary, really. And its worst moments come at the close of the movie, when the implied connections to the original film series are made even more explicit than they already were. The First Omen does, however, earn its place on this list via an entirely different version of this metric: It might just be the best movie in the Omen series, which makes it a necessity by default.

Even better, by making a movie this scary, director and co-writer Arkasha Stevenson (Brand New Cherry Flavor) actually retroactively improves the rest of Damien’s story, just by making his origins this disturbing. The First Omen is simply an excellent horror movie, and that’s more than we can say for most franchise entries on this list, which is exactly why it clawed its way near the top. —AG

Ultraman, a robotic figure with huge, round, glowing blue eyes and a central head-fin, rears back to throw a spinning, circular, blue, glowing energy blade as he stands silhouetted against a fan of red and orange color in Ultraman: Rising

Image: Netflix

Netflix’s animated Ultraman movie isn’t following a strict franchise continuity like so many of the sequels, prequels, and spinoffs in this ranking. Instead, it’s part of a sprawling history of anime, manga, comics, books, live-action movies and shows, and much more, many of which reinvent the tokusatsu hero in radically different ways. This particular installment also focuses far more on repackaging Ultraman for a new generation than on tapping into or expanding his existing lore. In this case, its value to the franchise isn’t additive, it’s introductory: This is a fine, accessible place for new and younger viewers to step into the story, especially if they happen to be fans of creative, dynamic animation. Longtime Ultraman fans won’t learn anything radically new here, but they will get a perfect launch point for the next generation of fans. —TR

The legacy emotions from Pixar’s Inside Out all gather around a new arrival, the orange-skinned, Muppety-looking Anxiety

Image: Disney/Pixar

Pixar’s sequel to 2015’s Inside Out is the definition of a sequel expanding on a previous movie, sometimes to a fault. The first movie goes inside the head of 11-year-old Riley to explore how her personified emotions interact with each other; the sequel ages her up to 13, introduces new emotion characters, and shoves her into a series of new, anxiety-related decisions. In a lot of ways, this is a more-of-the-same sequel, leaning on a similar “important characters lost in the back of Riley’s brain, other characters taking over at center stage” plot, and plenty of the same corny-to-clever puns about how familiar thoughts, emotions, or related structures might manifest as landscape features.

But the way it recognizably tells a story about the same central characters, while focusing on how profoundly time and the events of the last movie changed them, is unusual for an animated sequel. (We’re side-eying you right now, eternally-suspended-in-time Despicable Me franchise.) Inside Out 2 forwards Riley’s evolution in meaningful ways, even if that does raise some bigger questions about the rules of this particular world. —TR

Sam (Lupita Nyong’o) sits fearfully in a dark space, covered with dust, her cat Frodo in her lap, in Michael Sarnoski’s A Quiet Place: Day One

Photo: Gareth Gatrell/Paramount Pictures via Everett Collection

You’d have to go back a few years to Dan Trachtenberg’s Predator franchise movie Prey to find a prequel that feels as vital, engaging, and meaningful to a film series as A Quiet Place: Day One — and it’s notable that both movies get to that point the same way. They both keep continuity with the stories they’re setting up, but neither one is trying to dole out unnecessary series lore, or explain things that never needed explaining: They’re both just telling riveting action stories in an established setting, and shifting focus to completely different characters with their own unique dynamics.

Most disaster movies in this vein (whether they’re alien-invasion-focused or not) center on survivors. Writer-director ​​Michael Sarnoski tunes in on someone who doesn’t have survival as an option: Sam (Lupita Nyong’o) is in the last weeks of a fatal illness, and when killer aliens start raining from the skies and chumming New York City and anyone in it who makes a noise, it’s barely moving up the time table on her mortality. Sarnoski gives her a perversely meaningless goal — to get across town to her favorite pizza place and enjoy a final slice before she dies — and then spends half the movie on taut, tense alien-stalking scenes, and the rest on exploring why she’s so doggedly determined to do this one last thing before she goes. The focus on her combination of fatalism and obsession makes Day One an indelible story that expands the Quiet Place franchise in the best way possible, without piling on a bunch of extra, unnecessary world-building. —TR

Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool/Wade Wilson and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine/Logan Deadpool and Wolverine. Deadpool has his hands pressed over his mouth humorously, while Wolverine looks tired.

Photo: Jay Maidment/20th Century Studios

Deadpool’s third live-action adventure, and his first under the Disney-Marvel Studios banner, certainly earns high rankings for popularity: It has broken records on its way to the top of the box office. But more significantly for the purposes of this particular ranking, it pushes Deadpool’s story forward, to the extent that anything really means anything in a Deadpool movie. Death certainly doesn’t. It’s possible that MCU canon does. Narrative rigor and character continuity don’t — but who goes to a Deadpool movie for those?

The snark is tamer and less transgressive this time out, but the Deadpool & Wolverine movie is still ambitious about expanding the character’s reach into new arenas, from bringing in the Loki series’ Time Variance Authority as villains to letting him beg for a shot at joining the Avengers. You can really feel producer-star Ryan Reynolds, his co-writers, and director Shawn Levy leveraging the Deadpool franchise’s popularity to get their hands on any property they want, from gleefully defiling the end of 2017’s Logan to lining up cameos designed expressly for in-the-know comics fans. They hop around Marvel movie continuity, grabbing and dropping whatever they want like nerdy magpies, and the movie is more fun for it. Most franchise filmmakers could only dream of this kind of freedom and access. Say what you want about the recent movie-multiverse boom — at least one franchise is just using it to create a bigger, more colorful sandbox. —TR

…Furiosa (Anya Taylor-Joy) in George Miller’s Furiosa

Image: Warner Bros. Entertainment/YouTube

Furiosa is the rare prequel that feels not just equal to the hit movie it’s setting up, but like it adds vital context rather than gilding the lily. Conceived and written at the same time as Max Max: Fury Road so it would be consistent with that film’s story and characterization, Furiosa doesn’t unnecessarily just fill in how-did-this-character-get-here blanks, it tells its own distinct story and answers questions about who Fury Road’s most compelling new character is, and why she’s Max’s equal. More importantly, though, it’s wildly entertaining in its own right. —TR

Lady Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson), cowled and with symbols written across her face in ink, stands in the desert, surrounded by similarly robed figures in Denis Villeneuve’s Dune: Part Two

Photo: Warner Bros. Pictures

The second half (or with luck, middle third) of Denis Villeneuve’s Dune adaptation has an advantage no other movie on this list has: It isn’t just an adjunct to other movies, it’s the vital continuation of an opening-act movie that was mostly setup, building to this payoff.

Even leaving aside the compelling performances and visuals, the epic warfare, and the fascinating shift in perspective — which is to say, leaving aside the fact that it’s one of 2024’s best movies so far Dune: Part Two would top this list purely because it’s an essential part of its franchise’s story. It doesn’t just contribute new things to a franchise, it’s a cornerstone of the story Villeneuve is still hoping he’ll get to tell more of someday. —TR

New debugging and diagnostic features

Debugging and diagnostics are vital skills for any developer, but they can also be difficult and time-consuming to get proficient . That’s why we’ve added some fantastic new features and enhancements to Visual Studio 2022 v17.11 that will help you find and resolve bugs faster and easier than ever before. Here are some of the highlights. Download this update and see the release notes for all the details.


Break on async method exceptions

Debugging asynchronous code, especially in frameworks like ASP.NET, can be tricky due to the potential for exceptions to be thrown across asynchronous boundaries.

Now, with Visual Studio Debugger it automatically breaks when an async Task method throws an exception back to framework code.

AI-generated breakpoint expressions

AI-generated expressions for conditional breakpoints and tracepoints are now supported in C++. GitHub Copilot analyzes your code and offers insightful breakpoint expressions, streamlining your debugging process.

Debug AnyCPU applications manifested to run as arm64

Visual Studio natively supports building and debugging Arm64 apps on Arm-based processors. Unfortunately, applications built with the AnyCPU setting running on an Arm64 machine will default to using x64 emulation. While the capabilities of the x64 emulator have expanded, the most efficient Arm CPU scenarios are supported when applications are running natively.

To better support the intended native behavior the Windows 24H2 update introduces a new <supportedArchitectures> setting for your App manifest files. .NET developers can include a list of supported architectures (amd64 or arm64), explicitly signaling that an application built with the AnyCPU setting should run natively using the Arm64 CLR on Arm64 devices.

Blazor WebAssembly debugging

This release features a preview of the improved debugging experience for Blazor WebAssembly apps targeting .NET 9 or later.

Organize your breakpoints with default breakpoint groups

Breakpoint groups allow you to customize and toggle breakpoints for faster and more effective debugging.

You can now mark the selected breakpoint group as the default, ensuring all newly added breakpoints are automatically included in that group.

Edit and visualize LINQ expressions in the IEnumerable visualizer

The Visual Studio debugger now offers an editable expression feature in the IEnumerable visualizer, a powerful enhancement for developers working with collections.

Improved performance of conditional breakpoints in C++

We have significantly enhanced the performance of conditional breakpoints in C++ through a reworked implementation.

Our initial assessment shows a performance improvement of at least 35% in version 17.10 and 70% in version 17.11, reducing execution time from 80 seconds to 21 seconds over 80,000 iterations.


Keep your target selection in the instrumentation tool between runs

The instrumentation tool now persists the target selection between runs offering a significant benefit by enhancing the continuity of profiling sessions.

With this improvement, you can maintain your specified target across multiple instrumentation runs, removing the need for repetitive selection tasks.

Decompile .NET assemblies

Visual Studio profiler now offers auto-decompilation for .NET libraries in scenarios where source code is unavailable. By automatically decompiling code during source lookup, even without loaded symbols or exact file locations, you can gain insights into the code’s structure and performance issues.

With this new feature, while visualizing a collection or dataset, you can directly edit the expressions textbox on the top of the dialog with your desired LINQ expressions. The visualizer updates in real-time, reflecting the data change resulting from your query.

We hope you enjoy this update to Visual Studio, and we look forward to hearing what you think. You can share feedback with us via Developer Community, by reporting issues via report a problem and share your suggestions for new features or improvements to existing ones.

Stay connected with the Visual Studio team by following us on Twitter @VS_Debugger, Twitter @VisualStudio, YouTube, and LinkedIn and on Microsoft Learn.

Thank you for using Visual Studio and happy coding!

Google stands by its replacement-only option for the Pixel Watch 3

What you need to know

  • Google confirmed in a new report that consumers cannot chase repairment options for the Pixel Watch 3.
  • Users must contact Support for a replacement device and are also encouraged to grab the Preferred Care insurance plan to cover damages.
  • The original Pixel Watch and the Pixel Watch 2 were not offered official Google repair services and a teardown video showcased its self-repair nightmare.

Consumers are still left without proper repair options for Google’s Pixel Watch series — even with the third iteration.

The Pixel Watch 3 offers a unique glass-domed design for its watch face that makes it prone to damage. The folks at Android Authority inquired about repair options for Google’s latest smartwatch, but the answer wasn’t favorable.

Household Binder Printables {110+ Pages}

I used to have to work 80-120 hours a WEEK because I could just never organize my life. As a single mom, I spin a LOT of plates. But I started creating binders when binders weren’t even a thing, and they seriously just changed my life forever! 

Now I’m so organized (I only have to work part-time now because I’m so laser focused). I literally have a binder for everything in my shop and today, you can buy my super popular household binder!

If you’re an organization freak like me who just loves having everything all nice and tidy in one spot, this household binder printables set is for you!

The organization binder printables will organize your life in an incredible way, making sure that you can find and get to your most important information quickly. Because who doesn’t hate paper clutter? And paper clutter seems to be the #1 monster in so many homes.

This home management binder is one great way to tame your clutter. Just grab some baseball card sleeves to store your debit cards, SSN cards or coupons and print out the sheets you need to organize your life!

There are different size spine templates to fit whatever binder size you have on hand…no need to go out and buy another binder. Just use one you already have and you’re good to go.

If you do need a binder, here are the appropriate ones on Amazon:

Being a girl who loves to print printables all day, every day, I need a printer that won’t cost me a fortune. I literally change my ink once every 2-3 months, not kidding. I’ve been through a LOT of printers and this one is, by far, my absolute favorite. 

HP OfficeJet Pro 8620

It has print, scan, fax, copy, and web features. I haven’t used the fax or web portion of it, but for everything else, it does an amazing job for sure!

For paper, I use regular copy paper, however, sometimes I’ll use the thicker cardstock-y paper. Sometimes they have it on Amazon, sometimes not, but it’s the best brand and I only use that one. 

It lasts me a super long time, as I still have 1 3/4 packs left and I last bought it 2 years ago!

For dividers, I actually just use the cardstock-y paper above and put little tabs on the sides. I feel like this is the absolute cheapest way to go and I can customize it how I want.

For a hole punch, I use and love this one (the light turns green so you know you’re lined up properly!)

What Do You Put In A Household Binder?

A household binder should contain categories, sections, and content that matches YOUR exact needs for running a streamlined home. You don’t need to include certain information or categories just because it’s generally what you’d find in a household binder. You want to make it all unique to you. It’s a guide to help your run your home smoothly without the chaos, so it should only contain what you personally need to achieve that. Some ideas for categories you may want to include are: finance, cleaning, goals, meal planning, contacts, children, family, and health.

Be mindful of getting the balance right of how much information you really need to include. If there’s too much unnecessary information then it just becomes overwhelming and hinders the management of your home (plus, you won’t wanna use it; it’ll overwhelm you), and if it hasn’t got enough information then it isn’t going to do it’s job of helping you! It’s a balance.

What Is A Household Binder?

A household binder is a structured and organized way to store all the details and information for your household in the one handy spot. You can have categories for each of the areas that go towards managing and maintaining a well run home, so that you can view any important information and the necessary tasks for each area. If someone needed to step in a help your household for a while, it’d be the go to place to quickly understand what it takes to keep your home running smoothly. It’s essentially your manual for a calm and chaos-free home and family life.

How Do I Make a Household Binder?

If you want to really organize your life so that it’s not spinning and crazy all over the place, here’s what you’ll need!

Naturally, the first thing you’ll need is a binder to house all your content. Next, you’ll need paper to write and organize your information into categories (dividers are all included in my Household Binder, so not to worry! You don’t NEED sheet protectors but they are a great investment to keep your papers safe and it also makes it easier to flick through the binder, so I’d highly recommend.

If you would like a gorgeous ready made household binder with everything you need to manage your home like a boss, my Household Binder here is the perfect solution!

Why Have A Home Binder?

A home binder is the perfect way to collate all important information and tasks into categories to keep your home and family life running like clockwork. It’s a handy place to keep all your household details, tasks, and goals in one place, so everything you need is at your fingertips. Home binders are especially important to have in times of emergency when you need to reference information quickly. As a single mom, I use my household binder weekly to get through life and keep everything systematized and calm. 🙂

Household Binder StarsHousehold Binder Stars

Check out the video below of what categories are included…

This home organizer binder sells (like hotcakes) in my store! Everybody absolutely loves it!! 🙂

Get easy access to the cute home management binder printables here.

Sections in this home binder system include: 


  • 4 pages of decorative spines from 1 to 4 inches
  • Books to Read
  • Movies to Watch
  • Household Projects
  • Password Log
  • Vehicle Maintenance Log
  • To Do List
  • Vehicle Maintenance Log (part 2)


  • Utility Phone Numbers (2 pages)
  • Debt Payment Tracker
  • Bill Payment Tracker
  • Holiday Gift Tracker


  • Emergency Contacts
  • Girl’s Chore Chart
  • Boy’s Chore Chart
  • Child Information
  • Babysitter Information
  • Kid’s Reading Log
  • Kid’s Bucks Prizes (6 pages)
  • School Activities Calendar
  • School Classes and Teacher Information
  • School Information and Contacts
  • School Information
  • School Planner
  • School District Suggested Supply List (2 pages)


  • To Do List
  • Notes
  • Cleaning Supply Shopping List
  • Cleaning Supplies Inventory
  • Cleaning Supplies Review
  • Yearly Cleaning Calendar
  • Family Chore Chart
  • Seasonal Cleaning Checklist
  • Monthly Cleaning Schedule
  • Laundry Symbols Guide
  • Cleaning Tracker
  • Bathrooms Cleaning Checklist
  • Kitchen Cleaning Checklist
  • Bedrooms Cleaning Checklist
  • Living Room Cleaning Checklist
  • Closet Cleaning Checklist
  • Laundry Room Cleaning Checklist
  • Outside Cleaning Checklist
  • Dining Room Cleaning Checklist
  • Entryway and Porch Cleaning Checklist
  • Weekly Cleaning Checklist (2 pages)
  • 30 Day Declutter Challenge (2 pages)
  • Spring Cleaning Checklist (2 pages)
  • Kitchen Cleaning Checklist
  • Laundry Stickers
  • Cleaning Checklist (2 pages room by room)
  • Deep cleaning checklist (2 pages)
  • How to Organize Your Garage on a Budget


  • Emergency Contacts
  • Contacts Information


  • Our Favorite Take-Out Places
  • Family Emergency Plan


  • Weekly Goals
  • Monthly Goals (2 pages)
  • Yearly Goals


  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Medical Information


  • Bible Verses (2 pages)
  • Motivational Quotes (2 pages)
  • Bible Reading Plan (2 pages)

Meal Planning

  • Recipe Cards (5 pages)
  • Food Diary
  • Weekly Meal Plan
  • Grocery List
  • Freezer Inventory List
  • Fridge Inventory List
  • Pantry Inventory List

Special Events

  • Anniversaries and Birthdays
  • Important Dates
  • Party Planner
  • Party Planner Schedule
  • Guest List 
  • To Do List

My Favorite Pages

It’s kind of hard to choose my favorite pages of these home binder printables because they are all helpful, but I do have a few. 🙂

I really like having a printable to keep track of books I want to read and movies I want to see. I love reading, and am always hearing of books I think I really would want to read, but if I don’t write it down, I’ll forget all about it. It’s the same way with movies. Writing things down helps to reduce some of the constant brain clutter!

Household Binder Books to Read and Movies to Watch ImageHousehold Binder Books to Read and Movies to Watch Image

The yearly cleaning list is extremely helpful for reminding me of those things that need to be done regularly, like changing the furnace filter or cleaning out the gutters. All those things that help our homes run more efficiently, but can be easy to forget without a checklist.

Household Binder Yearly Cleaning CalendarHousehold Binder Yearly Cleaning Calendar

Having a family chore chart is another necessity! Am I right!? We certainly can’t do it all as parents, and we need to teach and train our children how to do things because one day they will be out on their own.

Household Binder Family Chore ChartHousehold Binder Family Chore Chart

The cleaning checklists for each room help my kids and me, remember all the items to tackle in each room as we’re cleaning, so nothing gets overlooked. I love these worksheets!

Household Binder Cleaning ChecklistsHousehold Binder Cleaning Checklists

The 30 day declutter list is a wonderful way to get a quick jumpstart on reducing clutter and simplifying things around the house. It’s hard to imagine how much better your home can look and feel in just a month’s time.

Household Binder 30 Day Declutter ChallengeHousehold Binder 30 Day Declutter Challenge

The contact sheets may very well be one of the most important sections of the binder! When there’s an emergency, you certainly don’t want to be floundering about for numbers. And if you’re on the other end of the situation, you want to be reached quickly and efficiently to know what’s going on!

Household Binder ContactsHousehold Binder Contacts

Along those same lines as having emergency numbers ready, is have a family emergency plan ready to go. Unfortunately, many people don’t even think about this until it’s too late, and they’re in a situation where they desperately wished they had been prepared.

Household Binder Family Emergency PlanHousehold Binder Family Emergency Plan

Do you realize how much having goals can change the direction of your life? I’ve heard it said, that if you don’t aim for anything, you’ll hit it every time. Unfortunately, that’s so true. Just think how much more you could get done in a week, a month or year, just by having a list and working towards it. Even if you get derailed at times, you’ll still probably make loads more progress than you would have without having specific goals and aiming for them!

Household Binder GoalsHousehold Binder Goals

Medical information is another item that’s super important to track, whether it’s when you saw a doctor, who you saw, what they said, what medication they prescribed, any allergic reactions you had, etc…

Household Binder Medical InformationHousehold Binder Medical Information

The Bible is where I go to find encouragement and wisdom. That’s why having some of my favorite Bible verses together in the inspirational section is so valuable. When I’m struggling with something or need to be reminded of God’s love, that’s such an essential!

Household Binder Bible VersesHousehold Binder Bible Verses

Even though having a weekly meal plan takes a little time upfront, it ends up saving SO MUCH TIME during the week when things can get a little crazy. I always know what’s for dinner and that I have the groceries on hand to prepare it!

Household Binder Meal PlanHousehold Binder Meal Plan

Also, the freezer inventory list is super helpful because who wants to go digging around in the back or bottom of the freezer just to see what’s available?

Household Binder Freezer Inventory ListHousehold Binder Freezer Inventory List

I love giving gifts, so for me, the anniversaries and birthdays printable is a must-have! I can easily glance at it to remind myself of any upcoming important dates that I cannot forget!  🙂

Household Binder Anniversaries and BirthdaysHousehold Binder Anniversaries and Birthdays


See what others are saying about the binder…

Household Binder ReviewsHousehold Binder Reviews

So there you go! Get yourself more organized than you thought possible! Get your Household Binder here!


Household Binder ImageHousehold Binder Image

16 Best Paper Planners: Weekly, Daily, and Accessories (2024)

Buying a new planner gives me an endorphin rush like no other, whether it’s for a new school semester, work year, or a much-needed fresh start. A good one should help you stay on track without overwhelming you. Some folks on WIRED’s Gear team prefer paper planners over digital tools. Plus, writing things down has the added benefit of improving retention.

There’s no such thing as the best paper planner, but the WIRED staff has tried and tested all kinds of paper planners to bring you the best recommendations for your planner needs. Once you find something that works for you, read our guides on work-from-home gear, the best digital notebooks, and the best laptop backpacks for more.

Updated August 2024: We’ve added Plum Planner as our new pick for parents, added a few more planners to Honorable Mentions, and updated links and details to reflect planners for the new 2024–2025 school year.

Table of Contents

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Weekly Planners

Weekly planners are some of the most popular types of paper planners. They’re great for students, professionals, and parents who need to plan each day but also see the entire week.

No matter how many perfectly adorable planners I try and love, I’ve been repurchasing Happy Planners since 2017—though I’ve switched from a vertical layout to a large dashboard (there is also a horizontal style). These planners have room for organizing work and to-do lists with enough extras for other planning and notes without feeling overwhelmed. The divider pages are cute and sometimes include phrases and quotes, but they aren’t unbearably corny (usually).

The Happy Planner is almost infinitely customizable. Stock and themes fluctuate throughout the year, but in addition to the layouts already mentioned, you can choose between Classic, Skinny Classic, Mini, or Big sizes, and dated or undated pages. There are daily planners, ones tailored to teachers and students, among many others. You can get extension packs to add a few more months or to keep track of things like your budget and fitness goals. If you need it, the Happy Planner probably has it.

If the Happy Planner isn’t for you, you might lean more toward the Erin Condren LifePlanner (ECLP for short). WIRED reviewer Louryn Strampe says it’s the Rolex of paper planners. It’s one of the most popular for weekly-spread enthusiasts, with gorgeous layouts and room for notes or doodles. It’s customizable and there are extra touches, like a storage pocket and snap-in ruler. Together, these features aren’t cheap (or lightweight), but Strampe has used an ECLP for the past three years, and it’s her favorite system of them all (and makes a great gift).

Once you find the size and cover you like, finish designing it with your desired layout—hourly, horizontal, or our favorite, vertical—choose a coil color and internal color scheme, and add your name or quote to the cover. The minimal Focused Planner can’t be personalized as much, but you can add a monogram and choose the coil. A cheaper version is available from Target, but you lose the customization options.

I still have nightmares of being in school and having no idea what or when my next class is. If that’s you, Class Tracker’s first three pages are designated for outlining your semester schedule from Monday to Sunday, 6 am to midnight.

Like most planners, there are monthly calendars, but the weekly pages shine. Each day gets a section for things to remember, tests, papers, or projects due that day, and larger spots for assignments and a daily plan. There’s a Self-Care Corner for non-school things you should focus on and a countdown box for something you’re looking forward to. The only thing I want is tabs to easily sift through months. The planner pictured here is the college version, but there are middle school and high school options.

Great for Business Owners

This planner is hefty, but it’s full of pages for business owners to organize their thoughts and plans along with their weekly tasks (the PA stands for personal assistant). The first section is for filling out your mission and goals, marketing plans, and finances. Each month, you get spaces for goals, projects, and a social media content planner for the next 30 or so days. Then there are weekly overviews like the other planners here, broken down by hours with spots for that day’s goals, and weekly notes and expenses.

There are also little illustrations for tracking water intake and minutes of meditation and exercise. At the end of each week, a weekly review section gives you space for achievements or misses, sales, and subscribers, plus a brainstorming space for the following week.

There are a lot of quirky planners, but might be my favorite. It’s the cool aunt of the planner world. The art and included stickers are incredible—cowboy boots and opossums? Yes, please. Plus the calendars list important dates like Dolly Parton’s birthday (January 19). The weekly layout has enough room for daily planning, and you’ll get fun extras like note pages and a paper fortune teller template. recently dropped updated 17-month academic planners starting in August 2024 through all of 2025, and new 12-month planners ($28) are available for 2025. In both versions you’ll find meal planner and notes pages for each month, and a fun overview section for the year at the front of the planner. There are also undated ($25) versions if you want full date flexibility.

Former WIRED senior writer Maryn McKenna prefers the Moleskine Pro Weekly Vertical, which is a notebook planner hybrid. The left page has blank lines, and the right is divided into sections for projects, status, and a classic to-do list. Weekly pages break down days by the hour, and blank check box pages let you plan elaborate arrangements of daily and category to-dos. McKenna says she feels like she has accomplished something before she even starts ticking off tasks.

Several members of our team like Blue Sky. Its affordable planners give you space to jot down tasks without cluttering up the page. They’re also a good size—much easier to tote around than some on this list. As with the Happy Planner, you can find different layouts, sizes, and formats to suit you, and there’s a collaboration with Day Designer, another favorite of ours. One thing I like about this collab with One Tree Planted is that the planner is sustainably made and recyclable. The cover is durable and has a nice texture to it, plus there’s no plastic coating (not even on the month tabs!).

Brass Monkey makes fun tchotchkes like games and office goods, and its planners are as snarky as the rest of its lineup. Each week includes dates, so you have to fill in the year and check off which day of the week it is. I like that better than having to fill out everything myself. It offers fun facts like two pop culture birthdays and an “on this day” note, and it keeps you on top of what national day you should be celebrating—like how October 8 is National Pierogi Day. You’ll either like or dislike how compact the pages are, and while the text and lines could stand to be darker, the fun and quirky extras make up for it.

Daily Planners

If your schedule is particularly busy and you need to plan each day rather than weeks as a whole, daily planners might be a better fit. They often give each day its own page, organized by hours.

If you need a detailed checklist for each day, get the Day Designer. Each page is divided into a schedule from 5 am to 9 pm to outline meetings or appointments and a to-do list, making it easier to keep track of assignments and other tasks. The top of each day page has a box for planning dinner and keeping track of bills due that day, plus your top three tasks of the day. There’s a notes area at the bottom too.

It’s big—something I prefer in a planner so I never have to cram stuff in the corners—so you might not want to lug it around, but if you can keep it at your desk, you’ll benefit from its organization. Also, it arrives in a nice box, making the entire thing feel like a fancy little ritual.

I tried to switch to daily checklists to keep myself more organized. Ultimately, my brain needed a weekly overview. If I wanted to plan each day though, I’d use the undated Hot Minute Planner. It’s pink and cheeky, with hearts instead of dots for the to-do list, which makes me feel like Cher Horowitz from Clueless. There are spots for your skin-care routine, intentions, workouts, books, music, and weekly goals. Its cover also just speaks to me. Sometimes you just need a minute. Like the Brass Monkey planner, the pink could be a little darker. If the room isn’t bright, you have to squint. It’s currently sold out, but you can sign up to get an email when it’s back in stock.

Even second-graders need (or want) to remember things! WIRED reviewer Adrienne So wanted something cheap for her kids and didn’t just want a notebook they’d fill with drawings. This Daily Checklist fits the bill. There are included to-dos like brushing teeth and making the bed, with extra lines for items to be written in. There are a few other prompts for them too. It’s sturdy and has held up under aggressively rough treatment in her kids’ backpacks.

As a parent, there are a lot of schedules and people you’re trying to keep track of. Plum Paper’s Customizable Planners have a few different layouts to choose from, but the Vertical Priorities layout is particularly great for parents. Vertical Priorities lets you customize two priority sections at the top of each day of the week, so WIRED reviewer Nena Farrell made one of her sections for her son to track things like his appointments, play dates, and which days she was on daycare drop-off. You could have one section labeled for all your kids, or one section for each kid if you have two. Plum Paper also has a few parenting-themed add-ons, like baby tracking pages for $6 to track different milestones and memories, though they’re designed for that first year rather than for toddlers and older kids. There are sticker sets ($5) you can add on too, and I liked making custom stickers that said things like “Play Date” and “Appointment.” Plus, you’re able to start the planner at whatever month you want—perfect for scatterbrained parents who might not remember to order one in time for the new year.

Several WIRED staffers recommend the Hobonichi Techo (Japanese for “planner”). WIRED reviewer Adrienne So says it’s the perfect size—small enough to fit in a bag and hold information but also able to lie flat on a desk. There is a monthly overview and then a page for each day, along with a quote that manages to be thought-provoking without being too trite. The cover is a distinctive black, stamped with gold foil and it comes with a wide variety of cute accessories.

Papier has incredible cover design options to match nearly any style or mood. For layouts, I like the undated Daily Productivity planner best. Each week has a box per day, lines for notes, areas for three priorities, a long to-do list, and a habit tracker. Plus, there’s a meal planner and shopping list for every week. There are also a few pages dedicated to outlining each day’s schedule. I didn’t need these pages as much during my usual week, but people with rotating weekly schedules might appreciate it.

I don’t like the layout of Papier’s yearly planners which feature all the month calendars first, then an overview for each month with goals and to-do lists, and then the weeks. This kind of scramble doesn’t work for my brain. But Papier is the only brand I found that lets you scroll through every single page before you buy. I’m so specific about what I like and need, this should be standard.


Not everyone needs or wants a rigid planner. If you just need daily to-do lists or are a fan of bullet journals, consider getting a great notebook instead.

“Planners should transform according to the shape of your life,” former WIRED reviewer Pia Ceres says. For her, that means using a dotted notebook. This single notebook can be used for class schedules, daily planners, to-do lists, and angsty diaries. She says dots are the perfect medium between the limitations of lines and the void of blank paper. It’s just structured enough to let you draw the calendars and lists you need—then remake them when life inevitably upends itself again. Muji’s notebook has a durable cover to withstand book bags and coffee spills. If you have a Muji store near you, you may be able to find one for cheaper.

Former WIRED reviewer Jaina Grey opts for a plain lined notebook. After trying dozens, her favorite is the Midori MD Notebook with paper made from cotton pulp (just like money!). Grey says there’s just something meditative about turning over a blank page at the beginning of each week and carefully jotting down her schedule, plans, and workload. No missed days to make you feel guilty. Midori’s notebooks are designed to fit inside notebook or journal covers (which you can find all over Etsy). The pages are a subtle off-white and have a weight and texture that draws you in. The soft cotton paper makes drawing, sketching, and plain old writing an absolute joy.

Miquelrius notebooks are my all-time favorite. The paper feels like velvet. I want to make bedsheets out of it and sleep between them all day. Writing on it is smooth and satisfying. These notebooks are also divided using different color strips down the edge if you want to break up each color by use (be it classes, projects, or kid schedules). They used to be available in stores like Target in tons of different sizes, but they’ve become harder to find. However, is usually reliable (, on the other hand, doesn’t have anything for sale). Amazon typically has a few options too, though sometimes only available through third-party sellers at a higher price. If you can find them, they’re the best I’ve ever used.

A paper planner open and laying flat on a white surface the pages showing notes for August by month week and day

Photograph: Nena Farrell

  • Laurel Denise Horizontal Weekly Edition for $59: I’ve never seen a planner designed like this. It’s wider than a traditional planner, and the left side is for laying out the month—it’s undated—while the right has a spot for the month’s to-dos and a dotted area for whatever else. In the middle are five half-pages for organizing each specific week. You turn the week page and still get to see everything else you already wrote for the month.
  • Levenger Circa smartPlanner Weekly Agenda for $59: This is another solid weekly planner with little frills. If you just need lines and days, this is your match. The brand also sells a leather folio for the planner, which looks very professional but is pricey.
  • Artful Agenda for $40 (per year): If you wish you could add stickers to your Google Calendar, this is the tool for you. This isn’t a paper planner, but it turns your digital calendars into the paper planner experience. There are both monthly and weekly views, plus an area for lists, and tons of stickers you can add. Some stickers you need to buy on top of the annual membership, but lots are included, and the included stickers have a ton of variety.
  • Happy Planner Undated Wedding Planner for $35: This undated 12-month planner reminds me of other wedding planners I’ve tried, but the Happy Planner style rings make it a little more compact than the classic binder. It also has a nice combination of writing and planning space, along with various guidance, checklists, and organized tabs.
  • Blue Sky Monthly Planner for $13: This is the only monthly planner we tried, though many of our favorite brands have monthly versions. They work for folks who want a broad overview of tracking tasks or appointments. Blue Sky’s planners are affordable and unburdened by extra junk—we recommend a weekly version above. Each day of the month has a few lines for jotting down multiple bullet points, and there’s a notes section for anything that would require more writing room. The yearly overview lets you track from an eagle-eyed perspective.

WIRED reviewer Scott Gilbertson says he doesn’t use a planner, but each day he writes down the handful of things he’s going to do on a single 3-by-5 index card. The index card with this to-do list lives in his pocket, along with a small notebook in which he jots down notes throughout the day—often the source of the following day’s to-do list. The notebook and index cards fit inside this very cool waxed canvas notebook cover. Gilbertson says he copied this system from one of the most successful people he has known, and after nearly 20 years, it’s still better for him than any other system he’s tried. It’s cheap, lightweight, and easy to manage.

If You Can’t Give Up Digital

If you’re reading this guide, you probably are a pen-and-paper person, but sometimes going digital is more convenient. A good digital planner can complement your analog one instead of replacing it. Notion is a multipurpose productivity tool with tons of powerful and customizable features. WIRED reviewer Louryn Strampe uses it as an endless to-do list, with tasks separated into categories like Work and Long-Term Goals, but it can be used as a team database, a budget spreadsheet, a habit tracker, and more. There are tons of templates to choose from, including planners that range from monthly at-a-glance views to granular hour-by-hour days. It even syncs across devices. The best part? It’s free.

planner and accessories

Photograph: Getty Images

Maybe all you need is paper and a good pen and you’re good to go. But we like to get creative. Stickers are a popular accessory, and they’re a delightful slippery slope. Once you make your first “spread” (a collection of themed stickers on a planner page, similar to a scrapbook), you will never go back. Etsy is the central hub of planner stickers. You can order printed stickers or buy digital files and print and cut them yourself. You can also opt for a full kit (an entire spread’s worth of stickers) or just the individual components you like the most.